Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 288


Chapter 288 I want to fly away

Yuyanggong is worthy of being a great scholar, and he is very good at nourishing qi.

At the moment, neither Emperor Longguang nor the Great General can come down from the stage, only he is highly respected and can make suggestions.

"The ceremony cannot be revoked, please also ask Your Majesty to give an order, please return the concubine Jin to the palace!"

This sentence reminded Emperor Longguang that in any case, the concubine Jin was burned Yu Yi, who has been demoted to the mortal world, is a banished immortal at best, otherwise why has he been in trouble for so many years?

Furthermore, even if she was at the peak period, she was still a fairy who danced for Heavenly Emperor. She was not an orthodox cultivation, and her strength was limited.

When Emperor Longguang thought of this, he settled down, "come here, please come back to the palace!"

After this change, all the family members of the harem were already scared to death.

The Queen Mother was the most calm, and immediately ordered, "The concubines and concubines of the harem, follow behind Ai's family and return to their respective palaces immediately. Don't panic."

"Court Eunuch, the palace maid, run away if she screams. , trampling and pushing, stand and kill!"

"General of the palace guard, blades and swords unsheathing, Aijia, as the birthday star tonight, grants you permission to kill!"

A few A murderous-looking order was given, and the tumultuous crowd began to settle down.

Among the monks, the expressions of martial law were as if they had been holding back hundreds of 'fucking troughs', so shocked that they could not close their mouths, and the monks next to them were not much better, and their hands and feet were shaking.

Originally, it was just a compliment to say that Concubine Jin was a Fairy, but now it has become a fact.

Fang Dou was shocked, but immediately, sorting out the whole sequence of events.

Niu Wu and Emperor Longguang are the monarchs and ministers, and they play with the concubine Jin, the fairy, and they are really awesome!

Niu Wu is a real bull, and can take advantage of it , let Concubine Jin fall into the world, forcefully marry Xian'e, and finally, in order to seek wealth and honor, she even dedicated it to Emperor Longguang, even at the infamy of offering his wife and seeking glory.

Emperor Longguang was also a cow. He knew it was a hot potato, but he was still raised in the harem, and even gave birth to children.

Crown Prince!

Fang Dou was horrified, and it worked. Crown Prince is a half-human, half-immortal physique, no wonder he has outstanding talent.

"Where's the Crown Prince?"

In the midst of the panic in the crowd, Emperor Longguang suddenly found out that the Crown Prince was gone.

At this time, there was a cheerful cry from the high platform, "Mother, concubine, I listened to your words, I can fly, I can fly!"

Crown Prince cheering excitedly, on his body Also wearing a feather coat, somehow, he appeared beside Concubine Jin, and clapped his hands happily.

When Emperor Longguang saw it, his eyes almost fell out.

"Emperor, go back to Imperial Father!"

His voice was shaking, showing how flustered he was!

The Crown Prince looked back in confusion, thinking it was a joke from the mother and concubine, but the tension in front of him and the eagerness of the Imperial Father was completely different from what he imagined.

"Mother concubine..."

He was about to speak, but the concubine grabbed her little hand.

"child, mother won't leave you!"

"Remember, you are not the Crown Prince, but the son of Xian'e, and you will change your name in the future and call it mother!"

The Crown Prince was a little confused, and pointed in the direction of Emperor Longguang, "But he is the Imperial Father!"

"Don't mention mortals, from now on, you are just a mother's child!"

Crown Prince wanted to say more, but was stopped by Concubine Jin, "Do you think Weaver Girl is pitiful?"

"Poor!" Crown Prince said obediently.

In the cold eyes of Concubine Jin, there is softness, "Mother, it's the Weaver Girl!"

"But in this filthy world, how can there be a cowherd who really loves her!"

Once upon a time, she couldn't return to Celestial Court, and she also gave up, wanting to live with cattle and become an ordinary folk woman.

But Niu Wu, who was greedy for profit, regarded her as a rare commodity, and regardless of his estrus, he dedicated her to Emperor Longguang.

