Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 487


Chapter 487 senior and junior brothers

"Brother, wait!"

Jun Tianfeng hurriedly saw this After catching up, the sword light cut through the remaining Yin Qi.

He has a bold nature and likes to make friends, especially the powerful sword cultivator characters, he can't wait to meet.

The mysterious sword cultivator in front of him killed the Ghost General army in peak state, and his strength was a level higher than him.

Such shocking and stunning characters, even in Shu, are also as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

But this man has a cold temperament. After beheading the Ghost General army, he didn't intend to stay and left.

This kind of demeanor makes Jun Tianfeng more and more infatuated and eager to meet and make friends.

He kept Controlling Sword Flight all the way, but he chased farther and farther, and could no longer see the back of 'that person'.

"It's a pity!"

Jun Tianfeng shook his head and sighed, affecting the old wound on his body, causing a sharp pain in his chest.

The other party has long been aware of his existence, but he is unwilling to meet him, obviously looking down on him.

He Jun Tianfeng considers himself a genius who can be counted on one's fingers among the younger generation of sword cultivators in Shu.

Jun Tianfeng has never served anyone except the three Sword Immortals, but now he has finally met a person who is beyond his reach.

Jun Tianfeng sighed and turned towards the direction of Shuzhong. Now that the boy is dead, no one is after him, so he can return safely.

In the next few days, he had no surprises along the way. Even if he encountered an army of wandering ghosts, he could handle it with ease and calm.


On this day, Jun Tianfeng slowly drew back his breath, ending the cultivation of Ling Xiao’s breath.

The serious injuries on his body have been completely recovered by seventy or eighty percent.

At the moment, the outline of the passage into Shu can already be seen, and in two or three days, you can step on the plank road.

At this time, in the depths of the dark clouds not far away, it suddenly rolled a few times, and a circular beam of light rose into the sky.

The familiar sword light is the same sect of Lingxiao lineage.

Moreover, although the sword light is bright, on the verge of collapse, it is obviously suffering.

This same sect is already under siege and is on the verge of collapse.

Jun Tianfeng breathes deeply, stretches out his hand and points forward, sword light is like a plow, ploughing away the tide of evil spirits in front of him.

The 'waves' rising to both sides are the stumps and broken arms of ghosts, mixed with dirty Yin Qi.

"Who is the same sect ahead, Jun Tianfeng is here!"

Jun Tianfeng speaks loudly, covering the surrounding area of hundreds of acres, and can be heard clearly in every corner Clearly.

The circular beam of light shook a few times, and a happy voice came out, "Jun Senior Brother Tian, Junior Brother is Mi Changgu!"

Jun Tianfeng thought for a while, and finally remembered , call out the image with the relative name.

"It turned out to be Junior Brother Mi, come and talk!"

Jun Tianfeng slid his palm, and the sword shadow superimposed into thick wings, cutting through the thick group of evil spirits.

The evil spirits are in pieces, leaving an empty passage, and inside is the battered and exhausted Mi Changgu.

"Mi Changgu, you are too incompetent. How many trifling ghosts will force you to this point?"

Jun Tianfeng glanced all around, watching Mi The evil ghosts of Chang Gu are all incompetent ghosts.

A normal Lingxiao Disciple can handle such a ghost, how come Mi Changgu is surrounded by perils instead?


Jun Tianfeng's eyes fell on Mi Changgu's face, and he found that his cheeks were bloodless, obviously injured.

Recalling the situation of Mi Changgu, this man has become famous in recent years, what kind of ghost can hurt him?

"If it wasn't for Jun Senior Brother Tian's shot, my younger brother would definitely have fallen today!"

Mi Chang Gu took a breath, came to Jun Tianfeng, and bowed his hands in salute.

"Why are you so embarrassed?"

Jun Tianfeng didn't pretend to be in front of Mi Changgu, but just a few words showed the majesty of being a Senior Brother .

Mi Changgu shook his head and sighed, "My little brother is young and energetic. When he met a Ghost General army, he wanted to kill him, but he was wounded with a hammer."

Recalling In the previous scene, he really had a chill in his heart.

At the beginning, Mi Changgu was still full of expectation that he could kill the Ghost General army with his own hands.

Until he met a Ghost General army, he was surrounded by perils after just a few fights, and he was hit by a hammer and vomited blood and was injured.

I finally used the secret technique to escape from the Ghost General's army and escaped all the way here.

"You mean, this time, you are fighting with a certain sword cultivator Disciple, so you risked going out?"

Jun Tianfeng brows frowned, what kind of sword cultivator Disciple is it? Got to fight with Lingxiao Disciple.

"The other party is the young mountain master of Xuedingshan, named Fang Dou, and his strength is not weak!" The sword cultivator Disciple is already highly rated.

"Fang Dou!"

Jun Tianfeng chewed the name a few times, but did not associate him with the previous mysterious sword cultivator.

After all, Fang Dou and Mi Changgu are fighting, and their strength must be at the same level.

But mysterious sword cultivator was enough to kill the Ghost General army that even he couldn't defeat, and the two decided against each other.

"Now you are also injured, this is the end, I will take you back to Shu!"

Jun Tianfeng raised his hand and immediately made a decision for Mi Changgu.

After hearing this, Mi Changgu felt unwilling, but he knew that he was injured and was already weak.

I happened to meet Jun Tianfeng, so I could go back to Shu with him.

"Let's go!"

Mi Chang Gu looked around at a loss, but didn't know where Fang Dou was?

This year's Ghost Slaying Festival seems to be extraordinarily ferocious.

It's just the vanguard, even the Ghost General army came out. If we wait until July 15th, what will happen.

In the end, he was nodded, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he left with Jun Tianfeng.

Jun Tianfeng was also full of thoughts that Mi Changgu didn't see.

"Where is that mysterious sword cultivator?"

The two Lingxiao Disciples began to control sword light, one strong and one weak, complementing each other, breaking the dark clouds in the sky, Fly to the plank road into Shu.

Meanwhile, Fang Dou is struggling.

A fat Ghost General army, with both feet on the ground, holding a big hammer in each hand, is fighting fiercely with him.

"I just met a cavalry general, and now I'm a step general!"

Fang Dou didn't expect, he was so lucky, he just finished posing and didn't take a few steps , once again encountered a Ghost General army.

The Ghost General army in front of him, even if there is no peak state cavalry general, is firmly above him.

This Ghost General army, fat and fat, with a big belly, a pair of arms that can run horses, and two big hammers in his hands look like solid big iron balls.

Don't look at the heavy hammer.

Fang Dou cast the Flying Sword several times, trying to find a gap, but was knocked flying by the hammer, sparks flying in all directions.

The tailor Sword Art, who is best at walking small, couldn't find any weak spot in front of the two big hammers.

"This is the strength of the prosperous Ghost General army!"

Fang Dou couldn't help but be amazed, and finally realized that the Ghost General army was so powerful.

He didn't use the Ghost General army in the ghost book, but wanted to take the opportunity to hone Sword Art and use his own strength to kill this double-hammered Ghost General army.

So, Fang Dou began to struggle.

(end of this chapter)

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