Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 626


Chapter 626 Vacuum Taoist

Outside a small town near the capital!

Every household has been evacuated long ago, and there is no trace of half the people.

At this moment, the living people who can haunt around are mostly cultivators with spell Divine Ability.

Rumbling, a waterfall of golden and red two colors fell from the sky, with the searing temperature of the twisting air, washed down half of the town.

In any house that is submerged by the waterfall, the flammable wood will burn to ashes on the spot. As for the masonry tiles, it will soften and bubbling, and eventually melt into a flowing liquid.

Most of the town is shrouded in steaming smog, and the air is full of highly poisonous airflow. If a mortal inhales half of it, he will die from the poison.

"Kong Xuanzi, what are you hiding from?"

"My combination of this move Astral Fiend is the fusion of Jin Gang Fire Fiend, enough to burn all things to ashes."

"Why don't you try it?"

Following the waterfall, a thousand meters above the sky, a young man wearing a jade crown raised his head in a provocation.

This person is exactly one of the teaching reserves of Ma Jiao, Ma Buren!

Ma Buren's teachings are really cultivated by Guanglin daoists.

This move Astral Fiend is one of the secret techniques of the Astral Fiend door, formidable power is terrifying!

In front of him, a Taoist priest holding a whisk, his clothes fluttering in the air, standing in the air.

This Taoist priest is Heaven's Chosen of the Vacuum Dao Sect, named Kong Xuanzi.

The word 'vacuum' is enough to describe the cultivation concept of this Dao Sect.

Taoist cultivation aims to remove the false and preserve the truth. There is also the saying of 'cultivation'; there is also the saying that everything is empty. When cultivation reaches the extreme, it integrates itself into the 'emptiness' and achieves the true self.

So vacuum is the Supreme Realm.

When Ma Buren met Kong Xuanzi, it was the enemy who met with special jealousy.

Majiao and Taoism, this time it's a Life and Death Battle. The two are Heaven's Chosen from each family. They met today, and they fought endlessly, regardless of life and death, and the possibility of never ending.

Kong Xuanzi flicked the dust whisk, and the breath around him was faintly discernable, which was easy for people to ignore.

"Ma Buren, are you capable of that?"

His words made Ma Buren unhappy, and he questioned with a sneer.

"You have a big voice, why don't you come face to face with me, just and honorable fight!"


Kong Xuanzi shouted and let Ma Buren was stunned for a while, then sneered, "I can't ask for it!"

Next moment, Ma Buren was headed with a heavenly spirit, circling a large golden airflow, ethereal like the sky.

both of his hands spread out, each holding the head and tail of a red serpent.

These two things, namely the Golden Gang and the Fire Fiend, are inferior goods in both the Sky Gang and the Earth Demon.

As a Marathi teacher, you can get in touch with Astral Fiend of this quality at most.

Fang Dou can instantly kill the quality of this Fire Fiend by taking out any Earth Fiend vein.

However, Ma Buren's technique is very powerful.

Gold Gang and Fire Fiend, kneaded by both of his hands, turned into a golden and red two colors airflow.

As the air swirled, there was a thunderous sound inside, and there was a vague power of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

"go! ”

Ma Buren flicked his fingers, and the airflow rushed out suddenly, turning into a waterfall all over the sky, and falling towards Kong Xuanzi.

The hair between Kong Xuanzi's forehead suddenly curled up, and he raised his hand to whisk.

"Remove the false and preserve the true!"

"It seems that there is nothing!"

After the dust flew out, it turned into hundreds of strands of python in the blink of an eye, opened his mouth, Desperately bite.

However, the combination of the Astral Fiend and the Fire Fiend will make the formidable power soar a hundredfold.

The rolling hot turbulence, like lava, even the Copper Wall Iron Bastion, melts into a puddle.

The python that the whisk turned into, before it got close, was burned torn skin and gaping flesh, the bones were black, and after a few breaths, it turned into ashes all over the sky.

"Kong Xuanzi, you vacuum Dao Sect, but you are a connoisseur of Illusion Technique!"

