Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 278


Chapter 278 Rewards

There is Yellow Cloth Strongman guarding in front of the Futianhua watch and do not allow anyone to see it.

Fang Dou was so far away that he couldn't see the famous hall to the left and right. After a long time, he felt boring, so he turned and left.

But he didn't realize that his actions fell into the eyes of several people.

"Hehe, it turned out to be him!"

Under the eaves of the palace in the distance, the middle age person standing and speaking, with a slightly hunchbacked back, is the Sword Immortal of Zhenguo, and it is empty and calm. .

The old man of Pentecost beside him, wearing a purple robe, with an expression of no anger and arrogance, is the honor of a country, Emperor Longguang.

The two stood side by side, and all the court ladies of Court Eunuch stood ten steps away, daring not to come forward to disturb them.

"Zhenguo Sword Immortal, do you know that Little Monk?"

Emperor Longguang squinted and watched Fang Dou walk slowly.

Kongzi smiled, "Your Majesty, do you remember the hot pot I introduced to you the other day?"

"Hot pot, that's a fresh way to eat, I I'm also very interested, is it related to this person?"

Kong Ziruo pointed at Fang Dou, "It was this little friend who invented it, speaking of which, this person is proficient in gourmet food, and broke into the capital" Xiaotaotie's name."


Emperor Longguang laughed heartily, "I really have a fate with you, you were a 'gluttonous eater' back then!"

Kong Ziruo smiled and waved his hand, "Just for fun, let Your Majesty laugh!"

Emperor Longguang looked thoughtful, looking at Fang Dou, "Since he is so clever, he invented hot pot so amazing I can't help but reward the dishes from here, here I come!"

A Court Eunuch stepped forward, from the clothing point of view, the quality is not low, it belongs to the palaces, and all parties should be polite and friendly. kind of.

"Your Majesty, the slave is here!"

"Bring that Little Monk to the back garden and give him two plates of snacks!"

Empty Persuaded, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not right!"

"There's nothing wrong with it, let him finish eating and send him out!"

One word worth nine sacred Emperor Longguang tripods, Kong Ziruo is not good to persuade.


Fang Dou was about to walk out of the palace wall, when suddenly a Court Eunuch walked in front of him, jogging quickly, "Hurry up!"

Stop, stop!

Fang Dou waited for him to stand firm, and asked, "What's the matter with this father-in-law?"

Court Eunuch looked up and down Fang Dou, this man is ordinary, why can he Favored by Sword Immortal in town?

"Your Majesty has a reward, please enter the palace to taste the dim sum!"

Fang Dou a shivered, "The emperor wants to see me!"

Court Eunuch's heart With contempt, he said reservedly, "Your Majesty has a lot of time to meet you, so let me take you into the back garden and eat two dishes of dim sum!"

So stingy?

Fang Dou widened his eyes. In the TV series, isn't the emperor lavishing money and 'rewarding 10,000 taels of gold'?

How come there are only two dishes of dim sum left?

"Follow the miscellaneous family!"

Court Eunuch greeted, Fang Dou thought that he would not go for nothing, and followed him all the way into the Imperial Palace.


Fang Dou also entered the Forbidden City scenic spot in his previous life. He had seen the emperor’s villa, but he didn’t feel anything special, nor did he feel any sovereign aura.

However, the moment he stepped into the Imperial Palace, he felt the oppression in the air all around, almost a viscous liquid.

In this county, the county magistrate of County Magistrate is the land of kings and law, and it can suppress those low-level warlocks. At the foot is the heart of a country, and it is the Core Zone of humanity and luck. How can it not be unique?

No wonder, in this world, there are no high-level powerhouses, and there are rumors of breaking into the Imperial Palace and assassinating Wang Jia?

In such an environment, let alone a spell master, even at the daoist level, after entering the Imperial Palace, a dragon has to be crossed, and a tiger has to squat!

"Don't look around, be careful to bump into the nobles!"

