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Chapter 1001 Immortal Demon Cave

Only when I saw the depths of the sky that day, there were ten red lights across, like a meteor passing quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they disappeared and disappeared.

“There must be something in that direction.” Chen Buhui opened the mouth and said.

Entering the tomb of Demigod, there is no hint. Now the red light appears, apparently what the tomb Master did before his death.

Qin Nan nodded, with everyone, flew towards the sky.

After flying more than 100 miles, Qin Nan’s brows frowned slightly, and after flying more than 700 miles, his feet stopped.

“I don’t regret, do you think that there were more than a hundred miles ago, and to this place where we are now, everything in this range is a bit weird?” Qin Nan Asking Dao.

“Strange? You say that, it really does.” Chen Buhui closed his eyes and thought.

“Look at it from high altitude!”

Qin Nan was a bit on the toes and rushed towards the sky. After flying for more than 100 miles, he stopped his body and mind and looked down.

“War God left pupil, drive!”

In Qin Nan’s left eye, an amazing purple light flickered.

In this regard, it is indeed the case. The mountains, rivers, etc., which are more than 800 miles away, have become blurred. They have an intangible force that covers them, making it impossible to see the true colors.


With a wave of Qin Nan’s arm, blade aura swung across the sky, chopping this invisible force into pieces, revealing the true face of the land below.

“This … is a map?”

Qin Nan’s eyes were surprised.

The directions of these mountain ranges, trees, rivers, etc., are a map that corresponds to three locations, respectively.

“Map?” Chen Buhui and the others also froze.

“You three, run the formation and see, east, south, north, which way we are suitable to go.” Qin Nan remembered the map in his mind and said.

Two dogs and a mouse immediately started bouncing, making Chen Buhui even more confused.

“Young Master, let’s go to the east. The south and the north are particularly dangerous. Although the east is also dangerous, it seems to have great benefits and good fortunes.” 2 The dog was serious.

Chen Buhui was shocked.

This two-looking two dogs and a mouse aren’t good-looking.

“Master, this space is very vast. Since this 800 square meters is a one piece of map, it means that there are maps in other places …” Xiao Hong, the skull, suddenly said.

Qin Nan nodded.

After Xiao Hong’s reminder, he understood it. The ten red lights just appeared, simply is a silver, attracting the geniuses present to move towards the sky. During the flight, he will find out the map.

“Let’s go to the East,” Qin Nan said immediately.

Then in the next flight, Qin Nan discovered the second map and the third map, but according to the deduction of two dogs and a mouse, these places are not as good as the one piece of map.

After flying for 3 full hours, a huge mountain range emerged in the eyes of Qin Nan and the others.

From time to time in the mountains, some kind of horrible Monster Beast roared.

“En? Martial Ancestor 8-layer Monster Ancestor? This mountain range is a bit difficult, you all follow me …”

Qin Nan opened the mouth and said.

At this time, Chen Buhui folded his hands, his mouth mutter incantations, and a buddha light shrouded the crowd, making everyone’s aura as if it were empty.

Perceiving everyone’s eyes, Chen Buhui’s face flushed, and then he said, “Cough, I like the martial skill, so I learned a lot of hidden methods in Bodhi Temple.”

two dogs and a mouse hearing this cast a disdainful look.

The bald donkey was apparently prepared for robbery.

Everyone sneaked into the mountain range. With the help of the left pupil and buddha light, they didn’t encounter any Monster Beast, and they were all smooth.

Qin Nan suddenly step one stopped and whispered, “It’s within the valley.”

Using his left pupil, he saw a terrifying Mysterious aura from the valley just now.

The crowd moved forward slowly, until they sank into the valley and saw the source of the aura.

This is a caver, cave’s mouth is not big, about 5 feet tall, but at the entrance of this cave, there is a pile of Monster Beast corpses, each Monster Beast has some kind of sharp blade, all split up and in pieces, blood spilled all over around, very miserable.

“Amitabha.” Chen Buhui folded her hands.

“Come with me, don’t follow the wrong steps.”

Qin Nan said solemnly, climbing his fighting intent, pushing the left pupil to the limit.

These Monster Beasts were banned from cave’s mouth. With the left pupil, there is not much problem.

Qin Nan then led the crowd into this cavern, and banned those, one after another, without any danger.

Chen Buhui watched secretly, the longer he got in touch with Qin Nan, the more he realized that Qin Nan’s method was simply unfathomable.

The inside of the cave was dark, and from time to time there was a strong wind blowing out the sound of wu wu, like a ghost.

When walking to half, the temperature inside the cave suddenly dropped, like stepping into the country of ice and snow.

“There is light,” said Budha light in Chen Buhui’s eyes, surprised.

Qin Nan expression remained the same, and continued to move towards the light source, but for a long time, everything in front of him suddenly opened up and a palace inside the cave appeared.

Inside the palace is a huge scroll with only three large characters on it.

Immortal Demon Cave!

“Is this Immortal Demon Cave? Cut, the name is quite domineering, my Young Master cracked it with a little trick …” 2 dog twisted his lips.

However, they were tone barely fell, and the three large words of Immortal Demon Cave suddenly burst into intense light.

Hong long!

The ancient silhouettes one after another came out of that painting, rushed with amazing murderous intention, moved towards Qin Nan and the others, hiding the sky and covering the earth, and in the blink of an eye, formed a torrent of terror.

“Fuck!!” 2 The dog almost knelt when scared.

Qin Nan complexion slightly changed.

These things are the will in the painting. He dealt with these guys alone without any problems, but the skeleton Xiao Hong and two dogs and a mouse will probably suffer.

“One Sha, One World, One Leaf, One Bodhi … Life is in a hurry, what are the remaining thoughts … Putting down the butcher knife in your hand is also letting go of the mind, if you do not persist, you will become a Buddha …” At this time Chen Buhui suddenly Sitting cross-legged, with mutter incantations in his mouth, he held a bead of flashing buddha light in his hands.


In front of everyone, it seemed as if a void barrier had been opened.

Even with these thoughts and crazy impact, we cannot shake the slightest.

On the contrary, with Chen Buhui’s voice, one after another’s buddha light is getting bigger and bigger, sweeping forward, it is these silhouettes that have been resolved.

After dozens of breaths, the thoughts were all thoroughly.


The buddha beads in Chen Buhui’s hands also exploded. There was no distress on his face, but his hands were folded together, and Amitabha was missed.

“Thanks,” Qin Nan whispered, and then glanced at the 2 dogs.

“Grandmaster, many thanks!” 2 The dog eagerly ran over to Archclaw.

“Everyone, don’t be polite.” Chen Buhui said with a smile: “It’s just a string of life-saving beads. I still have dozens of strings here … uh.”

Qin Nan and the others jerked for a moment, then moved towards the cave and looked.


The person who made the sound was actually the skeleton Xiao Hong.

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