Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 289


Chapter 289 When the Immortal Gate reopens

Over the years, there have been no ascenders in the world, and how many senior experts have disappeared one after another, and the road to longevity has gradually increased. became a legend.

Receiving the light from the sky, it only appears in written in ancient records, and no one can see it.

According to legend, this is when the gate of immortality opens, and all the Heavenly Immortal gods gather to welcome the cultivator from the lower world and ascend to immortality.

In this day and age, the light from the sky reappears.

Cultivation people are all moved to tears, the road ahead is not broken, and cultivation is promising.

However, Emperor Longguang's feeling was not very good.

The opening of the Immortal Gate means that the Celestial Court in the upper realm can go down to the lower realm. As the Lord of the Human Realm, his authority will be greatly weakened.

The Temple Taoist Temple, where the Immortal God Buddha enshrined, is usually a clay puppet, which cannot be manifested in front of people.

But once there is Divine Vestige, it will pose a threat to the authority of the ruler.

In the era of prosperous humanity and prosperity, the orthodox Divine Immortal will never mess up, but those wild gods and hair gods are unscrupulous, often revealing a few Divine Vestiges to confuse the common people.

Therefore, the Imperial Court has never been soft on the fight against prostitution.

"How dare Celestial Court take care of my human affairs?"

Emperor Longguang immediately remembered that he had already arranged hundreds of homes and laid out a careful plan.

In front of him, the sky was falling, but the legendary Divine Immortal did not appear, that is to say, what he needed to deal with was only Jin Fei.

"Xian'e, who has been demoted to the mortal world by trifling, still wants to despise me as a human emperor?"

Emperor Longguang decisively ordered, "Niu Wu obeys the order!"

Niu Wu was suffering in his heart when he suddenly heard the imperial decree, such as the amnesty, "The minister is here!"

"I will launch a great battle to keep the concubine Jin!"

Niu Wu saluted, "Follow the order!"

I saw him wave the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, the capital of thousands of lights, a gray mask suddenly appeared.

Thousands of households, one after another flickering with light, just like the Nine Heavens Starfall world.

This is the foundation of the Beijing Great Array. Once it is lit, it is equivalent to being completely stimulated.

In the blink of an eye, the entire capital was shrouded in a great formation.

Together with the Great Array, the two daoists of Dead Tree and Huang Guan, together with the four Great Saint monks of Shimen, all complexion changed.

I heard that the Great Array of the Capital City, based on the Dragon Vein of the Kingdom, gathers the destiny of humanity and is the Supreme Existence in the world.

I usually dormant in a large array, and I haven't felt anything yet.

Now that the great formation has been thoroughly stimulated, even a few daoists feel like they are wearing a layer of lead clothing, which is extremely heavy. No matter the three flowers or the five qi, they are all sticky and difficult.

This is also the reason why Shimen Taoists want to join forces to plot against the Imperial Court.

Humanity is prosperous, that is, Dharma End Era, the Divine Ability spell has been reduced to a trail, and the Imperial Court officials holding the official seal can turn a cultivator who has been practicing asceticism for several decades into a demon.

Think about the dead wood and the others, Taoist daoists and monks from Shimen, who were ordered by Emperor Longguang to enter the capital to pray for the Queen Mother.

A monk should be detached, but is bound by the shackles of the world, who can be reconciled?

On the high platform, the sky is dimmed.

Concubine Jin looked into the sky, as if she saw the Celestial Court opened wide, that was the world she lost.

Today, it's finally time to come back!

"Child, mother will take you home!"

Concubine Jin and Crown Prince, dressed in feather coats, slowly flew up, flying higher and higher, moved towards beyond the topmost clouds go.

Under the skylight, the two flew higher and higher. When Crown Prince came into contact with the skylight, flames rose from his body and turned transparent, and he immediately cried out in pain.

"It hurts!"

There was a similar flame on Concubine Jin, but it was only covered with a thin layer, not as intense as Crown Prince.

