Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 236


Chapter 236 Shuitian imaginary formation

Fang Dou was always worried, ordered the crocodile spirit to dive into the water, and secretly followed Liu Liu elder brother.

The warlocks sent by all parties to explore the way are all nimble, agile, and light in movement method. They are not the main force in combat, and are in the second-third rate.

These warlocks naturally don't know any spells that walk on water. They are obediently and honestly approaching the mountains by boat, and someone ignites the wind charm to accelerate the speed of the wooden boat.

Brother Hou Liu is proficient in mechanics, and he placed a crab underwater, which made it difficult for the crocodile spirit to get too close.

At the same time, the other warlocks are not fools, and they use spells, or strengthen the hull, or monitor the underwater four.

The closer they got to the mountains, the more cautious they were, lest the finished apprenticeship would die before it could.

Suddenly, when the wooden boat was halfway, someone stood up suddenly and shouted rapidly.

"Not good, there is something underwater!"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised, no, the alligator was discovered!

After a while, he realized that he was wrong. It wasn't that the crocodile spirit was discovered, but that there was really something under the water.

A large mouth full of fangs smashed half of the wooden boat, and before a few warlocks could react, they were swallowed under the teeth and grinded a few times until they became bloody.

This is a ball-like strange fish with raised fleshy spines on its body, and its huge mouth almost splits half of its body.

"Evil creature, die!"

The remaining warlocks in the same boat attacked the strange fish one after another.

One person held a steel chisel and stuck it at the top of the monster fish's head.

"It's not hard to kill!"

The surviving warlocks were relaxed, but they felt a little sad when they thought of their slain companions.

"Too many, more strange fish are coming!"

The newly acquired warlocks, stepping on the broken wooden board, looked down at the water and took a deep breath , all around the water shadows flickering, more than a hundred.

Although these strange fish are easy to kill, when there are too many and occupy the main field in the water, they can easily destroy all the wooden boats. When the time comes, everyone will be reduced to dumplings, how can they resist?

"Quickly kill!"

Everyone got the reminder, and quickly threw away the sharp weapon in their hands, breaking the water, and twenty or thirty groups of dirty blood immediately floated on the lake.

A moment later, whiz whiz whiz, the sharp weapon broke through the water and flew out, and the killed monster fish surfaced one after another.

But for more strange fish, it is to move away from the attack and turn under the wooden boat. This is the dead end of the attack, and it is simply difficult to hit.

Under the wooden boat of the Red Fire Banner, three strange fish gathered, and they were about to join forces to overturn the wooden boat.

Hou Liuge's organ crab, slammed forward, and got into the mouth of the strange fish. The red flame sand buried in the body erupted, and the strange fish was about to be blown to pieces.

There are also unlucky ones. The wooden boat is overturned by the strange fish, and the warlocks fall into the water. The water is good and they can struggle for a while.

"Quickly kill!"

Brother Hou Liu manipulated the crab, attacking the approaching strange fish back and forth.

At the same time, deep under the water, the crocodile spirit was blocked in front of a cave and moved towards the endless stream of strange fish.

The source of the strange fish is the underwater cave in front of you. It can be seen that this cave has traces of artificial excavation and was previously blocked by an iron fence.

However, some people removed the iron fence method and released continuously strange fish, the purpose was to attack the warlocks on the lake.

The giant crocodile is also welcome. When he opens his mouth and bites, dozens or hundreds of strange fish are gone. The strange fish that sprang out of the cave, except for the previous batch, can no longer escape.

On the lake, many warlocks worked together to kill the corpses of strange fish everywhere on the lake.

The last strange fish floated its white belly, and the water regained its tranquility.

"Are these strange fish all the tricks of Qianqiu Society?"

"Anyway, we have killed these strange fish and move on!"

These strange fish have sharp teeth, but they are not difficult to kill, and the morale of the warlocks has not been affected.

The rest of the warlocks rode their wooden boats to the nearest mountain.

The people watching the battle from the shore saw a strange scene at this moment.

The only seventeen wooden boats left, when they entered ten feet away from the mountain peak, seemed to be wrapped in a twisted transparent plastic sheet and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of all, they disappeared without a single one left.

The Daoist Steel Whip, Mr. Wen, and Heavenly King Palace Arhat also trembled slightly when they saw this scene, obviously not expecting the situation in front of them.

How could so many big living people disappear?

Fang Dou frowned. He and the crocodile spirit were still in touch and still kept in touch.

The giant crocodile followed Brother Hou Liu's wooden boat, and also entered the vicinity of the mountain to experience the strange thing that happened just now.

The underwater world seems to be covered with a layer of frosted glass, and the giant crocodile plunges into it.

The color of the water around him, the sound, and the sunlight falling above his head, have become completely different, like coming to an unfamiliar world.

"Illusion Technique?"

Fang Dou also cultivated Illusion Technique, and is no stranger to the scene in front of him, but, the Illusion Technique in front of him not only acts on Liu Ge and the others On the body, together with the people on the shore, are also confused, which is extraordinary.

"It's not Illusion Technique, it's...imaginary formation!"

Daoist Steel Whip stared, and finally spoke for a long time.

"I finally understand the intention of the other party's move!"

"The mountains and rivers are intertwined, disrupting the secrets of the sky, so I really want to set up this imaginary formation with the same color as the water and the sky!"

"The imaginary formation together can reverse day and night, confuse north and south, even you and I can't be spared!"

Mr. Wen said ashamed, "It's also my lack of knowledge, if I can practice Righteous Bloodshed Loyal Heart, You can see through the false, spy out the true and false of the place, and not be deceived by this imaginary formation!"

Arhat of Heavenly King Palace also opened the mouth and said, "If there is Senior Brother of Guanyin Temple, Liuli can see through the imaginary formation as well!"

Steel Whip Daoist thought, "You have a nice voice, just use it as a bird!"

"Forget it, these path-finding warlocks will never come back!"

The imaginary formation is powerful, and its interior is a world of its own. Contact with the outside world can only be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered.

Inside the imaginary formation, it must be the long-running lair of Qianqiu Society, hiding the elite monsters.

In contrast, Brother Hou Liu and the others are just pathfinder strikers, how can they be against them?

From the very beginning, their fate has been decided.

Daoist Steel Whip sighed, "Let them fend for themselves!"

"How can it be?" They are our companions, how can we watch them die!"

Fang Dou concentrates on manipulating the crocodile spirit, seeing that although the sixth brother is lost, it will not be in danger for a while.

At this time, if rescued in time, people can come back alive.

Under other banners, all civil warlocks dare not speak out.

Only Qilie opened his mouth in front of the crowd and spoke uprightly, and many people made good friends in secret.

The Daoist Steel Whip didn't look at him, but stared directly at the fire-drinking old man, "Huo Lao, is this what you mean?" changed.

The old man still didn't hesitate, he clenching one's teeth and said, "Yes, the old man thinks that the most important thing at the moment is to save people!"

"You don't want to save, we Save yourself!"

(end of this chapter)

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