Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 294


Chapter 294 Finale

"Where is the Legalist?"

Above the sky, there is a voice of emptiness.

The legalist patriarch, with the help of the disciple Disciple, used the 'Xingtian Cane' as a crutch, and walked to the bottom of the square.

"Sword Immortal of Zhenguo, what's the mission?"

"You use the Heavenly Scepter to fix the water table of the capital, and don't let it overflow!"

Legalists Patriarch looked at the air calmly, crossed his hands, and made a solemn salute.

After the ceremony, he said nothing, and took the Disciple of the Dharma family to find a place to place the Heavenly Punishment Scepter.

“Where is the farmhouse?”

Nong old man holds the broken Shennong whip in both hands, “Please order!”

“Shennong whip , cut off without damage, you divide one part to rescue the people below, and the other part to surround the farmland and crops around the capital to avoid flood damage!"

"Get the order!"

"Where is the Mo family?"

dong dong dong, a few loud muffled noises, two golden statues of Zhenmai came one after another, one was deformed and barely stride, and the other broke. Arm and leg, jumping hard.

"Please make arrangements with Sword Immortal of Zhenguo!"

"Beyond the capital, leading to the Grand Canal, you immediately expand the river channel and prepare for this flood!"

"I can't do it, come and see you!"

"Where is the Great General?"

Niu Wu, who had been silent for a long time, with a complicated expression, came to the bottom of the square , he looked up and saw Kong Ziruo's eyes, already bloodshot, but his expression was still calm.

"Please..." He paused, said slowly, "While there is still energy left in the large formation, drain the water in the city, and don't let any civilian casualties!"

Niu Wu was heavily nodded, gave a military salute, and said, "Order!"

Hundreds of schools scattered, offering sacrifices under the Temple of Heaven. Everyone looked up at the sky and saw the back of the air, which was unprecedentedly tall.

"Your Majesty, next, I will use the cultivation base of my life to make three swords!"

"These three swords are the essence of my Sword Art in my life."

"One sword will send three parts of the flood into the four seas and five oceans!"

"One sword will send three parts of the flood into the mountains and rivers of the world, turning it into mist all year round."

"One sword will send three points of the flood into the Nine Heavens, and it will be divided into ten years of rain, ice and snow."

"The remaining point can no longer be sent away, and can only be sent into Down below, use the Grand Canal to release the flood!"

"Kong Ziruo is incompetent, I apologize for this!"

After saying that, Kong Ziruo raised his arm and flicked his fingers three times in a row.

The sword light between Heaven and Earth suddenly flashed three times, and the speed was too fast. In front of everyone, only the rays of light flashed, and the flood then went 90%.

After he finished flicking his fingers, he used all his strength and gently pushed out the backs of Jin Fei and Crown Prince, "Go!"

Jin Fei and Crown Prince The two suddenly accelerated, followed the light of the sky, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

After Jin Fei soared, the immortal silhouettes in the clouds began to disappear one by one.

After the silhouette disappeared, the light from the sky dissipated, and the thick clouds dissipated one by one, revealing the dark blue night sky, with no trace of the battle just now.

This immortal battle has come to an end!

"It's great to have this ending!"

Kongzi closed his eyes, his whole body relaxed, and the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light, which was violent in his body, instantly turned into thousands of thin needles, from Inside and out, insert him like a hedgehog.

In the end, the town country Sword Immortal, like a broken kite, staggered and fell down.

No one dared to save him, at this moment Kong Ziruo was surrounded by Magnetic-Essence Divine Light.

This light is extremely vicious, not only restraining the sword cultivator, but also breaking through the skin and going through the blood, until finally breaking out of the body, piercing the body full of holes before giving up.

The cultivation base of Yi Kongziruo was hit hard, to the point of dying.

even more how, the rest of the people, as long as they have some ability, such as the two Daoists of Taoism and the four Great Saint monks of Shimen, have the power to help, but they are absolutely impossible to take action.

In other words, from the very beginning, nothing but death is the only thing that is empty.

"Fang Dou, what are you doing?"

Martial law and martial law, suddenly found that Fang Dou left quickly, moved towards Kong Ziruo and ran away in the direction of falling.

Fang Dou is walking on sandals, always feeling that the speed is too slow, too slow!

In his mind, there is only a single thought left, and he must not stand by and watch this respected elder fall!

"Faster, faster!"

The speed was too fast, and the sandals rubbed against the air and started to burn.

"Right, Mi!"

Fang Dou remembered that he couldn't touch the air, because there was a Magnetic-Essence Divine Light, but he was in the river, hiding a Countless white rice.

Mishan Mihai is enough to work at this moment.

"The mountain ghost obeys orders!"

Yoneyama is also a mountain!

Under the collapsed stone bridge, every grain of white rice is beating like iron powder attracted by a magnet.

Brush, the white rice in the entire river was drained in an instant.

Under the action of the mountain ghost talisman, the entire rice mountain moved to the bottom of Kong Ziruo's fall.

Fang Dou changed six or seven pairs of straw sandals one after another. He heard a muffled sound in his ears, and a white wave of several hundred meters high splashed in front of him.

Sora finally landed on the ground, and was on top of the rice mountain that Fang Dou had moved.


Fang Dou saw white rice flowing everywhere on the ground. The center of what should have been a small hill now dented, and there were sputtering marks around it.

He was so nervous that he was afraid that when he opened the rice, what he saw was an empty body.

"Who is it?"

In the middle of the rice pile, a calm voice sounded.

Fang Dou was ecstatic, "uncle, it's me?"

"It's the hot pot man!"

Fang Dou face sank, this nickname is really not very good Sample!

The white rice is separated like a tidal wave, revealing the air lying on the pile of rice. He closed his eyes and heard Fang Dou want to come forward, so he hurriedly stopped drinking, "Stay away from me, be careful of the white rice under your feet. !"

Fang Dou lowered his head, suddenly seeing mystery, his eyes widened.

It turned out that in front of him, an unremarkable white rice was pierced by a pitch-black needle.

This thin needle seems to be transformed by Magnetic-Essence Divine Light.

Looking all around again, among the rice piles, there are already a lot of white rice, all with a thin needle inserted.

The air is as free as the air around him, and the sound of sou sou breaking through the air is constantly heard, and white rice is pierced one after another.

The Sword Immortal of the town country actually thought of using this method to send out the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light in his body.

"Hotpot, your white rice, is it possible that you have been sacrificed?"

Fang Dou nodded, "That's right!"

"You saved me The life of the old man!"

Kongzi sighed, "The old man fell from the sky, if there was no cushion of rice, he would have fallen to die without a whole corpse, this is one of them!"

"Without these white rice, old man can't imagine that he can graft flowers onto a tree and transfer Magnetic-Essence Divine Light to these white rice, the second one!"

"Hot Pot Lang, life- Saving grace, nothing in return!"

Kong Ziruo handed over to Fang Dou, "Please help me with one more thing!"

Fang Dou asked, "Please tell me!"

"Help me escape by feigning death!"

Kong Ziruo explained, "With the Magnetic-Essence Divine Light in me, people in the world think I'm going to die. It's definitely ten deaths without life!"

"However, many people don't want to see me alive, and once they learn that Kong Ziruo is not dead, it will definitely cause many things."

"Hotpot Lang, for your safety, please hide it for me!"

As he said, Kong Ziruo took out a piece of broken iron from under him, "If you hold this thing, say I fell to pieces. , only this thing remains!"

"What is this?"

Fang Dou asked in surprise.

"My Flying Sword Fragment!"

(end of chapter)

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