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Chapter 1100 65 Chapter 7 Martial Tree

“How could this be!”

Elder, Disciple, and so on of Three Great Influences, their faces changed slightly.

You know, even though Qin Nan has 4 Martial Trees, he can only say that his Martial Ancestor is very powerful and extremely powerful. However, the pitch-black field that Qin Nan just showed, and the current speed, are very scary Emperor Techniques, the formidable power that can only be possessed.

This Qin Nan, killing move is more than just 4 Martial Trees.

“What are you still doing? Continue, he is a native of the Central Region, a powerful Emperor Technique, not much!”

The Purple Gold Robe old man and the other 2 Grand Elder both shouted at the same time.

From among the Three Great Influences, 3 more geniuses flew out of it.

These three geniuses know that the destructive power of the 3 Martial Trees is extremely horrible. Qin Nan ’s itself and the powerful Emperor Technique guardian are difficult to break, and the speed is wonderfully quick. So when they came up, they communicated their spiritual thoughts and urged them. An ancient Emperor Technique, spurting out the luster of one after another, enveloping Qin Nan.

This is the Emperor Technique 10-layer illusion.

They believe that only fantasy can stun Qin Nan, and make Qin Nan’s strong body unable to exert the greatest advantage.


After seeing the 10-layer fantasy, after 5 full breaths, there was no movement. The 3 faces were happy, and their bodies quickly approached. The magic seal burst out, ready to perform a violent attack, and destroy them together with the fantasy. .

However, at this moment, accompanied by a bang, 4 War God Trees suddenly flew out of them, and at an alarming speed, the strikes were on 3 disciples.

Qin Nan expressionless, with hair flying, left pupil flashing light purple light, stepping out step by step.

The three disciples did not understand that except for their severe pain and flying backwards, in front of the War God left pupil, performing a fantasy, it was no different from sending death.

“Continue to me!”

3 Grand Elder forehead blue veins suddenly palpitates, his fists clenched tightly and growled low.

From Three Great Influences, 3 long rainbow thread and break out at the same time!

Fight and start again!

The roar of one after another is also heard throughout the training field!

Time passed slowly until 3000 breaths later, accompanied by a horrible blade aura like Heavens Desolation. When three disciples were seriously injured, it was not only the Elder and discipline of Three Great Influences, but even the entire Central. Everyone in the Region couldn’t help taking a breather!

Until now, Qin Nan has defeated a total of ten disciples!

In these 8 battles, in addition to the horrible destructive power of 4 Martial Trees, Qin Nan has also shown other powerful powers, such as Qin Nan’s speed, Qin Nan’s pump technique, and Qin Nan’s blade intent. And the left arm of Qin Nan Mysterious, and the right arm that can deter magic treasure!

From these things displayed by Qin Nan, any single pick is considered a horrible killing move, some disciples’ cards!

“This is the real genius, not just the cultivation level, beyond the rules of martial arts. His other aspects are very powerful and make people feel like a Great Mountain that cannot be crossed …” The Great Great Emperor couldn’t help whispering to himself.

Because he faintly, in Qin Nan, he saw a faintly discernable invincibility.

Qin Nan’s toes fell to the ground, and a fine layer of sweat emerged from his forehead. His breathing was quicker than before, but his eyes were still sharp and moved towards Three Great Influences.

He didn’t speak, but the meaning was already very obvious.

Continue sending people and continue to fight.

“No, he only has 4 Martial Trees, at most the power of Equivalent to 7 Martial Ancestor peak Martial Ancestor. He has gone through the whole shooting range battle and has shown that many powerful Emperor Techniques, without the power of the body. A lot, became an arrow at the end of its flight! That being the case … “

In the eyes of the old man in the purple color robe, a sense of serenity was revealed.

“Everyone has listened. Now Qin Nan belongs to an arrow at the end of its flight, and there is not much power left, so we will take him by surprise and shoot together to perform the strongest killing move. Let Qin Nan go to hell! “

As soon as this spiritual thought came out, the other two Elders stunned, and immediately flashed the sperm light in their eyes, heavily nodded, and moved towards their respective disciplines, and issued orders.

This plan can definitely succeed.

“en? What?”

Qin Nan raised an eyebrow.

The Great Emperor, Elder, disciple present were also frowned. What are these Three Great Influences honouring?

Are you afraid?

However, it is at this moment.

Whiz whiz whiz !

A series of sky-splitting sounds started!

Among the Three Great Influences, in addition to Sheng Tianjing, there are a total of ten disciples, which turned out at the same time, bursting into a powerful momentum, and the magic seal in his hand continued to be formed and fluctuated. Got one after another scary aura!


“What do you want to do?”

“Great courage!”

On the entire training field, the one-bit Great Emperor reacted instantly, stood up, and exuded a vast emperor’s prestige!

Others were also full of anger, didn’t expect Three Great Influences, and actually played this hand.

“Hahaha, what do we call shameless? Qin Nan said before that he wants to be alone and challenge all of the three Great Influences’ Disciple Ah! We are now ten or seven people doing it without breaking the rule Ah!” and the others, all laughed.

The Great Emperor, and others present, heard this, and his face was even more angry.

This group of Three Great Influences is so shameless!

Although Qin Nan said that let the Disciple of Three Great Influences come together, but later, the people of Three Great Influences did not agree with themselves, they wanted to go round in 3 rounds, and now suddenly change the lord intent, how couldn’t it be shameless?

The plot of Three Great Influences must not be allowed to succeed!

Not far away, the Black Emperor Great Emperor, seeing the expressions of many Great Emperor, within the body of emperor’s prestige, rising up, is brewing!

Because the Three Great Influences people had long expected that the presence of the Great Emperor will be shot, so he and the black pupil Great Emperor sound transmission, so that the black pupil Great Emperor, block everyone 5 breaths!

As long as it took five breaths and the Great Emperor wanted to step in, it was too late.

However, no one expected that a loud laughter rang through the sky suddenly.


The person who made this laugh was simply Qin Nan.

The Elder’s face of Three Great Influences is frozen, and the Great Emperor present is also stunned.

It’s this time, what else is Qin Nan laughing?

“It should have been this way, all of them came together, three and three, what’s the point of that? Martial Tree, release!”

Qin Nan’s smile slowly converged. Looking at the ten disciple, he did not retreat. He was like an arrow off the string and rushed away.

Hong long!

Behind him, there are 3 more War God Trees, soaring into the sky, emitting an incomparable fighting intent.

In an instant, there are 7 War God Trees, just like 7 extraterrestrial meteorites, passing through the void, falling together, magnificent, like the same ancient Divine Mountain.

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