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Chapter 1100 64 Defeat the audience

All the Great Emperor, Elder, disciple in the audience at this moment are all came back to his senses.

“His! 4 Martial Trees!”

“Heavens! Qin Nan actually has 4 Martial Trees!”

“No wonder Senior Brother told me that even Shi Qingfan is not as good as Qin Nan!”

“Fuck!! Qin Nan even surpassed the rules of martial arts?”

One after another startled.

Because their minds are not completely calm.

You know, Demigod’s Country Sheng Tianjing and the others, surpassed the rules of martial arts. Although it brought them a great shock, they can also accept it, but Qin Nan is different. Qin Nan is just a Cultivator that’s from the Eastern Region. all.

Where is the Eastern Region?

In the eyes of Cultivator in the Central Region, the Eastern Region is like the Barbarian Desolate Land, and doesn’t even want to go.

In contrast, the group of Elders and disciplines from Three Great Influences, in addition to being shocked, also felt like they were beaten by countless slaps, and their faces were hot and painful.

Because they have mocked Qin Nan before, they don’t take Qin Nan into their eyes at all.

But now?

If it is really compared, the gap between them and Qin Nan is like heaven and earth!

“Hahaha! 4 Martial Trees! Qin Nan, the martial arts rule you transcended is actually 4 Martial Trees! What’s more, you are not a Great Emperor!”

Unlike those of Three Great Influences, Sheng Tianjing’s heart raised a huge joy.

From the beginning, he just wanted to know who the Central Region was, beyond the rules of martial arts.

But now, a more crazy idea came to his mind.

If you know how Qin Nan surpasses the martial arts rules, then in addition to his 3 Martial Spirits, how couldn’t it be that he can also make his cultivation level go beyond the martial arts rules?

If this is successful, he will have 2 places, both of which have surpassed the rules of martial arts and reached an incredible situation, which will inevitably become the number one genius of the entire Cang Lan Continent.

Even the Empress who was 8,000 years old is definitely not as good as him.

“What? No more talking? Haven’t you been very arrogant in your previous attitude? Now could it be that already counseled? It doesn’t matter, everything I said before is all valid, you can come up together for Life and Death Battle ! “

Qin Nan moved towards Three Great Influences and the others, step by step, eyes like a knife, momentum like a rainbow.


The Elders and disciplines of Three Great Influences were all taken by this momentum. For a moment, no one answered.

However, these people, after all, are the people of Demigod’s Country Three Great Influences. Their knowledge and so on have long reached a very high level, so they are calm again soon.

“Huh, Qin Nan, I have to admit that you are very strong, and you are alone. No one is your opponent. But you are too arrogant, but it is 4 Martial Trees. It is not really invincible. Challenging us all? It ’s a dream! ”The purple color robe old man, gloomy face, said:“ Everyone listen to me. We have three disciples in a group, and one group of them is enough to kill him alive! ”

With this remark, the geniuses of Three Great Influences were refreshed physically and mentally, and a new flame ignited in their eyes.

Yes, Elder is right. Qin Nan just surpassed the rules of martial arts and has 4 Martial Trees. They are not truly invincible. They may not be defeated.

You know, there are more than 20 of them in the presence of Disciples. Three of them are playing together, and they will be able to defeat Qin Nan.

“I come!”

“Qin Nan! Give me madness! Let me see you today, what is a God List genius!”

“Hmph! Don’t think that you have surpassed the martial arts rules, it is invincible in the whole world!”

in an instant, accompanied by 3 drinking cues, from Southern Heaven Divine Land, Jade Lake Sacred Land, and Martial Dao Sect, each has a discipline, soaring into the sky, carrying a completely different, magnificent momentum, moved towards Qin Nan kill directly!

The Great Emperor, Elder, and disciplines of the audience changed a little, and their fists clenched subconsciously!

Qin Nan’s strength is undoubtedly strong, but if the disciples of this group of Demigod’s Country come up together to engage in wheel warfare, then the result may not be guaranteed!

“Let ’s go together? Then you guys, the final result is the same anyway!”

Qin Nan expressionless, body suddenly changed!


The 4 War God Phenomenon Martial Trees are like 4 expanses of Taikoo Giant Mountain, moved towards the 3 disciples, suddenly killed!

Unexpectedly, the three disciples suddenly showed a weird smile, and their figure suddenly disappeared in place. After the next moment, the figure of their three people came to all directions of Qin Nan. killing move, moved towards Qin Nan’s figure, take a picture directly!

It turned out that the figure they rushed in just now was just a bait!

Qin Nan’s face remained unchanged. From him, a black light was released, covering the four sides!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of blasts sounded, and the entire Destruction Domain was covered with cracks of one after another, but still not broken, and these killing moves were carried forcibly!

“this is……”

In the eyes of the three disciples, they were shocked.

What is this Emperor Technique that can actually block the killing move of their three people at the same time?

“Give me broken!”

Qin Nan yelled, 4 Martial Trees, flew in, and hammered into the chests of the 3 disciples.

I heard only a loud noise and a scream. The three disciples’ shapes suddenly flew backwards, hitting the edge of the training field, covered with blood.

As a result of this blow, their skeleton meridian, etc., have all broken down and become semi-abandoned people.

“Can’t give him time to recover, everyone goes on!”

Purple color robe old man, and 2 other Elder, reacted at the same time, and yelled.

Whiz whiz whiz !

There are 3 disciples flying from Three Great Influences, but they are different from the Shanghai wave people. As soon as they come up, they are directly suspended in the 3 directions of Qin Nan, and everyone is very far away from Qin Nan!

Three disciple spiritual thoughts communicated, and the lord intent was set in their hearts, and they quickly flashed around Qin Nan. Their hands suddenly formed a magic seal of a door, and a long-distance Emperor Technique. Gone moving towards Qin Nan!

This put Qin Nan in a dilemma. He concentrated and dealt with any one of them, and he would be hit by the other 2 parties!

“Want to extend the distance?”

Qin Nan sneered, with a snoring sound, his body turned into an afterimage. Within a short breath, he came to one of the disciples, like a ghost and god came.


The disciple opened his eyes wide and full of shock.

It’s just that he hasn’t finished speaking yet. The 4 Martial Trees, dropping from the sky, all hit him in the chest, hitting his figure and flying directly.

The other 2 complex complex changed, and a huge sense of crisis rose up in their hearts, but Qin Nan’s body was like a ghost, like Golden Wings Great Peng. No matter how they fled and flew, Qin Nan had Shadow Chase.

Until the end, Qin Nan seized the opportunity, the War God Tree fell simultaneously, shattered the Emperor Technique of the door, etc., and struck the strikes on them.

“Keep coming!”

Qin Nan’s stature stopped and he stood up, indifferently said.

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