Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 497


Chapter 497 Brainstorming

She Yuchong quietly said to Fang Dou, "The way of joining forces of the ten green jade heroes is better than that of our three brothers. It's more subtle."

Although he didn't know what Fang Dou's intention was, he still actively cooperated.

Fang Dou> nod, ten people joined forces to strike, which is more difficult than three people.

even more how, these ten brothers have many mentors, and the sword edge style has nothing common with each other, and it is even more difficult to integrate into one.

At this time, the ten masters of green jade began to draw swords.

The eldest eldest was a gray-haired sixtieth-year-old old man. The Flying Sword flew out from his hand, and the four brothers beside him spread out on both sides.

Fang Dou noticed that Sword Art, the eldest of the top ten, was the leader.

The four brothers defending on both sides of him, Sword Art have similar paths, which complement each other.

The remaining five people, like tail feathers guarding the rear, have different sword lights, obviously from mixed sources.

Swipe, ten people controlling the sword, sprinting back and forth.

Fang Dou can see clicking one's tongue in wonder, these ten people alone are enough to sweep a large formation of tens of thousands of wanderers, and it is the mode of crushing and sweeping

She Yuchong and the three also chatted in a low voice. The collaboration of these ten emerald jade heroes should not be underestimated!

The sword cultivators in the middle and small Sects also have real talents and real learning.

"This is the formation of wild goose wings!"

After a while, the ten green jadeites received the sword light, and when they landed, they were all stunned when they heard Fang Dou's comments.

The boss was even more surprised. The combined attack mode they designed was based on the appearance of geese spreading their wings.

The eyes of the Snow Top Young Master are really vicious!

Fang Dou opened his eyes, but frowned, the emerald ten heroes and the snow top three old men's models are very different, how can they be combined?

He wants to improve the survival rate of small and medium-sized sword cultivators, and it is precisely to develop a sword array to gather all the forces. using the weak to defeat the strong .

However, Sword Art forms an array, which is different from an array, and needs to combine the characteristics of Flying Sword.

Therefore, the idea of gathering the heroes and brainstorming ideas came to this time.

After realizing it, I found that the Sword Art mode has been used thousands of times in myriad forms, and it is extremely difficult to study a set of popular Sword Art.

"Are there any other seniors?"

After the Green Jade Ten Masters passed, other Sect people got up and showed the mode of joint attack.

There are as few as three or two people, just like the "Three Elders on the Snow Top", and there are even more than ten people at one time, reaching a dozen people, each with its own exclusive secret technique.

"Many thanks, everyone is senior, and if there is progress, I will let you know first!"

After saying goodbye to everyone, Fang Dou began to study it secretly, and found that he was in a mess and could not start. what!

According to Fang Dou's previous idea, it is to study a general Formation, so that weak sword cultivators can join forces to resist powerful opponents.

Ordinary sword cultivator Disciple will be surrounded by perils when encountering evil ghost elites. If you can work together, you can also kill them.

If there is an efficient sword array, in addition to protecting yourself, you can successfully kill the evil ghost elite.

The idea of this sword array is that there is no limit to the number of people. 3 or 5 people can form an array, and dozens or hundreds of people can form an array. The more the number of people, the stronger the effect.

It's a good idea, but it's hard to put it into practice.

Fang Dou overlooked that there are as many Sword Art Sects in Shu as the stars in the sky.

The aggregation of sword array needs to take into account various practical situations. If the conflict cannot be reconciled, it will be counterproductive.

The Green Jade Shijie is an example. The origins of the ten people have nothing common with each other. It is necessary to put the most powerhouse in the front, with similar styles on both sides. Finally, there are five types of miscellaneous types. The rear acted as a side support, and just barely formed a formation.

This is still the case with ten people. If there are more people, wouldn't it be more complicated.

The sword array envisaged by Fang Dou, to be exact, should be a 'unified force field'.

"Not good!"

In front of Fang Dou, there are more than a dozen stone-carved puppets, moving around on the criss-crossed checkerboard. Go, nothing feels right.

"Could it be that the idea is wrong!"

Taoism has an array, but the sword cultivator has a long history. It's not that no one has proposed the idea of a sword array, but to this day, there is still no such thing. sword array exists.

Flying Sword is a slashing style, and the difficulty of assembling into an array can be called despairing.

Rao is Fang Dou who studied in Monster Realm by weaving and embroidery techniques. He has a lot of experience with Spread Array Dao, so he started today and wants to break out into a sword array.

When it comes to practice, I find it difficult to heavenly ascension!

“hu hu!”

Fang Dou threw away the puppet, flashed the Flying Sword in his palm, differentiated several sword lights, and began to try the idea in his heart.

At this time, She Yuchong and the others were observing secretly and were not optimistic.

Zhang Mo and Li Lian despised their eldest brother She Yuchong, "This child seems to be on the cusp of a bullshit, eldest brother, won't you try to persuade him?"

In their opinion, Fang Dou He has a great future, and it is time to consolidate his position and make extensive contacts at this moment. How can he waste time and do useless work.

Fang Dou's thoughts on sword array did not deceive the three elders.

Therefore, the more She Yuchong thought about it, the more impossible they felt, which was tantamount to a fantasy story.

They are veteran sword cultivators, and they know the difficulty. There are countless inheritances of Sword Art in Shu, just like ingredients of different styles. Fang Dou wants to use a 'recipe', so he can put it in it, how? possible?

She Yuchong sighed, "This child has his own ideas and firm will, we can't persuade him, we can only give him a quiet environment!"

The three elders secretly arranged, Fang Dou The research here is undisturbed and very quiet.


This is the seventeenth mode constructed by Fang Dou. When Sword Light Diffraction reaches Qidao, it simulates the joint force of the seven people and eventually collapses.

In fact, the sword array model becomes dozens of times more complicated for each additional person.

Fang Dou failed more than a dozen times before barely stacking up to the level of a seven-man formation.

"This can't be done!"

Fang Dou realized that he had reached a dead end with the sword array pattern constructed in his mind, failing again and again.

Formation is the way to reconcile.

On the ghost side, in an ordinary large formation, ghost soldiers take the lead, evil ghosts and ghost elites are nodes, and other solitary souls, unbound ghosts gather around, seemingly scattered, once attacked, They hugged into a group and resisted powerfully.

If you encounter the Ghost General army, it will be like a nightmare. The ghost soldiers under his command are well-trained and skilled in the army formation. Even the sword cultivator attack is like a monolith.

"Army formation, yes, army formation!"

Divine light flashed in Fang Dou's mind, evil spirits are ferocious, and only by being restrained by army formation can he exert the strongest formidable power .

The sword cultivator kills evil spirits, but it is more ferocious than evil spirits. The Taoist reconciliation formation is not applicable, so change your thinking and use the art of war to restrain it, is it possible?

"It's a little difficult!"

The sword cultivator goes its own way, and it's impossible to do the same thing, and neither does the sword cultivator.

The array includes 'Two Instruments', 'Three Talents', 'Five Elements', 'Five Elements', 'Liuhe', 'Seven Stars', 'Gossip', 'Nine Palaces', 'Shiquan', etc., 'Bing Array' has 'Turtle Plate' ''Goose Flying' 'Crane Wing' 'Long Snake' 'Fish Scale' 'Yanyue' and so on.

So, in front of Fang Dou, it is the leader of the two families who combine the array and the army.

(end of this chapter)

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