Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 279


Chapter 279 The Cowherd and Weaver Girl

"Crown Prince, look at that big star, there are two small stars next to it!"

"That's Altair, with a pole on his shoulders and a pair of children!"

Crown Prince widened his eyes, looked towards the starry sky, his eyes were a little sore, and he finally followed Fang Dou's fingers, Found where Altair is.

"And then?"

Fang Dou pointed to the side again, "That's the Vega!"

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, I'm talking about today. The protagonist of the story!"

Fang Dou arrived slowly, telling the story of the legendary Cowherd and Weaver Girl in a vivid tone.

The Cowherd sees the Weaver Girl descend to earth and hides the fairy clothes. After the two get married, they live happily and give birth to a pair of children.

However, Zhinu is the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor, how could she marry into the mortal world?

The Cowherd missed his wife, and finally moved the old cow in the family to kill him, cover his body with cowhide, carry his children with a pole, and fly to the sky to chase the Weaver Girl.

When the two were about to meet again, the Queen Mother suddenly pulled out her hairpin and drew a galaxy in the sky, blocking the way of the Cowherd.

Later, the love between the two moved Heaven and Earth, and the Heavenly Emperor was very kind. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the two were allowed to meet at the Magpie Bridge.

"Every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet. On that day, all the magpies will go to the sky to build a bridge to help the two meet!"

"The seventh day of the seventh lunar month , also known as the Qi Qiao Festival!"

When Fang Dou explained, Crown Prince was very absorbed, his fists clenched tightly, and he was even more excited when he heard the Queen Mother draw out the Milky Way, blocking the two of them. No, I can't wait to kill this villain.

Hearing that the Cowherd and Weaver Girl can only meet once a year, the little boy sighed, "Once a year is not enough, they should meet every day!"

Fang Dou met his fans Dudu is cute and can't help but point at Crown Prince's forehead, "foolish child, one day in the sky, A Year On Earth, so they can meet every day!"

"Yes! ”

The story of Crown Prince being laughed, the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, finally had a happy ending, and the child was also happy to hear it.

However, he thought about it, and then said, "The Cowherd is still too poor. If he is the son of the emperor of the world like me, he can also be worthy of the Weaver Girl. It won't stop you!"

The Crown Prince said nodded again and again, feeling very reasonable.

Fang Dou's smile is stiff, sorry, he forgot the core of the story of Cowherd and Weaver Girl. It is a cool article by Diaosi's counterattack against Goddess. A rich second-generation like Crown Prince has no sense of substitution at all!

"cough cough!"

"Crown Prince, do you think this is folklore?"

"Wrong, actually, it's a Very tragic story!"

Fang Dou's bad taste came, his expression became serious, ready to scare him.

Crown Prince became nervous, "What?"

"There's another version!"

Fang Dou said slowly, "Actually, Cowherd is a The poor man who couldn't get a wife used despicable methods to destroy Zhinv's innocence, and even tried to use child to tie Zhinv to prevent her from leaving!"

"Later, Zhinv's family learned about her He was abducted and sold into the deep mountains, and he sent someone to rescue him, didn't expect the Cowherd to hold back and detain a pair of children to threaten Zhinv!"

"The Zhinv had no choice but to agree, one year. Meeting him once, in fact, is not willing to give up children!"

"Now, you understand!"

The Crown Prince was stunned for a while, and then laughed heartily, "That's right. Well, how can a fairy match a poor man, she should marry the Divine Immortal in the sky!"

What a child, at such a young age, he knows that he is the right match!

"Well, yes, yes, your story is very interesting!"

The old-fashioned Crown Prince raised his hand and patted Fang Dou on the shoulder

Fang Dou Blocking Crown Prince's hand, his mana was slightly probed, and he was suddenly stunned. This child's aptitude was simply shocking.

The Black Tortoise town that Fang Dou met earlier was already a top innate talent, but compared to the Crown Prince in front of him, it was nothing short of earth and heaven.

If he steps into cultivation, with no difficulty, he will be able to step into the Daoist Realm world within a few years.

Fang Dou suddenly heard a cold female voice, "Thank you for this Little Monk soon!"

Crown Prince lifts the head, eyes lit up, and runs over with open arms," Concubine!"


Fang Dou raised his head and was shocked by the face of the woman in the palace dress in front of him. He slowly breathed deeply.

Concubine Jin stepped forward, took Crown Prince in her arms, and nods to Fang Dou.

"I also heard the story you just told."

"The first story is just talk nonsense!"

I heard the beauty in front of me Rebuked, Fang Dou felt ashamed and defended, "It's just folklore, to coax little children!"

Concubine Jin's eyes were very dissatisfied, "Heavenly Emperor, how could it be possible to marry an ordinary person? It's a blasphemy to immortal!"

"People in the world are stupid and like to hear the ending of Perfection, but they don't know the truth is more cruel and terrifying!"

Immediately, she looked slightly slower, "The story The second version, something interesting!"

"Come with me!"

After saying that, she took Crown Prince's hand and turned to leave the back garden.

Fang Dou didn't know what to do, so he followed him up and met Court Eunuch who brought him here.

Then Court Eunuch, his eyes were about to fall out, he knew that Concubine Jin was aloof and did not usually interact with the palaces or befriend important officials.

Today, it was the first time she brought outsiders into her palace.

In the palace, Concubine Jin called for refreshments and invited Fang Dou to eat.

I can't get enough to eat anyway, so Fang Dou welcomes everyone to taste it.

"Little Monk, people all over the world sing the legend of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, but only your version is the truth."

"The distance between fairy and vulgar is as far as heaven and earth, how could it be possible to love each other? Naturally, there will be no happiness either!"

The voice of Concubine Jin, like a jade clasp, has an endless aftertaste.

While speaking, she picked up the needle and thread in her hand, put on a colorful feather, and knitted it.

Fang Dou was stunned. These days, he has been pondering the way of 'Sword Art', but he has never achieved anything, but when he sees the craftsmanship of Jin Fei, his inspiration is like a flood of open gates. , flooded instantly.


Fang Dou shouted, Jin Fei subconsciously stopped and looked up at Fang Dou, "What did you see?"

"The needlework of Imperial Empress is really ingenious, and I have a deep understanding of it!"

"This is strange, as a male man, you also understand female workers?"

Fang Dou touched the back of his head, "I have sewed clothes myself, I only know a little bit, but I can see that there are very few female workers in Empress in the world!"

"Rare?" Jin Fei laughed, "It should be It's unparalleled in the world!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't talk to Fang Dou, each minding their own business to sew.

Fang Dou watched quietly, and became more and more immersed in it. Before he knew it, Mi Dou emerged and spit out a seed, 'Seamless (clothing)'!

Suddenly, Court Eunuch shouted hurriedly outside, "Empress, Your Majesty, get up and come!"

Jin Fei stopped and nodded to Fang Dou, "Sorry, can't stay. Welcome!"

She greeted the maid next to her and sent Fang Dou out.

As for Crown Prince, he was tired from playing just now, and he has already fallen asleep beside him.

(end of this chapter)

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