Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 660


Chapter 660 plot against

There is a dark tide!

After a few days of revision, the Taoist school launched a general attack on Majiao.

Numerous Sect members of Taoism are all involved in the 'Liuhe' formation at this moment, and no one can stay out of it, including Yuan Tianhe and Huo De.

It also means that the battle is win or die.

The fate of the former Majiao members is obvious to all.

When they had the upper hand, the cultivators who killed more than ten times their own number were effortless, but once the big formation was broken, it was too late to escape, and most of them died on the spot.

In this battle, if the Taoists win, everything will be fine. If the Majiao wins, the Liuhe Great Array will undoubtedly be defeated.

Fang Dou's body is located in the capital city, and sits in 'the mountains and rivers inside and outside', but the Avatar Dan dao fusion scholar is in the 'six-height array' of Taoism.

This move is somewhat like 'singing double reed'.

"It's starting?"

"It's finally starting!"

This battle, as well as the bystanders, is Shimen who has been with him all the time.

From the beginning to the end, Shimen implemented the high-level strategy, not showing the mountains and not revealing the water, and kept a low profile.

Except for Wuming and Yuantong, who joined the battle and walked around, half of the monks did not appear.

The loose cultivator's rush, the Taoist attack, and the daoist's appearance later, all were seen by Shimen, but he had no intention of intervening.

The meaning of the senior officials of Shimen is very clear. They are not allowed to participate in fierce battles. Only when the overall situation is fixed can Shimen come forward and divide up the resources and forces of malaism after Taoism.

Today, Taoism finally has action.

The people in Shimen, who have been monitoring for a long time, finally waited for this day.

"I heard that Taoism invited five daoists from the side door, it's really a good plan!"

"Even if the side door daoists are invited to help out, they must pay a price, but only I don't know, what did Taoism promise this time?"

In terms of understanding of Taoism, no one can surpass Shimen.

The second child is often the potential biggest enemy of the boss, so naturally you should be more careful.

There are also distinct levels of Shimen, and the three descendants of Shimen are different from ordinary monks.

However, Yuantong was in a special situation. He was brought here by a childlike monk from Kurong Temple, and he also had a friendship with Wuming.

If you think about it carefully, two of the three Shimen descendants have friendships with Yuantong.

So, the young host was able to sit next to the successors and listen to their conversations.

Among the three, Monk Tongxin has the highest status, equivalent to Yuan Tianhe of Taoism.

These days, the monks in Shimen are quite beginning to stir, but the childish monk suppressed it with all his strength, so there was no trouble.

As for Wuming and Mutuo, they were not convinced by their childlike innocence, but they had strict orders from high-level officials, so they could only obey his orders.

"On the Buddha's birthday, Kumu and Huang Guan also came forward."

"This time, besides these two, there are Shen Jian and Fu Ji Er. People, it shows that Taoists are afraid of Majiao!"

As it happens, Fang Dou was present on both occasions and knew the inside story.

On the Buddha's birthday, although only two daoists came forward, the daoists who were secretly supported were not much better than this time.

At least the Treasure of Shou Chan was lent from Shen Jian daoist.

The Imperial Court in peak state back then was no weaker than the current mahout.

"Not only that, in order to break the formation, I also brought in six daoists from the side door, lest the Taoists bleed too much!"

Tong Xin monk, seeing Yuantong's surprise, asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Yuantong put his hands together, "I'm just curious, there are so many Taoists, why are you going back and forth? Come back, are these daoists coming forward?"

Childhood, ignorance and Mutuo looked at each other a few times, mysterious smiled, obviously they all knew the inside story.

Tong Xin said with a smile, "This matter involves the unwritten rules of high-level swords."

"If it's inconvenient..." Yuantong said immediately.

"No inconvenience!"

Tong Xin said eloquently, "You should have noticed that the holy monks in my life are no more than the four Great Saint monks. ."

"I understand, this is a check and balance between the strengths of the two sides!"

Yantong 'suddenly realized' that the four daoists correspond to the four Great Saint monks, isn't it a coincidence?

"It's more than that!"

"You should have heard that there is a 3rd-layer in the Daoist Realm world!"

Yuantong should harmonize with Tao, "The Taoist It is the Three Flowers, Five Qi, and Yang God Three Realms. When I release the door, it is the Lesser Stage, the Great Ascension, and the Infinite Vehicle!"

"Not bad!"

"Regardless of Taoism, It is still my Shimen, the daoists and holy monks who walk outside are all Sanhua, Lesser Stage realm, and onwards, they are all reclusive cultivation in Celestial Grotto and Pure Land.”

No wonder!

Yuantong's heart contracted sharply twice, and at this moment, his inner doubts were answered.

Fengchen daoist, a realm of five qi, is hitting the Yang God level, not hesitate to incarnate countless, learn from hundreds of directors to seek breakthrough.

At least, Taoists have only heard of his name but never seen him.

It's like dead wood and yellow crown, like firefighters, where to go when there is something.

Yuantong was very clear in his heart, as expected, the higher the realm, the daoist saint monk, the more detached from the mundane world, the more inseparable from the mundane world.

For the saint monks of Shimen, after all, they are elders, and it is inconvenient for them to say more about the childlike monks.

But Taoist daoists don't have so many scruples, and just talk about it.

It turns out that withered wood and yellow crown, the day of enlightenment is not far away, within a hundred years.

The two of them, in Taoism, are Supreme daoists, but among daoists, they still lack qualifications and need to accumulate experience.

The Taoists have something to do and need the daoist to come forward. Naturally, they can't disturb those old daoists, only the newcomers like them come forward to you.

You must know that when you go to the realm above the Chaoyuan, you often have a retreat, that is, in units of a hundred years.

"Moreover, they can achieve daoist, owe a lot of karma, and also need to repay!"

Hearing this sentence, Fang Dou's heart moved, which is in line with his current situation, Some coincide.

It turns out that one's own cultivation is far from enough to become a daoist.

Throughout history, the person who can be promoted to daoist is the person chosen by aptitude, but this is not enough.

On the road to success, there must be opportunities.

What is 'opportunity'?

Fang Dou was ignorant before, but now he understands.

If you want to start a business from scratch, it is a myth and miracle. You must rely on the loan from the gold owner to accumulate the first gold.

If the business is successful, the loan must be repaid. This is order.

Whether a Taoist daoist or a holy monk of Shimen, the opportunities obtained on the road to success are all left by their predecessors.

Those predecessors, if they had already died during meditation, naturally everything would stop, but if they were still alive, they would have to seek the cause and effect of 'fortune'.

Yuantong thought of this, and when he thought of the causes and effects involved in the ontology, his heart twitched violently. According to this pattern, after the ontology was promoted to daoist, wouldn't it be necessary to repay the debt until old age.

too terrifying.

"Yuantong Junior Brother, if you want to become a holy monk, you also need a great opportunity!"

Yuantong nodded, didn't hear the other side's voice.

(end of this chapter)

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