Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 482


Chapter 482 Changes

Fang Dou relaxed, Primordial Spirit and Flying Sword disappeared in place, and the next moment returned to the body.

He stumbles backwards, as if hollowed out.

In fact, it was really hollowed out, and there was no mana left.

Although the Ghost General is dead, the remaining ghost soldiers are still fighting and besieging around.

Fortunately, King Ming and the three Great Firmament fought hard and killed the evil spirits, keeping Fang Dou intact.

“hu hu!”

The formidable power of Primordial Spirit Yujian, Fang Dou has already seen it, it is very good.

But he also experienced the danger of this trick himself, and if possible, he doesn't want to try it again.

Fang Dou even had a hunch that the formidable power of the move just now was far from the limit, and if there was more mana, it could be taken away.

In the final analysis, it is Fang Dou's cultivation realm, which restricts the most huge might of Primordial Spirit.

However, this kind of trick that leaves no room is too dangerous.

Fang Dou made up his mind that it would not be used lightly unless he encountered a strong enemy like the Ghost General army.

This victory was a fluke.

If you can't kill the Ghost General army, Fang Dou has no mana at all, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he can fork into a skewer with a single shot.

Fortunately, in this desperate fight, Fang Dou won.

The Ghost General's army was killed, and Yin Qi scattered like an ocean, submerging several hundred li in a radius.

Suddenly, Fang Dou squirmed around his waist, the iron piece fell to the ground with a clatter, rolled a few times, his ghost head was facing upwards, and he opened his mouth and swallowed violently.

Gudonggudong, Yin Qi was compressed into a liquid, and swallowed by the iron ghost head and sucked into the abdomen.

"From now on, you can't do a hammer deal!"

It took some time before Fang Dou recovered some mana and got up and left.

Looking at the surrounding Yin Qi, it was almost absorbed. This time, the evil spirit in the iron card had a particularly good appetite, and swallowed 90% of the Yin Qi in the Ghost General army.

Fang Dou weighed the iron card in his hand and felt seven points heavy.

Next, Fang Dou put away King Ming and the two Rakshasa, and let the flying Rakshasa carry him and slowly recover his mana.


Among the group of ghosts, a dog ghost roared up to the sky, his mane was burning and fluttering in the wind.

Fang Dou happened to be passing by, saw this dog ghost, and recalled the 'dog spirit', which was his first summon, and had far-reaching significance.

Nowadays, the dog spirit has been upgraded to 'Earth Rakshasa', which is no longer the original appearance.

On the contrary, this ghost looks more like the black dog of the year.

"Let me capture it and tame the wild!"

At this moment, Fang Dou's mana has almost recovered.

He pointed at his cuff, Flying Sword trembled, and flew forward.


Fang Dou sensed the connection with Flying Sword, resulting in a deeper connection.

This is the mutation brought by Primordial Spirit, just like the blend of water and milk*.

At this moment, Fang Dou felt, as if he could hear, Flying Sword was 'thinking something'.

The feeling of being indistinguishable from each other is like cutting into Flying Sword's vision, and seeing the dog ghost suddenly magnifies in his sight.


Inugui just noticed Flying Sword's whereabouts, and was about to move sideways, didn't expect this Flying Sword to be too cunning.

Fang Dou manipulated the Flying Sword, turned sharply, and inserted the dog ghost from the back of his head.

Put, the dog ghost died on the spot and fell to the ground and turned into Yin Qi.

Fang Dou clapped his hands to get +1 stamp collection achievement.

The formidable power of the dog ghost, and the mountain ghost in almost on par, Fang Dou collected him purely out of feelings.

Fang Dou shook the iron card, and Yin Qi rolled around, returning to the original dog ghost appearance.

"Upgrade to an elite evil ghost!"

Yin Qi poured it down violently, and the dog ghost's body swelled. Cong.

The flaming mane spreads from the back to the hooves.

In an instant, a flaming cloud of fire rose from the dog ghost's four claws, and the vertical leap was like walking in the air, without touching the ground.

“ao wu!”

In the end, the dog ghost sucked Yin Qi, the body increased tenfold, and strange patterns were deposited on the body surface.

"Something worth seeing!"

Fang Dou was satisfied with the nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he killed the dog ghost on the spot.

Of course, he didn't forget to record the process with jade slip.

Dog Ghost: ...

Fang Dou was about to put away the iron card when he was stunned, and the ghost general was also entered.

"It's actually a brand new type!"

Fang Dou didn't expect, the ghost general, like the mountain ghost and the dog ghost, is a brand new ghost.

He shook the ghost book, and Yin Qi rushed out continuously, compressing into a ball on the ground.

The Yin Qi regiment swirled into a vortex, and one of the silhouettes faintly discernible was the silhouette of the Ghost General's army.

“Ghost General Army!”

Fang Dou had this thought in his mind and knew the information about this ghost.

In front of him is an expert soldier, who was cultivated by Yin Qi after his death. It is an existence far beyond the elite of evil ghosts, second only to Ghost King.

Ghost General's terrifying, Fang Dou has personally experienced it, let alone the powerful terror.

Just to unite this Ghost General army, the Yin Qi accumulated in the iron card was all emptied.

Moreover, it's just the main body, and the iron spear and mount have no shadow.


Fang Dou touched the chin and laughed badly. Wouldn't it be huge if he could record the scene of beheading the Ghost General's army and return to the middle of Shu to measure credit? bonus?

He couldn't wait to get started.

When I killed the Ghost General just now, it was too intense and I didn't have time to get out of the input process.

It was a pity just now, but now there is an opportunity to make amends.

Fang Dou surrounds the Ghost General army, looking at it 360 degrees without any blind spots, for fear that the opponent will make a sudden move.

But after watching it for a long time, I was sure that this Ghost General army still couldn't escape the bondage of the ghost book and became extremely loyal.


As soon as Fang Dou raised his hand, he wanted to threw away the Flying Sword to kill the Ghost General army, but stopped halfway.

It still doesn't work. Without the spear and mount, I always feel that the Ghost General army is not a complete body.

"Forget it, take some time to kill the evil spirits to replenish Yin Qi, there is no shortage of time!"

Fang Dou clapped his hands, shook the iron card, and put the Ghost General into the army income in it.

Then, he stuffed the ghost book into his arms, and suddenly browsed tightly knit.

Ghost General Army, but the powerful existence of second only to Ghost King, has been subdued by the ghost book.

The evil ghost in the iron card, whose identity is ready to be revealed, must be the Ghost King.

This magic weapon is actually encapsulated in a ghost of the Ghost King level.

"Never mind, let the Ghost General restore the body first, and record the beheading process!"

In terms of record, Fang Dou is already on the way of 'posing', the more The farther you go, the more you can't look back!

After experiencing Primordial Spirit, his sword technique, with a touch of mystery, became more and more spiritual.

This is an unexpected harvest, Fang Dou also needs to fight, so he is familiar with this change.

Flying Sword has more spirituality, and the trajectory is more graceful, as if it has come to life, more and more like an antelope hanging on its horns, without a trace.

In the past, Fang Dou could kill hundreds of ghosts with one sword.

But now, Sword Art is more flexible, enough to kill hundreds or even thousands of monsters in one breath.

More damage and less effort.

However, the change of spirituality makes the manipulation of Flying Sword more difficult and requires further familiarity.

(end of this chapter)

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