Since then, Concubine Jin has been desperate in this world and has been planning for many years, just to return to Celestial Court.

One stitch, one stitch, the feather coat is finally made today.

Niu Wu, holding Dualbladed Halberd and riding on two-winged pegasus, flew to the high platform in a blink of an eye, with a serious expression.

"Empress, Crown Prince, please don't move, lest you accidentally get hurt!"

Jin Fei looked at him, the corners of her mouth slightly warped, this was the first time she showed a smile , but this smile, it seems full of sarcasm.

"Niu Great General, I'll tell you a secret, I'm a splendid bird and my body is different from that of a human being. The argument that I'm pregnant in October doesn't apply to me!"

Niu Wu There was a shudder in her heart, and her tone became flustered, "What do you want to say?"

Concubine Jin stroked the back of Crown Prince's head, "This child is your son!"

Niu Wu listened to as if was struck by lightning, complexion pale, his hands trembled, and at this moment he was utterly despairing.

Fang Dou covered his eyes, it was so bloody, this ethical drama was reversed again and again, and the melon eaters present were almost drowned by the melon mountain and melon sea hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Emperor Longguang was so angry that his hands and feet were trembling, "Get it for me!"

I don't know if he wants to take down Concubine Jin, Crown Prince, or maybe Even Niu Wu was not spared.

"Where are the hundred schools?"

Emperor Longguang calmed down and began to command. He is also a Monarch of the entire Country, and his mind is not weak. At this moment, he finally came back to his senses.

Shimen and Taoists have joined forces to deceive the heavens, for this very moment!

The immortal who is about to ascend is not a senior of the two families, but a concubine in the harem!

In the Imperial Tutor mansion, Qilian Imperial Tutor got the news of Guanglin daoist, thought for a while, then suddenly realized and laughed.

"Haha, fight hard, take the lead in futile!"

Guanglin daoist, waited for Qilian Imperial Tutor to laugh before he stepped forward to ask for instructions, "Imperial Tutor, we should How to deal with it?"

"Do nothing!"

Qilian Imperial Tutor happily said, "After this time, Niu Wu is like a stray dog, the saints are not there, the court Come on, the old man's family is the dominant one, this is... lie down and win!"

"daoist, this is the best news you brought to the old man!"

Qilian Imperial While Tutor was happy, he remembered the mission of the Guanglin daoist going out of Beijing this time, and asked, "How is that treasure hidden?"

Guanglin daoist returned, "The picture of White Tiger holding the body is a It is a treasure of the military family. If it is obtained by a bull, it will be in line with the road of the military family. I am afraid it will be comparable to the Earth Immortal in the living world!"

"This treasure cannot be destroyed or lost. I searched all over the world and found it in Danyang. County Gouqu Mountain, find a Celestial Grotto and suppress it!"

"Imperial Tutor rest assured, Niu Wu will never be found!"

Qilian Imperial Tutor said with a laugh, "Niu Wu, you are still a villain, and you have to drink the old man's foot-washing water!"

Guanglin daoist smiled and said nothing, thinking about the dignified imperial tutor, and he uttered market slang, This is too...

But I think of it, before the Imperial Tutor of Qilian made his fortune, he was wandering around in the capital city, and the habit he developed verbally would never be changed in this life.


On the high platform, Concubine Jin held the Crown Prince and bowed respectfully to the sky.

"Xian'e Jinniao, beg to return to Celestial Court, beg God to have mercy and forgive my sins!"

Emperor Longguang laughed heartily, "Heavenly Dao is ruthless, never pity the world , even if you were Xian'e, how can you pity you after you've fallen into the world?"

Next moment, Emperor Longguang's old face was beaten so badly.

In the dark night sky, golden light was suddenly released and dropped into the Imperial Palace, covering the high platform.

Taoist withered trees and Huang Guan, two daoists, and four Great Saint monks of Shimen, all showed excited expressions when they saw golden light.

In the classics of the two families, there are records of this golden light in front of me.

Take the light from the sky!

The golden light that falls from the sky leads the cultivator to ascend to immortality.

(end of this chapter)

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