Court Eunuch kept scolding, reminding Fang Dou.

I took Fang Dou all the way to the back garden, called a few Court Eunuchs, brought two plates of snacks and a cup of hot tea.

Fang Dou saw so many dim sum and thought to himself that such a small amount would not be enough to feed chickens!

Just as he was about to ask if he could renew the order, Court Eunuch had already turned and left, leaving a sentence, "After eating, ask someone to take you out!"

After a while, the back garden calm down.

It was getting dark and no one was around, but it was clean. It was cold in winter and there were no mosquitoes in the garden, so it was quite refreshing.

Fang Dou grabbed a piece of soft cake and put it in his mouth, his eyes lit up.


It is worthy of being the handwriting of the royal chef. Just a piece of soft cake requires less than a dozen processes. The materials and labor are top-notch.

Unfortunately, there are fewer.

A moment later, the plate was empty and Fang Dou took the teacup and rinsed his mouth.

There is no way, the Emperor Jinkouyu said that if you are rewarded with two discs, it is two discs, and one more piece will not work.

The garden of the Imperial Palace is nothing to see.

It's already dark and there's nothing to see!

Fang Dou sighed, about to turn around and leave, suddenly heard a clump of grass trembling beside him, "What, there are hares in the garden of Imperial Palace?"

Whoosh, the grass is covered Arched open, drilled out a 'white rabbit'.

"Is this the prince?"

The boy who appeared in front of Fang Dou's eyes was fair-skinned, delicate in appearance, and had a natural extravagance in his manner. Light color, fine stitching.

At first glance, it is not the same as those little Court Eunuch who are submissive. This and the others must be the pampered royal descendant in the Imperial Palace.

The little boy patted the blade of grass on his body, "It's hard to get in!"

He looked up and saw Fang Dou, stunned, then surprised, "Ha, monk !"

Fang Dou pointed at himself, "Uh, what's so exciting about this!"

"Imperial Father usually takes me with me, and all I see are Taoist priests, which is very rare. I have finally seen a living monk now!"

The little boy seemed to be looking at rare animals and circled around Fang Dou, "Except for the lack of hair, it is similar to a Taoist priest!"

"Actually, it's a lot worse!"

Fang Dou's expression was serious, "Little prince, it's getting late, your palace gate is about to close, hurry back to sleep!"

" Shhh, whisper, I escaped secretly!"


Fang Dou slowly said, "Little prince, I heard that the Imperial Palace is very strict, you won't go back again. , be careful to implicate your mother, um, the mother concubine is implicated!"

The little boy was proud, "My mother concubine, the most favored by the Imperial Father, will not blame him for these little things!"


"It turned out to be Crown Prince Your Majesty. Aren't you afraid of Concubine Jin's blaming?"

Hearing the little man showing off, Fang Dou immediately guessed that he was Concubine Jin's son, Emperor Longguang Favorite little Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince is not afraid of being revealed, "The concubine is reluctant to beat me, monk, can you tell me some stories?"

"Tell stories?"


Fang Dou was stunned. Even Crown Prince's entertainment is so poor these days?

"Well, I'm tired of listening to the stories of the Taoists, I want to hear about the monks!"

Fang Dou is a little embarrassed. I don't understand the stories of the monks either!

He suddenly raised his head and saw the two constellations in the sky. His heart moved. Crown Prince was in the palace and did not go out all year round. It would be good to tell him some folk legends.

"Crown Prince, let me tell you a story about the Cowherd and Weaver Girl!"

Crown Prince opened his eyes wide, held his breath, and listened seriously.

Outside the main hall, a group of Court Eunuch maids knelt in front of Concubine Jin.

"Empress, Crown Prince is gone again!"

Concubine Jin's expression was indifferent, "Get up, don't blame you, I know where he went?"

After she finished speaking, she dropped the needle and thread in her hand and got up and walked out of the palace gate.

(end of this chapter)

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