Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 486


Chapter 486 Quietly Gone

Ming boy fiddled with the ancient zither, the sky suddenly darkened, and the ink-colored airflow rolled.

The situation has changed. Previously, hundreds of ghosts traveled together. This world seems to be in the border between humans and ghosts, and there is still a bit of anger.

But now, the ancient zither emits ghostly sounds, turning this place into a mythical creature.

A wisp of jet-black air flow, upon closer inspection, it had eyes, mouths, hands and feet, wandering around and roaring, moving towards the Ghost General army and wrapping around.

Every trace of air flow is comparable to the strength of a ghost. Under the music of ancient zither, the power of hundreds of thousands of ghosts begins to surround the Ghost General army.

"Not good, he is going to subdue the Ghost General army!"

Jun Tianfeng saw the black air in front of him, baring fangs and brandishing claws, not bad !

Ming Tongzi's plan, he instantly understood.

The ghost cultivator is different from the sword cultivator. Although they are living people, they have a soft spot for evil spirits and like to conquer rare ghosts.

When the Ghost General army was so powerful, Ming Boy was obviously moved and wanted to subdue him.

Jun Tianfeng was afraid for a while when he thought of the Ghost General army in peak state, if they were under the control of Ming Boy.

"Absolutely not!"

Jun Tianfeng shook his arms violently, his chest bulged suddenly, and a bellows-like sound came from his mouth.

At this moment, the formidable power of Ling Xiao's breath was fully activated.

From the top of his head, hundreds of sword shadows rose, reflecting silver rays of light like flowing waterfalls.

The brush, the jet-black airflow, was cut off by the sword light, making a heart-piercing howl, even dripping blood-like liquid.

However, the ancient zither of Ming Boy's bones is so powerful!

In an instant, a layer of frost began to form on Jun Tianfeng's sword shadow, which became heavier and heavier.

Jun Tianfeng still had to lift his strength, his chest suddenly became tight, and a sharp pain hit.

This is the relapse of an old injury.

Ming boy gave him a proud look, and continued to concentrate on manipulating the ancient zither, looking forward to subduing the Ghost General army.

At this time, the Ghost General army suddenly moved, and he was surrounded by jet-black air currents, like soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

This majestic Ghost General, the hooves of the horse stepped on the ground, making a crisp sound, tuk tuk tuk!

Ming boy further exerted his strength, his fingertips brushed the strings of the human tendons, and dragged out the bloodstains.

The fingertips were cut, and the dripping blood fell on the ancient zither of bones, and was absorbed by the drip.

The music from the ancient zither enveloped the Ghost General army and domesticated it step by step.

"It's almost done!"

The ghost boy is full of hope, although there is a strong resistance in the Ghost General's mind during the domestication process.

This resistance seems to be invisible, like a layer of window paper, which can be pierced with a single finger.

For Ming Boy, it's just a turnaround!

“Submit to me!”

Ming boy did not speak, but sent out the order of this sentence as an ancient zither, and deeply penetrated into the Ghost General’s mind.

Next moment, the only remaining resistance in the Ghost General's mind collapsed.

"It's done!"

Ming Tongzi looked happy, and ordered the other party to come and kneel in front of him to acknowledge allegiance.

The Ghost General mobilized his mounts, the iron spear in his hand hung down, and the tip of the spear was moved towards the ground. In his opinion, this was one of the signs of acknowledgement allegiance.

"Majestic and mighty, this is my ideal ghost!"

There was a smile on Ming Tongzi's face, but this smile was about to become the last expression of his life.

The Ghost General army was halfway through, the mounts under him accelerated sharply, the iron spears were raised sharply, and the spikes of the spears stabbed into a line on the way.

His goal seems to be a ghost boy.

At this moment, the bad premonition in my heart suddenly became a reality.

The previous resistance, not disappearing, but lurking, waiting for this moment, violent sneak attack.

"Not good!"

With an expression on the side, Ming boy desperately fiddled with the ancient zither of bones. This time, he spent his blood.

The fingertips fluttered with large pieces of flesh, exposing the bones, and the sound of the sound became iron-blooded.

The air in front of Ghost General's army suddenly solidified, preventing him from moving forward.

Jun Tianfeng, who was beside him, sneered suddenly, if the Ghost General army was so easy to deal with, how could he be so embarrassed now?

Ming boy, is already a dead bone in the tomb!

Finally, the Ghost General moved, and the Ghost Fire in his eyes was blazing, instantly burning through the solidified air.

Ming boy's heart trembled, the strings were chaotic, and his four fingers were broken by human tendons on the spot.

Next moment, the Ghost General's long spear is held high, the dead man's hair fluttering in the wind, as if a human head is stuck on the tip of a gun.


The mount, whose body was covered with bones, roared and rushed forward, smashing the air into seven or eight pieces.

The Ghost General came alone, in an imposing manner that seemed to crush every thought of those facing it.

At this moment, the Ghost General army burst out with all its strength, finally showing its hideous face.

This is really the case, and the underworld boy really realizes the terrifying of the legendary Ghost General army.

"This is the Ghost General army, ah ha ha ha!"

Jun Tianfeng laughed wildly, spit a mouthful of blood, how could it hit my Ghost General army hard? Is it your clown who can easily surrender?

Young boy, you underestimate the Ghost General army, and you underestimate me, you deserve to die!

The underworld boy was forced by the imposing manner of the other party, holding the Ancient Magical Treasure in his arms, and was actually stunned in place, unable to move even a little bit.

The Ghost General army came to the front, the long spear stabbed forward, pierced the ancient zither of the bones, and jumped the ghost boy into the air.

As if there was a majestic force, it rushed out from the palm of the Ghost General army and flowed into the body of the underworld boy along the iron spear, without any leakage.

The boy's body swelled a few times and exploded into a rain of blood on the spot.

Ghost General's face was expressionless, and he pulled back his hand, and the ancient zither fell to the ground, revealing a hole.

Jun Tianfeng breathes deeply, and even today is not spared. Even if he wants to die, he must face the enemy head-on. This is the pride of Lingxiao Disciple.

"Soaring Firmament City, Jun Tianfeng, once killed a Ghost General army, please!"

Jun Tianfeng breathes deeply and launched an invitation to fight against the Ghost General army.

Ghost General's eyes are dim, the green Ghost Fire is burning steadily, and his lifelike features are expressionless.

"Even if you are stronger than me at the moment, you can't humiliate me like this!"

Jun Tianfeng felt insulted, and the Flying Sword rays of light in his hands skyrocketed, suddenly realizing that something was wrong.

A sword light suddenly rose, facing the Ghost General's army, first slitting his neck, then piercing his chest, piercing him thousands of times in the blink of an eye.

Jun Tianfeng was stunned, "This..."

In his eyes, the terrifying matchless Ghost General army was killed and died in the blink of an eye.

"Which Sword Art is this?"

Jun Tianfeng calculated in his heart that no one in his knowledge met the conditions.

Could it be that during this period of time, another powerful figure appeared in the middle of Shu.


that sword light killed the Ghost General's army and retreated.

The sword cultivator behind him had no intention of meeting Jun Tianfeng, and he was gone!

Jun Tianfeng thought to himself that as a Lingxiao Disciple, he has a little reputation in Shu, and when he usually encounters sword cultivators, he is always polite.

The person in front of him has a weird personality, and he has no intention of making friends at all.

Fang Dou shook his head. It was a coincidence that the posing was actually seen. Although the Ghost General was used to kill the ghost cultivator, he couldn't do anything about the sword cultivator in front of him.

Let's just leave, as if I haven't seen it before!

(end of this chapter)

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