Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 907


Chapter 907 Like a hot knife through butter outbreak

Fang Dou thought about it for a while, the three teams joined forces, and there is no suspense in this battle.

However, I was really unwilling to let the three teams win big.

Let's not talk about it, Duke Meishan and the others deliberately brought Fang Dou into the game and used him to deal with the school daoist.

Fang Dou was impossible to let the secret mastermind go when the old man and a group of farmer Disciples died.

The old man had no intention of the Imperial Court event, but only wanted to live in the fields.

As a result, the old man was used as a bait, and many years of hard work were burnt to the ground.

In the end, even Fang Dou was put in a Fire Dragon urn to die.

In retrospect, this was probably what the other party had expected.

Fang Dou and the old man, both bait and abandoned sons, are destined to be sacrificed.

The same thing, Fang Dou's heart is burning with fire, why?

Aloof and remote, can you arbitrarily Sovereign the life and death of others?

Today, I want to pull you off the altar and let the world see that the three families are like grass!


"Senior, I will teach you to burn someone later, and you will burn someone!"

"Remember, everything I'll pay for all the losses, but I won't pay if I burn the wrong person!"

Remnant Soul was so excited to hear that, which was good for him.

Fang Dou provides Pure Yang Pill. After he refining, he puts pure Yang Fire to burn people. The amount of loss in it is not from his mouth.

Innate's Remnant Soul, born with spiritual wisdom, knows how to report false accounts?

Therefore, the two parties secretly reached an agreement.

The Feng Family and the others from the outside world, as well as the release of mana, drive the Fire Dragon urn hu hu to sound.

"Fang Family, listen to the news, it's empty!"

"Could it be that Fang Dou has already been refinished to ashes?"

Feng Family Listening to the companion's question, he answered affirmatively, "Look at the famous Confucian scholar, his legs were swept over by the Fire Dragon, and his body was burned to the ground!"

"Even more how, Fang Dou was included in the Fire Dragon." The inside of the Dragon urn is burnt, so we must die without a whole corpse!"

Everyone was excited to hear this, "Okay, with this magic weapon today, even if we face three companies, we can still fight for it!"

Next moment, a Fire Dragon rushes out of the mouth of the urn, all beards and tails, lifelike.

Next, no more!

Fly a Fire Dragon!

Feng Family hesitated for a moment, and then explained, "trifling a Fire Dragon, killing them is also a small test!"

In fact, this is Remnant Soul's deduction, deliberately only Put a Fire Dragon to reduce wear and tear.

In the urn, Fang Dou was slightly dissatisfied, "senior, you are not authentic!"

Remnant Soul retorted, "Don't be long-winded, I'll work, don't worry!"

"If you want to look good, don't say one Fire Dragon, I can fix all nine!"

Fang Dou rolled his eyes, "Don't blame me for not reminding me, don't play it off. !"

"Can't take it off!"

Fire Dragon turned into the sky, burning thousands of miles without a cloud, when Feng Family and the others saw it, they looked complacent.

However, in the eyes of Taoists and Shimen, there is nothing surprising.

The northern daoist, who took the lead, thought to himself that Taoists could come up with ten or eight pieces of similar magic weapons at will.

This level of spiritual fire, he can let it out even with gritted teeth, nothing new!

Why, the soul flew away and scattered when the two famous Confucian scholars were frightened?


In the Shimen camp, a holy monk came out slowly, "It's a coincidence, I once subdued a water dragon, come and meet this Fire Dragon! ”

The first person to go out is undoubtedly to test, everyone has a tacit understanding, give him space.

Yuantong recognized that this is the holy monk of Qingyuan, sitting down on a water dragon, just a claim, not a pure-blooded True Dragon.

That's true. This water dragon can swallow rivers, spew in clouds in times of drought, and rain down can benefit the people of a county.

A moment later, the holy monk of Qingyuan released a water dragon, and the sky was filled with clouds and mist, and a huge giant dragon appeared.

This giant spirit is invisible and intangible, and its entire body is formed of water mist.


The fight begins!

I just don't know, in the end, the water extinguished the fire, or the fire dried up the water, and eventually a dragon disappeared!


Feng Family added a bit of strength, seeing the water dragon's momentum, he was also worried that there would not be enough Fire Dragon, and wanted to summon the remaining Fire Dragon .

However, the Fire Dragon urn did not respond, and it was still a Fire Dragon.

The two dragons of water and fire appeared in the sky, burning Sun and Moon lost radiance, presenting a strange scene.

It's cold here, surrounded by a humid environment surrounded by clouds and mist, and a few steps away, it's a dry, hot, scorching hot climate.

Fortunately, everyone present was either a daoist or a holy monk, enough to resist the strange climate change.

Under the eyes of the public, the Fire Dragon and the water dragon approached step by step, all baring fangs and brandishing claws, surrounded by the natural phenomenon of fire and water, turning into various beasts.

"It's another fierce fight!"

Everyone thought that the name of the water dragon of the holy monk of Qingyuan is not in vain, which is not the same as the rumored power, but the new student The Fire Dragon released by the camp was a bit shattered and did not meet everyone's expectations.

These Suicide Squads are just meat shields to stop the fire, but seeing Fire Dragon is sparse and common, they are fortunate and a little contemptuous.

The old fogeys of the famous masters, who don't usually read and exercise, make their hands and feet stiff, and the dignified Confucian scholars are burned miserably. Looking at the momentum of this Fire Dragon in front of them, it's a shame for the three families.

“senior, let’s do it!”

Fang Dou thought to himself, no wonder Remnant Soul has the confidence, if the Fire Dragon urn is a magic weapon, if you leave him, it will be an ordinary magic weapon, nothing more than an ordinary magic weapon. It's a sophisticated design and even more wonderful functions.

Without the Remnant Soul manipulation, Fire Dragon's Might is just average.

"Wow, that's what you said!"

Remnant Soul didn't forget to remind, "Remember to reimburse!"

"Never forget!"Fang Dou Wave your hand.

Next moment, the external mutation happens suddenly.

The moment Fire Dragon was about to collide with the water dragon, golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes. Those were two extremely weak flames, but they were as bright as pure gold.

So, a strange scene happened.

The huge faucet of the water dragon slammed into the water dragon, without the explosive transpiration of the imaginary motive.

Instead, it was a silent annihilation.

The water dragon, starting from the faucet, flies forward inch by inch, and then disappears without a trace, looking like it was swallowed up by the Fire Dragon.

Actually, this is instant refining by pure Yang Fire.

Until the last dragon tail disappeared, many bystanders were still stunned, watching the Fire Dragon castrated and swallowed the holy monk of Qingyuan in one bite.

At this time, everyone reacted just now. The first reaction was not to save people, but to be bad.

Before I came, no one had seen pure Yang Fire, but didn't expect formidable power so terrifying.

The water dragon of the holy monk of Qingyuan, the power of running the water flow, is already rare in the world, and can turn a clear water into something colder than ten thousand years of ice.

However, in front of Fire Dragon, this water dragon had no chance of escaping, and was simply burned.

The holy monk of Qingyuan was taken in.

The northern daoist, who took the lead, began to react, "Come up quickly and entangle this Fire Dragon!"

On the side of Shimen, there are also holy monks shouting, "If you enter, you will be born. , retreat or die, don't take chances!"

(end of this chapter)

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