Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 908


Chapter 908 Unstoppable

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Fire Dragon is powerful, and dealing with any one of them is the result of a spike .

Spreading apart is tantamount to bringing about one's own destruction, and will be chased and burned one by one.

The only hope is that many daoist saints join forces to destroy it.

If you want to win, you must sacrifice. As for who to sacrifice, well, it can be discussed.

However, selfishness in human nature has always been the enemy of reason.

Some people would think that if I scatter, I will die at the beginning, and if I stay, I will die.

Even if it is scattered to escape, it is a probabilistic problem to survive, and there is always good luck.

If you really want to stay and fight the Fire Dragon, the result must be heavy losses.

The crowd has begun to riot. Many people witnessed the death of the holy monk of Qingyuan, and their hearts were filled with fear.

Everyone has a great family business, and a bunch of junior descendants need to be taken care of. If they fall here today, such big family business will dissipate within a few years.

even more how, everyone present can cultivate to the present level, not hundreds of years, but also one or two hundred years of penance, why would you want to waste it like this?

However, since the leaders of Taoism and Shimen were entrusted with this important task, they were definitely not ordinary people.

"Think about it carefully, everyone, you were named by Fengchen daoist, your Sect and your respective names are all remembered by his old man!"

"If you are a heroic sacrifice , after death, there must be proper arrangements, if you are born out of life, you will be liquidated afterwards, you can imagine the result without me saying it!" angry cross.

On Shimen's side, he said the same thing, and finally stabilized for the time being.

The leader kept cheering, "Pure Yang Fire formidable power is amazing, but it consumes a lot of power, I don't believe it, they trifling five people, even if they are drained, can they kill us all? "

Cai Feng Family and the others were originally proud, but when they heard these words, their faces sank. It seemed that the other party was not an ordinary person, and even saw this weakness.

But so what?

"Fire Dragon urn, burn them to death!"

Fire Dragon roared and rushed towards the Taoist and Shimen camps.


In the face of such a huge Fire Dragon, it would be foolish to gather them together. Many daoists and holy monks scattered and disappeared without a trace.

However, how could Fire Dragon come home empty-handed, swooping in and grabbing a slightly slower hapless man.

next moment, swallow it, and turn it into fly ashes after screaming.

This is a shit!

Many people secretly slandered, secretly thinking, how to deal with this Fire Dragon?

At this time, the northern daoist, who took the lead, shot again.

It was still iron sand in the sky, turned into a long gray dragon, and flew towards the Fire Dragon.

I can't understand the Feng Family either. It was a good idea to use these iron sand to crack the magnetic treasure Tianxin before, but in front of me is Fire Dragon!

Aren't you afraid that Fire Dragon will melt the iron sand?

Do you really think that one trick can be eaten all over the world?

As expected, when the iron sand was close to Fire Dragon, it began to melt into a liquid flow, colliding in the air and growing.

Seeing these molten iron sand droplets are sparse and sparse, it is about to rain iron on the ground.

next moment, the northern daoist angrily roared, "Five Elements Rotation, fire in gold!"

In the blink of an eye, the large pieces of iron sand melted and the droplets began to turn into a surging fire sea.

The iron fire began to melt, seeping into the Fire Dragon, causing it to rapidly expand in a large circle.

Suddenly, the Fire Dragon sank suddenly, no longer the speed of the wind.

"So it is!"

The bystanders suddenly realized that the northern daoist used the iron fire secret technique to contaminate the Fire Dragon body, making it stained with iron fire and becoming heavy.

The Fire Dragon is powerful, but if it loses speed, it's much less threatening.

"No, the iron fire must be expelled!"

The Feng Family was in a hurry, the Fire Dragon became heavy, no doubt consuming the mana they manipulated. To break through the siege, it is necessary to exhaust the strength.

However, there are so many iron fires, and they belong to the Flame Source, Fire Dragon can't be expelled.

"Quickly come forward and kill these daoists!"

The northern daoists finally got hold of Fire Dragon and started giving orders, asking everyone to take the opportunity to kill the Feng Family and the others.


Feng Family urged the Fire Dragon urn one after another in an attempt to take care of the second Fire Dragon, but there was no response?

Fang Dou looked interesting and asked Remnant Soul, "Old Senior, if you don't shoot, you're not afraid that they will end up playing?"

"A bunch of trash, I really think it's my own ability, if old man don't give face, what can they do?"

Remnant Soul disdain, "It's okay to be frightened, recognize yourself as soon as possible!"

The outside world, Cai Feng Family and the others have been surrounded, many daoists and holy monks thought, they can't beat Fire Dragon, and they can't beat you, all of them are extremely hardworking.

In the blink of an eye, several schools of daoists were surrounded by perils.

Cai Feng Family thought that something went wrong with the Fire Dragon urn, and if they didn't break out, they would be dead.

I can't help but complain about the strategist. Although the magic weapon of refining is powerful, it is also unstable. If the chain is dropped at a critical moment, it is more deadly than anything else!


A certain holy monk seized the opportunity, threw a huge fist and smashed it at Cai Feng Family's forehead.

What he cultivates is fleshy body Bodhisattva, even more how trifling.

Feng Family At this time, I just used the Divine Ability of Huafeng to escape the catastrophe, and now I am at a loss.

"ang no!"

a dragon roar sounded.

A shivered from Feng Family, which seems to be the second Fire Dragon voice, hurriedly opened his eyes.

It's still too late, I only have time to see that Fire Dragon emerges from the mouth of the urn, like a rag, wiping the slain monk from the air.

Erased completely, this powerful holy monk left no trace, as if he had never appeared.


The daoist saint monks who participated in the siege already had an absolute advantage, and now seeing the second Fire Dragon, the soul flew away and scattered in fright.

Conspiracy, definitely conspiracy.

In an instant, they made up their minds, using Feng Family and the others to deliberately hide the means to lure them to kill them, and then explode in one fell swoop.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ !”

Everyone fled one after another, and a multi-colored light appeared in the air.

It took a while to pick up Feng Family, and then he reacted, pointing at the backs of many people, "Go up and burn them all!"

Dan Rong was also among the crowd, and he heard Mingjue in his ears. The daoist said strangely, "Strange, why didn't the other party take advantage of the opportunity?"

It stands to reason that if it is a trap, they are impossible to escape!

"Come on!"

Dan Rong reminded, "Mingjue Fellow Daoist, run for your life!"

Mingjue daoist nods, it's time After running for my life, I can still fight with one Fire Dragon, what about two?

I didn't see the northern daoists who were manipulating the iron fire, and they all started to withdraw decisively?

If the two Fire Dragons meet, there is no chance for them to survive. Now it seems that more than a dozen daoist holy monks have joined forces, which is still small, and the number must be at least doubled.

"Escape for your own life!"

Dan Rong sighed, but suddenly shouted in her heart, "Where to escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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