Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 498


Chapter 498 Figure

Fang Dou is holding a wire in his hand and pulling it hard to the left and right.

The line was stretched straight, like the taut heartstrings inside him.

Can't do it, can't do it at all!

The Taoist array is an array of modesty, which can only be formed by reconciling the yin and yang and the five qi.

The tactical battle formation is a complete slaughter formation, going to extremes, aiming at destruction and destruction.

The two's intentions and goals are acting in a way that defeats one's purpose, and the difficulty of kneading them together is more difficult than fusing thousands of Sword Art Sects together.

Fang Dou thought hard and wanted to give up several times when he suddenly remembered something.

“White Tiger holding a corpse!”

This treasure map is a treasure of the military family, and it hides the truth of killing.

Fang Dou took the treasure map from his arms and stared at it.

In an instant, the silence in my ears disappeared, but it was replaced by the sound of killing on the battlefield.

In an instant, Fang Dou's efforts rolled over, and the killing intent rose, and he was actually affected.

"As expected of a strategist Supreme Treasure!"

Fang Dou hurriedly mobilized his internal organs to suppress the rising killing intent, and his thoughts calmed down.

What a risk!

The treasure of the military family, not everyone can control it. If ordinary people touch the 'White Tiger's corpse picture', they will inevitably be carried away by the killing and become a bloodthirsty monster.

Usually, if no one is watching, this treasure map is a hideous and ugly picture of the hideous White Tiger holding a dead body in his mouth.

However, as long as the eye falls on the frame, all the line colors disappear, but instead, it is the infinite murderous aura hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Fang Dou's mind, for a moment, was almost overwhelmed by the murderous aura, his eyes were blank.

It's still his tenacious mind, the recent cultivation Slaughtering Sword Dao, which he finally endured.

Hiding the sky and covering the earth murderous aura, a group of extremely pure light points towards Fang Dou assaults the senses.

Fang Dou held his breath and held it for a moment, finally unable to bear it any longer, he let out a loud cry.

He was dripping with cold sweat, and his eyes looked towards the direction of the treasure map, which was still the page of 'White Tiger Carrying the Corpse Down the Mountain'.

Fang Dou put his hand to his heart, in shock, and for a moment, he felt that the soul flew away and scattered.

"The military family kills, really name is not in vain!"

Fang Dou recalls, the military family patriarch Niu Wu, killing two daoists of the Ma sect in a row, is like slaughtering chickens and dogs general.

Killing, soldiers are professional.

His forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he closed his eyes, recalling what he had just seen.

As if there was nothing but a blinding spot of light in the sky except the murderous aura.

However, if you think about it carefully, there is some kind of truth between Heaven and Earth in the circulation and gathering of murderous aura.

After most of the day, Fang Dou opened his eyes, his eyes were calmer than ever before, he knew what he knew.

For the next few days, he did nothing but play with puppets carved from stones on the checkerboard.

No longer the previous frustration, Fang Dou's every action is thoughtful, sometimes laughing, sometimes silently nodded.

She Yuchong became more and more worried when she saw it. Being so obsessed would definitely hurt her heart and lungs, and maybe her life would be in danger.

When this matter reached Jun Tianfeng's ears, he also sighed, "Extreme wisdom will hurt."

Di Zijian concluded, "Only in this way, this person can To this height."

Fang Dou wants to study a sword array, which is no longer a secret to this day.

Many people shook their heads and sighed, how could it be so easy!

The three Heaven's Chosen Child heard and sighed, how could he accomplish such a large-scale project with his own power.

There are similar ideas in the three Sword Sects, but even Sword Immortal himself can only study several unique ways of joining forces based on the characteristics of Direct Disciple.

But this mode can only be regarded as a combined strike method, not enough to become a sword array.

Now, Fang Dou newborn calves do not fear tigers, looking forward to studying the sword array, where to put Sword Immortal's face?

There are not many frigid irony and scorching satire evaluations from the outside world, they are not optimistic or even ignored.

She Yuchong is very worried, Fang Dou suddenly became famous, and now he is hit, what will his mentality look like?

As elders, they feel it is their responsibility to relieve Fang Dou.

"Fang Dou!"

One day, the three elders found Fang Dou and were about to speak to comfort him.

Fang Dou's eyes lit up, "Master, and two Martial Uncles, you are just here, I'm thinking about some bauble here, help me try it!"

She Yuchong Looking at the two righteous brothers, it's too difficult to persuade them.

They also know that they must not be rude, otherwise they will cause resistance and make things more difficult to handle.

Fang Dou didn't know it yet, but at the moment he was full of joy and thought, and it had already begun to bear fruit.

"The three elders, please see!"

Fang Dou picked out a pair of silk face, embroidered with his imagined Array Mother.

She Yuchong saw the silk face and couldn't help but praised 'good embroidery', but when he saw the quality of the silk face, he frowned, "This is too bad!"

Since the "Silkworm Cong persuades Mulberry" in Shu, silk has always been unrivaled in the world. The world's top silk and satin are all from Shu. Fang Dou's stuff from Monster Realm.

"Look at the pattern!"

She Yuchong looked at the silk and saw an astonishing sword qi assaults the senses.

It turned out that Fang Dou involuntarily recalled the picture of facing the White Tiger holding the corpse when Fang Dou recorded the mother into the silk face, which brought a touch of charm.

Therefore, this formation diagram assaults the senses, which is pure and sharp sword qi.

She Yuchong saw Fang Dou's extraordinary skills with just one glance, maybe he really figured out something.

"This is your sword array?"

Fang Dou corrected, "The Array Mother!"

"The Array Mother?"

This title is quite new, She Yuchong pondered a few times, but still couldn't figure it out.

Fang Dou explained, "The mother of sword array, think of the root, Myriad Transformations!"

She Yuchong, Zhang Mo and Li Lian were suspicious and began to practice according to the formation diagram .

The three brothers already cooperated tacitly, and after a few gestures according to the formation diagram, the six eyes lit up at the same time, "So wonderful?"

The formation diagram given by Fang Dou is like darkness A little bit of light to inspire.

"Brother three, practice your hands together!"

She Yuchong, Zhang Mo, and Li Lian immediately raised their sword light, and the three imposing manners gradually merged.

Next, the three of them forge ahead and attack together, gathering and scattering like clouds, and the swordsmanship is always cohesive.

Jiang Duo, Qiu Wangyue and the others who were on the sidelines saw clicking one's tongue in wonder. With just such a joint Formation, none of the five She Yuchongs could win.

In midair, She Yu chong shouted aloud, "Brother Jiang and brother Qiu, come in together!"

Jiang Dao and the two listened and waved their hands again and again, "How does this work?"


The three brothers joined forces. It was a tacit understanding for many years. I was an outsider, so don't mess up the battle if you mix in.

At this time, She Yuchong flew out an object and landed in front of Jiang Dao, "According to the above, do it!"

Jiang Dao and Qiu Wangyue stared at the change of the formation diagram, Comparing the three people's Formation, I was shocked, that's all.

Therefore, under the watchful eyes of the public, Jiang Dao and Qiu Wangyue rode sword light into the air.

Two different sword lights, first surrounded the three of She Yuchong and tried to touch them a few times.

At first, it was completely different and difficult to integrate, but as the five people cooperated and tempered, the imposing manners of the two sides began to gradually integrate.

(end of this chapter)

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