Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 295


Chapter 295 destined person

Fang Dou resolutely agreed, but then frowned, trying to hide from the three, I am afraid it is not easy!

Shimen has 'the past, present and future without leakage of Buddha's eye', Taoism has 'Dayan Divine Prediction', famous teaching has 'Innate Yishu', and the calculation and divination are the best in the world.

Kong Ziruo, the Sword Immortal of the town country, is better than sword dao, but he is not good at how to reverse the secret.

He wanted to feign death, but he was afraid that he would not be able to hide the plot against!

“Uncle, what should I do?”

Fang Dou asked.

Kong Ziruo had long planned, "First of all, let's find a magic stick!"

"God stick?"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised, then woke up Arriving, the magic stick in the other's mouth is probably not as simple as it literally means.

As expected, next moment, the old voice rang in my ears.

“Kong Ziruo, so called old man, do you want to ask me for help?”

An old man with a white body appeared in front of Kong Ziruo and Fang Dou.

Kong Ziruo saw each other, startled, "Shao Ziling, why are you so old?"

This old man with white hair and beard is like the patriarch of the Yin Yang Family, Shao Ziling.

The breath on Shao Ziling's body was weaker than Kong Ziruo, like a candle in the wind.

"We lost this time. We lost so badly that we even lost all of our humanity!"

Shao Ziling looked up and down Kongzily, "I heard that even if you are now You're not dead, and you're not far from death, now it seems that you are doing very well, better than the old man!"

"How is the old man?"

Fang Dou already knew at this moment that the old man among the two was the patriarch of the farm.

"The old man is outside the city, using the Shennong whip to build a line of defense to block the raging floods and protect this year's fields and crops!"

The people take food as their heaven, and the country is a major event. Just to keep the people full.

This time, the battle between Xian and Fan, thousands of hectares of flood water entered the world, although 90% was sent away by Kong Ziruo, but 10% fell into the world and gathered all around the capital.

Although Kong Ziruo had arranged for hundreds of homes to clear up beforehand, many still rushed to the ground and destroyed countless houses.

The surviving people will have to eat to survive after the flood, so the farmer's land is very important.

Kongziruo sighed, "These floods are immortal transferred from the Tianhe River, not just the river water."

"Yes, how many Great Demons have been suppressed in the Tianhe River, this time I took the opportunity In the lower realm, the world will have more disasters and more troubles!"

Shao Ziling sighed for a moment, then said, "I heard that you want to fake death, you can't do without the cooperation of the old man!"

" Yes, I was going to find you!" Kong Ziruo said.

"The old man wanted to come over and meet this little brother!"

Fang Dou's body trembled, this yin and yang patriarch came for him.

"Shao Ziling, you recognize him!"

"I have never known him before!"

Shao Ziling explained, "When the old man sees Concubine Jin's frank identity, he Knowing that everything is over, and the layout of Taoist Shimen has been completed, no one can pull strongly against a crazy tide!"

Kong Ziruo nodded, of course he is conceited that there is nothing right in the world, but this time in the mortal world Fighting against each other is suppressed by plot against everywhere. Obviously, the general trend created by the Taoist layout cannot be reversed.

"So, the old man did the opposite, instead of mantis trying to stop a chariot, he started to run onmyoji and began to measure the future."

"This If we lose the game, we will look for opportunities from the next game!"

"As expected, the old man found someone in the Primal Chaos Heaven machine!"

Speaking of this, Shao Ziling pointed to Fang Dou, "It's the little brother!"

Kong Ziruo was surprised and looked towards Fang Dou, "He?"

"That's right, Kong Ziruo, you think an ordinary young official , can you win the favor of Sword Immortal in your town?"

"This is because of the secret!"

"This little brother is the man in the secret!"

Shao Ziling laughed heartily, "Although the old man is weak, he has also figured out that in the future, if we want to make Taoism suffer, we must fall on him!"

Speaking of this, the yin and yang patriarch, He waved to Fang Dou.

"Come here!"

Fang Dou didn't know why, but in the current situation, the other party obviously wouldn't hurt him, so he obediently walked to Shao Ziling.

"Have you ever learned the skills of divination?"

Fang Dou was shivered and replied quickly, "No!"

"Have you ever heard, The name of the Yin-Yang Divination Technique?"

Fang Dou shook his head, he really didn't, he had only heard of three methods of measurement and arithmetic, all of which are famous throughout the world.

Shao Ziling looked slightly embarrassed, and Kong said at this time, "This is the method of calculation and divination of the Yin Yang Family, although its reputation is slightly weak, but in terms of subtlety, it is not under the three families!"


Fang Dou then reacted and complimented, "so that's how it is!"

"After today, a hundred schools of strength will be relegated to the background."

"My Yin Yang Family, originally for the emperor to divination yin and yang, astrological signs, this time the humane decline, can't stay out of it, will inevitably fall into extinction!"

"little brother, you are willing, inherit my Yin Yang Family's Divination Technique?"

Fang Dou was about to agree when something sounded, and then asked, "What do I need to do?"

Shao Ziling hehe smiled and turned back to the air. He said, "Faced with great temptation, he is still clear-headed, such a person is a great talent!"

"Yes, I am also very optimistic about him!"

"No need What are you doing, the old man should remind you in advance that you learn the skills of my Yin Yang Family, and you will bear the karma in the future!"

Shao Ziling stared at Fang Dou's eyes, "It is possible, in the future you will Be the enemy of Taoism!"

Before Buddha's birthday, Fang Dou's understanding of Taoism was just average.

But only after today did I truly realize what a terrifying huge monster it was.

Everything on the Buddha's birthday is completely under the plot against and control of Taoism, forcibly taking advantage of the contradictions of all parties, Shengsheng will be in the Peak's Imperial Court.

Fang Dou was a little uneasy at the thought of being an enemy of Taoism in the future.

"Are you afraid of being useful?"

Fang Dou suddenly remembered that he killed Feng De, the young Disciple of the hanging seal concept. Finally have to face.

You will be the enemy sooner or later, so why be afraid?

"I promise!"

Shao Ziling was satisfied with nodded, "Your destiny is special, not only ambiguous and unpredictable, but also accompanied by a secondary star, so noble that words cannot explain!"

"What is a secondary star?"

Fang Dou asked suddenly, curious.

“People have different fates, and those with noble fates are accompanied by a secondary star, who will act as a shield against disasters and disasters, and have the function of creating auspiciousness in death!”

Shao Ziling explained a few Then he said, "When you learn the ability of yin and yang divination, you will understand the deeper mysteries."

"Almost forgot!"

The yin and yang patriarch , Chaokong Ziruo nodded, "Hide your fate star first, to create the illusion of your suspended animation!"

Since ancient times, stargazing is one of the ways of divination, ancient legends, There is a natural phenomenon of the fall of the famous minister General and the falling meteor.

Shao Ziling's plan was to hide the empty and self-possessing fate star, creating the illusion of his 'death in battle'.

"Please start!"

Empty calmly nodded.

Shao Ziling stretched out his hand towards the sky, Fang Dou raised his hand, "It's not convenient here, follow me to the star-gazing platform!"

After opening their eyes, the three of them appeared at the star-gazing platform. The platform is surrounded by various bronze utensils.

(end of this chapter)

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