Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 235


Chapter 235 Landscapes are Mongolian

Many folk warlocks have gathered on the edge of Taihu Lake and have not yet launched an attack, Qianqiu Society It gave them a slap in the face.

If it is said that before, Jiuyinguan launched the government to block the coast of Taihu Lake, showing its power to cover the sky.

In front of me, the movement of the mountains into Taihu Lake is the counterattack of the Qianqiu Society.

With so many mountains and rivers, the scenery of Taihu Lake is dim.

The old man who drinks fire thinks more. With such a situation in front of him, how can he find the nest of Qianqiu Society?

Qianqiu Society did not hesitate to move so many mountains. In addition to shocking everyone, it also had the idea of confusing the line of sight and hiding the location of the main altar.

Now that the mountains are in the water, and the terrain is Heaven and Earth turning upside down, how can we find the nest of Qianqiu Society?

“don't be impatient!”

The old man who drinks fire realizes that all the civil warlocks are restless, which is the morale fluctuation.

Qianqiu Club played beautifully with this hand, and moved to Qianshan into the lake overnight, showing a desperate ability.

The folk warlocks are also apprehensive in the face of such a big gap.

Fang Dou finally understands, what are those peaks that the giant crocodile saw under the water yesterday?

Qianqiu Society has long been prepared to hide the mountains under water and emerge from Taihu Lake overnight, giving the morale of the civil warlock a devastating blow.

"The Daoist Steel Whip, why haven't they come yet?"

Including the fire-drinking old man, many civil warlocks under the banner raised resentment in their hearts.

Those who can gather under the same banner are all relatives and friends who trust each other and come together. If it is obviously a death errand, no one can force it!

Bai Sancai's 'Purple Qi Rising From The East Flag' and Sheng Zhiling's 'Money Flag' shook a few times, and everyone was discussing countermeasures.

"It's here, it's finally here!"

Three silhouettes passed from the air, namely Daoist Gangwhi, Mr. Wen and Heavenly King Palace Arhat.

This time, they were riding mounts and could fly in the air, which showed that they were not ordinary beasts.

"Look, this is the background of Great Sect, it can support Spirit Beast!"

Under the banner of Qian Qian, Sheng Zhiling pointed his fingers at the young people behind him.

"Look at these horses with two horns growing on the head and two wings on their sides, but they are actually Ancient Species, with the bloodline of 'Thunder Horse' in their bodies."

"Just the forage for the four seasons can eat up a poor village and town. No one can afford it except for hanging the seals!"

Sheng Zhiling shook his head and sighed when he said this, "I don't have money. There's no magic cultivator."

At this time, a young man, perhaps his son and nephew, said, "Ninth uncle, according to me, if it weren't for the strength of Hanging Yinguan, it wouldn't be able to occupy it. The Feng Shui Treasure Land in Kuaiji Mountain."

"If you have money, you will have power, but in turn, you will be able to transfer more money if you have power!"

She ordered to listen Now, proudly said, "student that can be taught!"

The three alien horses landed, and the three Daoist Steel Whips landed one after another.

The Daoist Steel Whip was not surprised when he saw the mountains, indifferently said, "Final Struggle?"

Mr. Wen, on the other hand, kept a lot of all around illusions, clicking one's tongue in his mouth in wonder.

"Mr. Wen, I heard that you are proficient in 'Innate Easy Counting'..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mr. Wen hurriedly corrected, "It's not proficient, but a little bit. It's just a little bit of understanding!"

"Then, can you please do a calculation for us to see what the other side is going to do?"

Mr. Wen nodded, "Yes!"


He faced the blue waves of Taihu Lake, his eyes fell on the mountains, mutter incantations in his mouth.

The Daoist Steel Whip frowned, "Do you want copper coins, turtle shells, and yarrow?"

The things he said were all commonly used instruments for fortune-telling.

Mr. Wen shook his head, "This is a small way, I'm cultivating famous teachings and truths, Innate is easy to count, so I don't need to be so laborious!" In the absence of Senior Brother, with his level of 'Dayan Divine Prediction', what's the use of asking you sour scholar to take action?

Mr. Wen was on the shore, walking back and forth for dozens of steps in the left and right directions, and suddenly stopped.

"There is it!"


He pointed to the mountains and the waves of Taihu Lake at the foot of the mountain, "Up the mountain and down into the water, this It is the Mongolian hexagram!"

"The elephant says: spring out from the bottom of the mountain, Mongolia."

"This hexagram should fall on the upper nine, attack Mongolia; ."

"Haha, the thief of Qianqiu Society, who thinks he is superior in skill, sets up a great array of mountains and rivers in an attempt to deceive me."

"But it's too late to be there before, but it's perfect. Our superiors!"

"We are profiting against the pirates, but Qianqiu Society is unfavorable for the pirates, but it is not that we will win!"

Mr. Wen said here , applauded and applauded.

The Daoist Steel Whip heard this and thought to himself that it was no wonder that these disciples of famous teachers could control the court, such a demagogic ability that no one could match.

"Mr. Wen Jiyan, let's not delay, let's kill it now."

Mr. Wen waved his hand, "Wait a minute, the enemy has set up a great array of mountains and rivers to disrupt this side. The breath of the waters makes us unsure of the direction."

"It's better to let people strike the front first, find out the wind direction and current flow, and then make plans!"

The steel whip Taoist nodded, "It is This is how it should be!"

There are so many folk warlocks gathered on the shore, what are you doing here? Isn't it a ready-made cannon fodder?

"From now on, ten people from each flag will go to investigate the situation in the mountains together!"

On the fire-drinking old man's side, in addition to the other nine, he pointed out Brother Hou Liu.

"Hou Liu, you have a powerful organization, and you can escape even if you are in danger. I will send you over this time!" Well, I will definitely be able to inquire about the news, and then retreat!"

Qilie be eager to have a try, "Martial Uncle, count me as one!"

"You With such a temper, can you be a spy?"

The fire-drinking old man angrily scolded, "I really want to send you up there, so why not make a fuss and scare the enemy away!"

"Hou Liu must be the only one for such delicate matters!"

Brother Hou Liu also said, "Brother Qilie, don't rob me of this matter!"


Qilie was a little worried, so he took off the bottle gourd red flame sand from his waist, took off the divine fire flying crow from his left arm, and stuffed his head into Liu Liuge's arms.

"Bring them all!"

Brother Hou didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he made the Shenhuo Flying Crow, and he had several on his body.

At this time, Fang Dou also stepped forward, "This is Detoxification Pill, if you are poisoned, take it immediately, it can save your life, and this bottle of jade Buddha fat, you also accept it!"

Brother Hou Liu refused to ask for it, "Fang Dou, you need life-saving things too, don't give it to me!"

"Stop talking, you are going to the battlefield now, and after you come back safely, give it back to me!"


Brother Hou looked at Qilie and Fang Dou, nodding heavily, "two brothers, I will go there!"

After a while, the troops sent by the flags , began to take a boat, entered the waters of Taihu Lake, and headed towards the direction of the towering mountains.

"Play music!"

The old man who drinks fire gave the order, and the chilling pipa sounded.

Not long after, the suonas of Purple Qi Rising From The East and the mud whistle of Qianqian also sounded one after another. On the edge of Taihu Lake, there were horns for expeditions everywhere.

(end of this chapter)

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