Ma Buren can see from a distance that the essence of these pythons is the silk thread on the whisk.

It seems that python was burned to scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, but in fact only a few threads were lost.

"It's obviously seeking truth and emptiness, but you have to trick the false Illusion Technique. You Taoists are really retreating from the south to the north!"

Ma Buren raised his hand, leading the sky The waterfall, passing through the barrier set up by the whisk, attempted to drown Kong Xuanzi.

Kong Xuanzi sternly retorted, "You look like you are evil demons, with shallow thinking, how can you understand the true meaning of my Taoist inheritance?"

"If there is no illusion, where can there be a vacuum?"

Kong Xuanzi tone barely fell, raised his hand to point in the air, "You and Astral Fiend are one, it's illusory!"

Ma Buren was about to make a sarcastic speech when he suddenly realized that something was wrong, The waterfalls in the sky began to dissipate and disintegrate automatically.

"No, this is the Illusion Technique, it's fake!"

Ma Buren desperately drives the waterfall, but feels the Fire Fiend of Jin Gang and begins to collapse spontaneously.

Is it true that the spell of the vacuum Dao Sect is so magical that one word can determine the truth?


Ma Buren loudly shouted, pinching out secret art with both hands, left hand up, right hand down.

"Astral Fiend united!"

A weird scene happened!

Under the influence of Kong Xuanzi's spellcasting, the waterfall of golden red that filled the sky had been retreating steadily, and it disintegrated and dissipated every inch.

However, against the insensitive 'Astral Fiend Oneness', the golden and red waterfalls continue to join in.

"As expected!"

Ma Buren has figured out the opponent's path, and his hands are getting harder.

Boom, the waterfall spun violently, turning into a huge ball.

"Return to the vacuum!"

Upon seeing this, Kong Xuanzi formed a knife with his hand, and slashed diagonally towards the air.

The ball gathered by the Fire Fiend of the Golden Gang was suddenly swallowed by a huge mouth and then disappeared.


Kong Xuanzi's laughter rang in Ma Buren's ears, and the man's heart froze.

"Not good!"

Ma Buren shot the jade crown and burst out a large group of golden red rays of light.

Rao was because he responded in time, but he was still a step late. On the eve of the rays of light covering his body, his right arm, which was numb and exposed, was bitten off by an invisible big mouth and swallowed.


Ma Buren endured the severe pain and took a few steps back. The golden red paved under him formed a long bridge from a high altitude towards the capital.

"Want to run away?"

Kong Xuanzi held the whisk in his hands and quickly chased after him.

The two chased and fled, gradually approaching the direction of the capital.


Kong Xuanzi suddenly saw that Ma Buren flew forward and fell from the sky, thinking that he was powerless.

When he flew a few feet away, he suddenly found that his body was heavy, since he could not maintain the state of flying at high altitude.

Casting a spell to clear the clouds below, but saw a large formation below, rushing straight into the sky in an imposing manner.

It turned out to be over a large formation in the southern corner of the Western District of Beijing.

The gust of air soared into the sky, making it impossible for the cultivator to fly in the air.

Kong Xuanzi fell quickly, but when he saw Ma Buren, he had already received three or two people and entered the great formation.


Kong Xuanzi saw Ma Buren’s back, still shaking in front of him, and couldn’t help but shoot.

The whisk chopped off more than a dozen silk threads, fell on the ground and turned into a meandering snake, stuck to the ground fast as lightning, and walked to Ma Buren's feet in the blink of an eye.

Before the little snake could attack, a scene of surprise happened.

These little snakes seemed to encounter a transparent barrier and exploded into a blood mist in an instant.

The formidable power of the Great Array is far beyond the imagination of Kong Xuanzi.

"Brother, don't try, this formation is impeccable, and you can't find any weak spot!"

The formation is all around, and there are already many cultivators who come first. , see the situation and remind you.

Kong Xuanzi didn't say anything, just turned around and left!

(end of this chapter)

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