"Child, don't be afraid, if you pass this test, you will become an immortal!"

Jin Fei is the Body of Immortal and has lived in the mortal world for many years , contaminated with some red dust impurities.

The Crown Prince is different. He is half-human and half-immortal. If he wants to ascend to Celestial Court, he will suffer from baptism and refining the bones and blood of mortals.

The whole process is very painful.

However, withered wood and yellow crown, two daoists, looking at the light of the sky, both showed obsessed expressions.

When ascending to immortality, the physical body and mortal flesh suffer baptism and transform into the Body of Immortal.

These legends, they have only seen it in the classics, but now they have seen it.

"Haha, I'm here to join in the fun too!"

Amidst the wild laughter, a certain phantom came quickly, breaking through the suppression of the great formation, and got into the reception. in the sky.

This person actually wanted to take advantage of the concubine Jin's ascension to sneak into the upper realm.

"Zhang Ming, Old Ancestor, it's you!"

The two Taoist daoists, seeing this man's face, trembled in shock.

Zhang Ming Old Ancestor, one of the giants in the side door, was already a world-famous daoist three hundred years ago, and later he was so arrogant that he wanted to establish Sect.

As a result, the Taoists attacked, and the forces of Zhang Ming's Old Ancestor were dispersed by wind and scattered like clouds.

This side door giant, eventually whereabouts unknown, everyone thought he was dead.

Who would have thought that he was still alive, and after three hundred years, he would reappear before everyone's eyes, but his face was not old.

“Three Flowers Gather on Crown!”

Zhang Ming Old Ancestor revealed his true cultivation base, making Deadwood and Yellow Crown even more endlessly afraid.

It is no wonder that he has the confidence and dares to take advantage of the skylight, such a cultivation base, not far from the land True Immortal.

Emperor Longguang was extremely angry, "This type of Monster Dao is lurking in the capital, and the officials are incompetent!" This person has been hiding for many years, and he is already amazing.

Zhang Ming Old Ancestor, after rushing into the skylight, his expression suddenly changed.


He immediately screamed, and the fire around him was stronger than Crown Prince.

"It's a big mistake, and it's too late!"

The next moment, the daoist of the Three Flowers Gather on Crown, burned to a pile of ashes in front of everyone.

"I understand!"

Huang Guandaoist laughed, "Concubine Jin and Crown Prince are both immortal bloodlines, so they can withstand the light of the sky, although Zhang Ming, Old Ancestor, It’s a daoist, it’s still a physical body and mortal flesh, how can it withstand it?”

Zhang Ming Old Ancestor came from a side door and didn’t know the inside story. Among Taoists, only the True Immortal level of the land is qualified to ascend to the top. World, this is not aimless!

Introducing the light from the sky has the effect of washing away the mortal body and reshaping the immortal physique.

Zhang Ming Old Ancestor, whose whole body is physical body and mortal flesh, burns to ashes on the spot.

Such a tragic end, scaring many eyes that hide in the dark and begin to stir!

Beijing is a place of refuge for humanity. It is under the principle of darkness under the lights. Many sectarians, cults, and experts from the left are hiding here, waiting for an opportunity.

Originally, many people thought it was an opportunity to ascend to the upper realm and achieve immortal.

But now it seems that the realm is not available, and receiving the light from the sky is a poison that kills, not spiritual medicine.

"Hahaha, it deserves this end!"

Emperor Longguang laughed, squinting towards the direction of the dead wood, the yellow crown and the others.

The incident this time must have something to do with these two people. Don't look at their honesty now, maybe something will happen later!


At this moment, Niu Wu was running a great formation, and it was at a critical moment. A large net was slowly raised from the ground, covering most of the capital, suddenly covering the entire capital. Jin Fei soared into the sky.

The stature of Jin Fei and Crown Prince was taken aback.

At this time, a thunderous rage resounded above the head, "Bold, how dare you stop the ascension!"

(end of this chapter)

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