Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 483


Chapter 483 Accumulation

"go! ”

In the Fang Dou great shout, the sword light flew out and turned Make rays of light as thin as a hairspring.

He was flying in the air at the moment, with a large formation of wandering ghosts under him, tens of thousands of ghosts and evil spirits, moving towards the sky, reaching out and grabbing.

As a living person, Fang Dou is full of blood energy, like a solar panel.

Falling in the eyes of the ghost below, it is simply too tempting, even if you try your best to taste it.

At this time, the sword light turned into filaments and fell, flying around the big formation.

From a distance, it looks like a big transparent hand holding a thin needle, flexibly penetrates the void cloth, and sews traces of silk threads.

In the past, even if Fang Dou could make it out, it lacked this charm.

But now, Sword Art has an extra piece of spirituality, which is more and more handy.

After the blink of an eye, Fang Dou retracted his Flying Sword, and the slow-moving formation below suddenly stopped.

Countless ghosts and evil spirits seemed to grow out of the ground and stopped in place, struggling and waving their palms.

It turned out that Fang Dou used 'Sword Art' to sew the Qi machine of the whole array with the earth Qi.

The army of tens of thousands of wandering ghosts has merged into the ground, and no matter how much they act, they cannot advance half a step.

Even, there is no chance for them to go away in a hurry.

Because of Fang Dou's sword qi, tens of thousands of ghosts in the array have been sewn together.

Anyone who is proficient in Qi Observation Technique, looking from a distance, will find that this large array is monolithic, and tens of thousands of ghosts are like one.

Fang Dou did this just to facilitate beheading.

“shua! ”

Fang Dou breathes deeply, and the Primordial Spirit golden light touches the Flying Sword.

In an instant, the entire Flying Sword was gilded, golden-bright and dazzling, like the warm sun.

This is a recently explored trick, which belongs to the extended skill of Primordial Spirit.

According to Fang Dou's analysis, if you use the entire Primordial Spirit to ride the sword, you will definitely take out your whole body strength.

However, the power of Primordial Spirit differentiated into the Flying Sword can also replace the formidable power of 12 out of 12.

This formidable power is not enough to deal with the Ghost General army, but no matter if the evil ghost or the elite evil ghost encounters it, it is the end of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

The Flying Sword fell wrapped in golden light, like a red-hot iron block, falling on the ice block.

zi zi white fog and black smoke rose, ghosts were disappeared, leaving only the purest Yin Qi.

Fang Dou shook the iron card and began to absorb Yin Qi, into it.

"Come on, iron spears and mounts will be condensed very soon!"

Fang Dou still remembers the Ghost General army who killed the whole body.


A hundred miles away, the ground that was supposed to be crowded with ghosts has now become extremely clean.

This land, because of the addition of two anomalous numbers, disappeared without a trace.

"Ming boy, you dare to sneak attack while I'm seriously injured, you really don't change the despicability of ghost cultivator!"

The sky is surrounded by thousands of sword shadows, turning into a sword nest, The sound came from inside.

The Sword Nest all around is a cloud of pitch-black clouds, revealing skeletons, ghost claws, and even some giant evil ghosts across the sky, participating in the siege of the Sword Nest.

All the dark clouds near the Sword Nest were smashed to pieces on the spot, but all around the Sword Nest, the area of 100 mu, was filled with similar dark clouds.

The sword nest spins and beats, tearing apart countless dark clouds, but it still can't get out of Heaven and Earth.

"Just wait, as long as I get out and regain my strength, I will be able to cut you under the sword!" capsize.

He went to work in other places, and on the way back to Shu, he encountered a Ghost General army, and thought he could kill him easily.

didn't expect , the strength of this Ghost General army was beyond his expectations.

In a fierce battle between the two sides, Jun Tianfeng annihilated 99% of Ghost General's minions and killed the opponent seriously.

However, the Ghost General's counterattack was severe and also severely injured Jun Tianfeng.

Jun Tianfeng doesn't care, even if there is not much power left, it is enough to return to Shuzhong and join with Soaring Firmament City same sect.

But who would have expected that on the way back, I saw a few sneaky ghost cultivators.

Needless to say, this group of ghost cultivators came to the plains of entering Shu and took the opportunity to graze ghosts.

Jun Tianfeng eyebrow raised and killed these ghost cultivators with his sword, as easy as blowing off dust.

These ghost cultivators finally led to Ming Boy, the powerful figure among the ghost cultivators.

Ming boy, better than the old ghost, got Ancient Magical Treasure, ancient zither.

In normal times, Ming boy is definitely not an opponent, but now, Jun Tianfeng has not recovered from his serious injury.

As a result, Ming boy used the secret technique of ghost cultivator to trap Jun Tianfeng in it.

The several millions of ghosts all around were manipulated by Ming Tongzi with the ancient zither of bones, turned into the dark clouds of Ghost Qi in the sky, and besieged Jun Tianfeng.

At first, Jun Tianfeng used his sword to cut out a passage, but then, an ancient zither sounded, trapping him again.

Ming boy stood on the top of a hill with a sneer, holding an ancient zither taller than him in his arms.


“Jun Tianfeng, I heard that you are the most outstanding Disciple of Soaring Firmament City!”

“If I could kill you , whichever soul, will be the most dazzling spills of war!"

Ming Tongzi thought for a while, then suddenly said, "I heard that you have a Junior Brother named Mi Changgu!"

In the sword nest, Jun Tianfeng's scolding came, "What do you want to do?"

"Tell you the good news, your Junior Brother is out of Sichuan now and is in the vicinity, I can do a good deed, let you senior and junior brothers reunite in the ground!"

The underworld boy's strange laughter, piercing voice, waves of impact on the sword nest, stimulate Juntian all the time front.

"You rascal mouse, if you dare to hurt my Junior Brother, I will kill you alive!"

Jun Tianfeng tone barely fell, and the sword nest suddenly soared , countless sword shadows flew out, spinning to destroy the ghost cloud.

In the blink of an eye, around the sword nest, an open space with a diameter of one kilometer was cleared, but compared to the area covered by ghost clouds, it was still an utterly inadequate measure.

"It's not that easy to escape!"

The boy underworld hugged the ancient zither diagonally in his chest, stretched out his hand and fiddled with the strings of human tendons, the sound of ancient zither resounded between Heaven and Earth .

The music sounded, and the surrounding lacquer man cloud became crazy, assimilated into ghosts, big and small, densely packed, and biting around the sword nest.

These ghost heads, Pang Ruoshanchuan, are biting each other head to head.

The sword shadow flashed, either through the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, or through the top of the head from the lower jaw, and countless ghost heads turned into smoke.

However, there are too many ghost heads, and with the strength of sword shadow showing a decline, they began to counterattack.

A ghost head bit the sword shadow, and although it was cut to pieces, it still locked it firmly.

Next moment, the bigger ghost bites down, and wraps the ghost head with Flying Sword like a nesting doll.

Similar situations occur more and more, and the sword shadows intertwined into sword nests become sparse.

The silhouette of Jun Tianfeng emerges, this is a young man full of heroic spirit, a pair of sword eyebrows are very eye-catching, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, his gloves wear silver bright iron rings.

This pair of iron rings is the sword weapon of his Flying Sword.

The sword shadow that filled the sky just now was transformed by him with a sword. It was broken at the moment, but the eyebrows were raised.

"The ability is sparse and ordinary, except for that magic weapon, which is still Interesting!"

Jun Tianfeng looked towards the ancient zither in the hands of Ming Boy, showing a thoughtful look.

(end of this chapter)

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