Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 627


Chapter 627 A gathering of talents

A big scene, definitely a big scene!

Fang Dou's participation in this event was an all-out effort, with all three Avatars present.

The Taoist Dan Rong followed the Taoist movement, the monk Yuantong belonged to the Shimen team, and even the seldom dispatched scholar Yuan Yangzheng quietly entered the capital as a mortal.

I have to say that the current state of the capital is loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

The cultivator couldn't even set foot on it, but ordinary people could enter and leave the capital. The five great formations outside did not exist in their sight.

In this battle, Majiao is one side, Taoism and Shimen are the other side, as for the famous religions among the three schools, it is the neutral side.

Yuan Yangzheng, as a famous teacher of Disciple, easily entered the capital and planned to inquire about something.

As for Fang Dou, he stayed outside the great formation and joined many Taoist people.

Five great formations, like the petals of plum blossoms, guard the capital in the center.

Some small clever ghosts try to pass through the gap between the two large formations and go directly to the interior of the capital, so that they can be beaten to death without fighting with the Majiao.

As a result, array all around the self-force field, anyone who wants to seize every opportunity will be sucked into the array immediately and never come out again.

These five great formations are all-round three-dimensional defenses. Whether they want to cross from the sky or escape from the ground, it is impossible.

"You know, these five great formations are like wild beasts that eat people without spitting out bones. No matter how many people go in, they will not come out!"

Fang Dou just When I arrived, I heard the cultivators who came early and commented on this.

Whether it is one person, ten people, or a hundred or a thousand people, as long as they break into the formation, it is like throwing a stone and seeing it sink without trace in the sea, and there will be no echo.

Whether it is a warlock, a mage, or the powerhouse of mage Peak, there is no difference in entering the formation.

On the third day of Fang Dou's arrival, I saw it with my own eyes.

Zeng Jin has a group of loose cultivators, under the temptation of heavy profits, assembled hundreds of people to fight.

This group of people is also Old Fox. They didn't dare to break into the formation. They just surrounded the big formation and released various spell attacks in an attempt to disrupt the opponent's position.

However, didn't expect the coverage of the big array is far more amazing than the performance looks.

A group of people rushed into the front of the hundred zhang, and after a few hours of testing, the attack was painless, and there was no sign of turmoil in the large formation.

So, this group of loose cultivators wanted to get closer to a few dozen feet.

didn't expect, mutation happened suddenly.

This great formation is like an octopus curled up with tentacles, slamming arrows and shooting out amazing tentacles, swearing the sphere of influence it can occupy.

Under the gathering of many eyes, the scale of hundreds of people, like a large piece of cake, was suddenly swallowed by the large formation, and there was no reaction at all.

Besides the big formation, it fell silent.

Someone said leisurely, "It's the same as before, what's gone can never come back!"

Fang Dou noticed that the speaker seemed to be someone from a branch of Taoism.

Obviously, these early comrades have been tired for a long time. After trying everything, they have not even tested the limits of Formation.

The sacrifices of these hundreds of people are not without effect, at least the cultivators who spread around the great formation continued to retreat several dozen feet.

Since the large array can reach the hundred zhang, it may spread to farther places.

Many people broke out in a cold sweat at the same time. They had settled outside the hundred zhang before, as if they were stepping on the edge of a critical moment.

"No drama today!"

Fang Dou heard a regretful voice from the Taoist priest Fubo beside him.

Yes, since they came outside the capital, they were blocked by five great formations, and the cultivators who came from all directions can only do this every day.

Is it true that someone was stopped and attacked the big formation, trying to find more weak spots, but human lives were ruined, but the effect was extremely weak.

This is the unanimous opinion of everyone!

Including Fang Dou, Fubo Taoist priest and the others, they are all small and medium-sized Taoist Sects and are not yet qualified to participate in high-level decisions.

But in the game, you can guess the general direction.

There are five great formations, I heard that there are daoists sitting in the house, and the mage realm is easy to take, as much as you get, it's all food delivery behavior, it's not enough!

Only the Taoist daoist will come forward to break the great formation.

Before this, there must be enough blood, blood sacrifice five great formations.

Fang Dou is a talented person who has read "Fengshen" and "Journey to the West", but has not forgotten how the 'Ten Absolute Array' was broken?

One person died and one was broken.

Those lost loose cultivators, someone can remember their names.

Fang Dou suspects that if the loose cultivator is not enough, these Daoist trifles will come forward to make a way to break through the formation.

"Danrong Fellow Daoist, I heard that Heaven's Chosen of Wude Dao Sect is coming again?"

Fubo Taoist went out and heard a news and came back to share with Fang Dou.

"He's here too?"

It was the Big Dipper Dao Sect a few days ago, then the Vacuum Dao Sect, and now the Five Virtues Dao Sect, all of which are Daoist Dao Sects. Sect, can be called a pillar.

Mount Huang Dao Vessel and Li River Dao Vessel are in front of them, just like the branches and leaves facing the trunk, without the slightest weight.

These Great Sects sent out Disciple, obviously to make a name for themselves and push the outstanding Junior to the top.

As for Fang Dou, these people are all background boards under Grand Era, used to set off the atmosphere.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Fang Dou suddenly sounded, Yuantong's Avatar, mixed in the Shimen, also inquired a lot of news.

In addition to Kurong Temple, Guangming Jingshe, Dragon Elephant Academy and other sectarian backbones also sent Disciple to join the event.

It is conceivable that all the fame and fortune of the eradication of the mala religion have already been divided up and used to achieve the prestige of these people.

The so-called downhill calamity, the truth is here.

Fang Dou recalled that these days, the cultivators who have been attacking the big formations one after another, the loose cultivators who were motivated by interests, and the small Sects of Taoism, all rushed to the formation without turning back.

However, these unnamed existences have been erased in one stroke, and there is no more record.

"Cannon fodder, under one shot, all become ashes!"

Fang Dou has an unprecedented etiquette for this word. You and I are both cannon fodder. It will disappear, how sad!

A great formation is already like this, what does it mean when it comes to the general trend of the world, a trifling Fang Dou?

Under the plot against the daoist and the holy monk, everything is a chess piece and has the destiny of sacrifice.

Thousands of sacrifices of life, can achieve one person, it is a great achievement!

Under Heavenly Dao, no one is spared!

Fang Dou felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. He couldn't tell whether he entered the game on his own initiative, or was driven by the so-called fate and was unconsciously involved.

At this time, Yuan Yangzheng had entered the capital and wanted to find the answer to this trip.


Yuan Yang was stepping on the street, and he could feel the dark tide surging underground, obviously hiding something more terrifying than the outside world.

(end of this chapter)

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