Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 661


Chapter 661 The reason for the opportunity

During the big formation, Fang Dou opened his eyes and his expression became more serious.

It turns out that the cause and effect of the nine magic weapons is his chance.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. It's fun to use now, but it will be extremely hard when it comes to paying off debts in the future.

"Forget it, take one step at a time!"

Fang Dou was a little worried at first, even if he could become a daoist, the 'debt' represented by these opportunities could crush him.

For example, this time the Taoists attacked Majiao, and Ben had nothing to do with other daoists, but at least two-digit daoists were involved.

Behind all of this, in addition to interests, there are more causal implications.

Taoism is best at layout. The so-called coldness and arrogance are just appearances, but in fact they are best at capturing opportunities.

For example, meet a loose cultivator genius, give some help secretly, and come back to ask for help after the other party becomes a daoist.

In the world of Daoist Realm, causality is a matter of life and death, and many people have to go through it themselves even if they know the danger.

How can outsiders know about the hardships involved.

Fang Dou touched his chest with his hand, very fortunate, at least in Fuyuan Temple, the cause and effect of the fire and water daoist robe was repaid, and the Taoists could use his way to cut off one.

However, there are still eight magic weapons left, which need to be repaid slowly.

This time, Fang Dou did not hesitate to use Avatar to get involved in the chaos of the Majiao religion. The goal is to become the Astral Fiend Taoist crown. This is the cause and effect of the Astral Fiend gate and must be paid for.

According to Fang Dou's observation, Taoism is bound to win this time, and there is no reason for the Ma religion to survive.

However, Fang Dou can promise to help the Astral Fiend gate continue inheritance.

To accomplish this step, one must withstand the pressure of Taoism. From this point alone, it is enough to repay the cause and effect of the Astral Fiend Taoist crown.

Thinking of this, Fang Dou breathes deeply, sinking his mind into the body of Avatar-Dao fusion.

Now, the general attack of Taoism has been officially launched.

Liuhe commanded Heaven and Earth to overturn the great formation, which was carefully prepared by Taoists, in order to compete or even crack the arrangement of the Majiao's "outside and inside mountains and rivers" array.

Fang Dou participated in the formation and heard about the mystery of this formation from the Taoists around him.

This great formation is one of the ancient Formations in the Taoist classics.

Liuhe, refers to up and down and East, South, West, North square, generally refers to the universe.

The six-in-one commander, meaning to control the universe, and the overturning of Heaven and Earth, meaning that this great formation can arbitrarily manipulate the universe.

The name of this great formation, anyone who knows the specific meaning, knows that it is aimed at the great formation of 'the mountains and rivers inside and outside'.

The Taoists are very confident that when this battle is launched, they will be able to overthrow the great formation of the sect, and wipe out the bandit leader 'Guang Lin' together with his co-ministers.

At least from what Fang Dou saw, the Taoists around him had full confidence.

Fang Dou is the only one who doesn't think so, because he has experienced drastic changes before. When he saw Guanglin daoist kill the spies personally, he also said that he deliberately tempted the other party to spread the news.

The 'Liuhe' Great Array, it would be very interesting if this was due to the intelligence of the daoist.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, what are you thinking?"

Fang Dou turned back and saw Taoist Fubo beside him.

Fubo Taoist was lucky. When he broke the formation earlier, before it was his turn to play, Fu Ji daoist shot in anger and destroyed the remaining three large formations.

This Taoist formation, Taoist Fubo and Fang Dou, are arranged at the same node.

Fang Dou shook his head, "It's nothing!"

I was puzzled just now, and it was inconvenient to say it, so I could only hide it in my heart.


The air began to vibrate, and the direction of the capital not far away began to change.

Mighty mountains rose from the sky, rivers like a silver dragon with jade belts, surging and surging around the capital.

This scene, as if suddenly, brought together all the rivers and mountains in the world.

The pressure like mountains and seas doubled in an instant, moving towards the oppression of the great formation outside the city.


The many Taoist cultivators on the inner side of the great formation felt the invisible pressure assaults the senses, and invariably issued a groaning sound.

"Run the Formation, stand up!"

Fang Dou runs the mana according to the way of setting up the formation and joins the large formation.

In the blink of an eye, the 'Liuhe Commander Heaven and Earth Overturning Array' was activated, and an overwhelming force emerged and rolled out.

There was a tearing sound in the air, and the air-to-air confrontation between the two large formations happened unexpectedly.

One is to overturn Heaven and Earth and control the universe.

Two giant forces, both beyond the realm of mortals, rose to the level of Heaven and Earth mighty forces.

At the moment when the big formations collided, Fang Dou stretched out the body and Avatar in the two formations, and felt a sudden pause in his thinking, and his mind went blank.

Such a fierce collision is far beyond imagination.

However, Fang Dou knew that such a level of power was just a test, not to the point of real action.

I don't know how long it took, the Taoist cultivators in the formation all felt that their souls had returned to their bodies.

Fang Dou opened his eyes, took a few breaths, and subconsciously asked, "How long has it been!"

Many people have this question and are looking for a timekeeping tool to carry around.

A moment later, a shocked voice sounded, "Ten hours!"


Many people were surprised and refuted this absurd possibility .

Ten hours, almost a day, was taken away in the blink of an eye!

This means that the collision between the large formations has caused everyone's consciousness to be down for nearly a day.

No one can accept such a result.

Could it be that the formidable power of the Majiao formation is so terrifying.

Many people fell into panic. The previous five great formations were considered to be extremely powerful, but compared to the 'surface and inner mountains and rivers' great formation, they were no less than worlds apart.

If the previous practice is followed, even if the Taoist people die, they will not be able to break through the formation.

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou heard all around and the sound of breathing heavily. Many people could not bear the pressure and fell to the brink of collapse.

The scale of the two big formations in front of you means that the battle strength below the daoist cannot get involved at all.

If you want to break through the formation, the daoist must come forward.

Moreover, judging from the confrontation just now, the 'Liuhe' array can be evenly matched at most, and it cannot easily break the 'outside and inside mountains and rivers' array of escargotism.

In other words, the Taoists were fooled.

The message sent by the daoist made them make a wrong decision and arrange such a large-scale Formation, but they had no choice but to do nothing about the 'inner and outer'.


The loud laughter of Guanglin daoist resounded in the city, "Withered Tree Yellow Crown, Shen Jian Fu Ji, you are all here, why haven't you shown up? Let these juniors die?"

"There's no need to play those little tricks anymore!"

"You and I are both daoists, if you want to solve the problem, you still have to rely on magic!"

"My Majiao is going to establish Sect, and your Taoism is going to destroy my Majiao. The two cannot coexist. Today, one of them is bound to perish here!"

"Come on, don't do it yet! !"

Next moment, over the great formation outside the city, several silhouettes suddenly appeared, namely the four Taoist Daoists and the five Daoists invited by the side door.

(end of this chapter)

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