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Chapter 1000 Mysterious Powerhouse

“what happened?”

The Grand Elder and all the geniuses present were all simultaneously changed their faces.

This trip to the Demigod’s Tomb was agreed by all the 2-Star forces together, and they vowed a Heaven and Earth vow. Why is anyone here now? Could it be that Is there a means of exerting power, breaking the vow?

When they were puzzled, the big ship had disappeared.


Hua Lie reacted, shouted loudly, and Grand Elders squeezed out the magic seal one by one to increase the speed of this Sorrowless Ship even faster.

As for the other geniuses, it’s brows tightly frowns.

“The four guys just now …”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the giant dragon ship was extremely fast, through the glance of the War God left pupil, he still saw the four silhouettes standing on the ship.

There are 3 people who he knows very well. They are the three emperors of Huo Wulong in Bright and Upright Ancient City.

As for the other young man, the momentum emanating from his body is far more horrible than Dao Qianzhong, and even stronger than Enchantress. Obviously, it is not the genius of the Central Region Emperor’s List.

“Could it be that Three Great Emperor’s child, join forces with the God List genius of Demigod’s Country?”

A thought flashed through Qin Nan’s head, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

This trip to Demigod’s tomb is getting more and more interesting.

Until a few hundred breaths passed, in this deep sea, a bronze ancient gate of long to reach hundred zhang appeared, with numerous Fiendgod illusory shadows engraved on it, and a white light flashing in the middle.

“I’m afraid the people of that huge ship have already entered the tomb of Demigod. Don’t delay time, please step in quickly!” Hua Lie shouted loudly.

Whiz whiz whiz !

Dao Qianzhong, Hua Dichen, and the genius of each of the major forces, quickly shot, rolled up a monstrous storm, and entered the white light.

“let’s go.”

Qin Nan glanced at Chen Buhui, flickered, followed closely from behind.

When the disciple was gone, Grand Elder of Fallen Demon Villa said, “I have given sound transmission to the owner. This time, someone breaks in. The owner must check it!”

“I also notified Sect Master.”

“Strict investigation is necessary!”

Many Elder said simultaneously, his face was very angry.

It’s as if the big ship that came in suddenly has nothing to do with them.

Meanwhile, the bronze ancient gate is inside.

As soon as Qin Nan stepped in, he was sucked into a vortex-like Mysterious force and pulled to a place.

“En? Everyone’s position is random?”

Qin Nan eyes opened.

I just saw him in front of a battlefield. I do n’t know how many years have passed. It is very barren. There is no silhouette and no spiritual energy fluctuations.

“Qin Nan Young Master, Qin Nan Young Master …”

Two dogs and a mouse screamed loudly.

Qin Nan immediately communicated the Xumi Storage Ring and released the two dogs and a mouse and the skeleton Xiao Hong.

“Well, are you in Demigod’s graveyard?” Xiao Hong, the skeleton, looked all around.

“You know this graveyard master?” Qin Nan the eyes shines.

“I don’t know.” Skeleton Xiao Hong poured cold water, and said, “I just noticed Deurago’s aura.”

“Holy shit! Ah! Young Master, Demigod’s Tomb, is this a big ticket? Wait, Young Master, now I’m going to cast a spell and see where we are going …”

2 The dog’s eyes light up, and even the Heavens Secret Mouse is excited.

After a strange and weird dance, the 2 dogs immediately pointed to the left and looked forward.

“Young Master, go to the left and you will definitely get something.”

Qin Nan nodded, with them, moved towards the left and flew to the left, and his brow frowned tightly during the flight.

According to common sense, this Demigod’s tomb opens. It should be the Demigod Powerhouse in his lifetime. He wants to leave inheritance and look for Successor.

Why now, after stepping into the bronze ancient gate, there are no clues of value?

could it be that let all the geniuses explore by means of luck?


Qin Nan step one stopped, looked towards the front.

At this time, their bodies had crossed the battlefield and arrived in a forest. In a remote part of the forest, there was a small pond with red water. The immortal energy radiated from it was very strong.

This is the Immortal Spirit Pond. Every drop of immortal spirit water is very precious. It will not be of little benefit if you take it.

“Young Master, look …” Two dogs and a mouse rose to be cocky at the same time.

“These three guys, capability is indeed good.” Qin Nan laughed, injecting a ray of Primordial Chaos Energy, and said, “This Immortal Spirit Pond, let’s divide it.”

He then waved his hands, and Immortal Spirit Pond was divided into four.

“All around is unmanned, just to absorb it.”

Qin Nan opened his mouth and drank this immortal spirit water into his stomach. The surging Qi of Immortal Spirit immediately exploded, nourishing his whole body, and also made the 9 Martial Trees within the body begin to shine rays of light. Branches and leaves grow.

“Young Master, we continued Ah!” The two dogs and a mouse were not taken, but instead they looked like chicken blood, provocatively looked at the skeleton Xiao Hong, and cast again.

“Wait.” Qin Nan said suddenly.

He just saw through the left pupil that there are 2 more silhouettes in the woods ahead.

The former person is a genius from the Limitless God Union. The cultivation level is not very high, only Martial Ancestor 7-layer. As for the latter person, it is Chen Buhui.

“Qin Nan?” The genius of Limitless God Union, soon found the silhouette of Qin Nan, hesitated slightly, and then said with a sneer: “Give everything out of you, otherwise, I can’t spare today … … “

Qin Nan is preparing to take a shot, and suddenly the weird expression changes.

“En? What’s your expression? I tell you, I’m the Direct Disciple of Limitless God Union, you better give me-Ah!”

Suddenly this talent’s eyes were round and his face fainted unbelievably.

Both dogs and a mouse were taken aback by his screams, and looked up, even more terrified.

I can only see Chen Buhui holding a big buddha light stick, standing behind this talent.

It turned out that Qin Nan just saw that Chen Buhui ran some powerful technique of concealmentment, followed behind this talent, and saw Chen Buhui take out the stick, so Qin Nan expression was weird.

“Amitabha, good and good, Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, I just found your place through Token. When I came here, I just saw him yelling at you …”

Chen Buhui put his palm in one hand, said the buddha stick of right hand, and knocked it down fiercely, a bang, the genius of the Limitless God Union was driven into the ground.

Then he was extremely skilled in this talent, and found out Storage Bag and so on. Qin Nan, two dogs and a mouse were all spotted on the spot.

“Ahem, let Qin Nan donor laugh.” Chen Buhui said with an expression of righteousness: “My Master told me that monks need to punish evil and do good, and not waste resources, so that they can achieve positive results.”

“Positive fruit …”

Qin Nan twitched.

If he is not mistaken, the concealment technique of Chen Buhui practice, as well as this buddha stick, are specially used for robbery. After all, after the war broke out, destroy heaven by any means. The Storage Bag is basically unable to stay. .

This scene really subverted his 3 views, didn’t expect this Chen Buhui, and also like to do this.

“En?” Suddenly, Qin Nan expression changed slightly, looking up and moving towards the sky.

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