Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 223


Chapter 223 Fleeing in embarrassment

Daoist Steel Whip has the power to destroy mountains and mountains with a single attack. .

However, Ou Qinghe stepped on the altar and moved his attacks all over the mountain.

For a time, everywhere on the Tianchi, there were rumbling noises one after another, the invisible impact fell, the trees fell, the rocks were broken, and there were also unlucky warlocks or wild beasts, which were smashed into a mass of flesh and blood on the spot.

After attacking for a long time, Ou Qinghe still remained motionless and did not consume much energy.

At this time, Arhat of the Heavenly King Palace stepped forward, "Amitabha!"

His burly body was instantly raised by half a meter, and his bronzed skin flashed with dazzling rays. of light, instantly turned into a copper-cast Little Giant.

"Divine Force!"

Arhat inserted both hands into the hillside, the rock became fragile, easily pierced by his fingers, and inserted his entire arm into the hill.

At this moment, he looks like he is wrapping his arms around the mountain, trying to fix the foundation of Tianchi Mountain.

At the same time, the steel whip fell from the sky again and fell on the altar.

Ou Qinghe repeated his old tricks, trying to move his strength elsewhere.

I saw the azure light flashed, becoming extremely faint, and the rumbling sound coming one after another actually sounded behind Ou Qinghe.

This time, the 'Mountain Moving' Divine Ability failed for some reason. It only moved behind Ou Qinghe and pierced the mountain at the other end.

This time, the mountain behind it is gone.

The entire altar was completely exposed to the sky, and a large group of sunlight hit the altar, but Ou Qinghe's mood was far from the sunshine!

This is bad!

"Fellow Daoist of Fuyuan Temple, thanks to you!"

Daoist Steel Whip and Mr. Wen could see that it was Heavenly King Palace Arhat who cast Divine Force and settled Tianchi Mountain The power of mountains and rivers.

Although Ou Qinghe had the altar in hand, he couldn't move away from the attack, but instead pierced the barrier behind him.

This is the reap what you have sown!

“You did good!”

A group of Disciples watching the game applauded.

At this time, Feng De also joined them, and took Fang Dou along by the way.

“Feng De Senior Brother, who is this?”

A young Little Daoist Priest, wearing the same daoist robe, was a little surprised to see Fang Dou.

Feng De didn't care, "It's just a folk warlock, don't worry about it!"

Fang Dou smiled lightly, thinking that if there were not too many people at the scene, a sword would fly , leaving two blood holes in you.

Other monks and cultivators lost interest when they heard that Fang Dou was a folk warlock and continued to watch the fight.

Fang Dou didn't care, there was no acquaintance at the scene, and he was happy to pretend to be a transparent person.

His eyes are always on the altar at the feet of Ou Qinghe, this is a treasure!

Nowadays, the Tiangang altar on Fang Dou has been sleeping underground for a long time, and many functions have not yet been developed, and can only be used for superficial functions such as cultivation and law protection.

On the other hand, this sub-altar can not only use its own Divine Ability, but also have many magical effects!

If Fang Dou can get this altar and integrate into himself, he will be able to raise the altar of Tiangang to a more powerful level.

It's a pity that being surrounded by wolves is not a good opportunity to start!

Fang Dou had to hold back for a while, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

Inside the mountain, Ou Qinghe saw that Arhat settled on the mountain and performed the altar change again.

In an instant, the mountain was covered with dark clouds, violent wind erupted, and heavy raindrops of beans fell one after another, covering their heads and covering their faces and dripping on everyone.

"It's not surprising that he condenses water vapor and calls clouds and rains!"

This is also a variation of the 'Mountain Moving' Divine Ability, which is only useful on mountains. After walking down several dozen li, I will definitely see a bright sunny day and a round of sunny days.

However, the current environment is exactly howling wind and torrential rain, and everyone can't keep their eyes open.

In the rolling dark clouds, one after another hail began to condense, turning into an egg in the blink of an eye, and it was about to fall. When the time comes, the head of the Iron Man and the Bronze Man will be easily smashed.

Mr. Wen stepped forward and recited leisurely.

“A gentleman controls the six qi, the six qi are: yin, yang, wind, rain, dark, bright!”

“If it violates the normal state of Heaven and Earth, it is Thief!"

"Those who have thieves will be killed!"

The Confucian scholar stepped forward slowly, cut the dead grass into arrow branches, put it on the tiger's mouth, and made a bow. Gesture, shouted in the mouth, "Middle!"

The withered grass is like an arrow, piercing a distance of several hundred meters in an instant, hitting Ou Qinghe in the middle of the mountain and standing in the center of the altar.

His arrow, he has already exhausted all Ou Qinghe's ability to deal with it, and has covered all the back roads, leaving no dead ends.

Ou Qinghe was horrified to find that no matter how he dodged, he would inevitably end up with a sharp arrow piercing his body.

The magic shot of the famous religion is so sharp!

On the line between life and death, the mage of Qianqiu Society suddenly exerted force on his feet, and the altar collapsed instantly. The solid foundation was like rotten wood, breaking a big hole.

The entire altar, together with Ou Qinghe himself, quickly fell into the black hole under his feet, disappearing in love in front of everyone's eyes.

Thanks to this, the withered grass did not hit the chest, but rubbed Ou Qinghe's neck, leaving bright red bloodstains.

"The thief is cunning!"

The steel whip whistled, streaked across a white wave, rushed into the mountain, and caught up with Ou Qinghe's disappearing back.

Under the bottomless black hole, after a long time, there was a 'dong'.

A moment later, the steel whip flew back, and the steel whip Taoist squeezed his fingers and smiled, "Ou Qinghe has already been injured, he can't escape, chase!"

Steel Daoist Whip, Mr. Wen, and Heavenly King Palace Arhat rushed into the mountain and followed the hole where Ou Qinghe disappeared.

The rest of the disciples of monks, Taoists, and lay people also followed in the footsteps of their elders.

Fang Dou is dizzying to see. This is the ideal cultivation expert. Sure enough, the mage is realm, and he only brings some Immortal Qi when he shoots.

Warlock only stays at the level of 'skill', but the mage has already started 'fighting qi' and 'practice'.

In the fight just now, if Fang Dou was involved, ten lives would not be enough.

"What are you still doing, hurry down the mountain to chase!"

Feng De did not care to teach Fang Dou a lesson, and urged Fang Dou to go down the mountain to chase Qinghe in the area.


Fang Dou pointed to himself and asked him to chase Ou Qinghe, isn't this what's gone can never come back!

Ou Qinghe had a one-to-three match, and even Daoist Steel Whip couldn't take it down. Even if he was injured, Fang Dou couldn't handle it.

Feng De urged Fang Dou so clearly that he wanted Fang Dou to die.

"I'm telling you, hurry up and inform all the folk warlocks around, the demon of Qianqiu Society has escaped, and anyone who sees him will be stopped desperately."

"If you leave Ou Qinghe, you can't get rid of your relationship!"

Feng De glared at Fang Dou, "Let's go soon!"

Fang Dou left in no hurry, both of his His hands pressed against his waist, "Are you ordering me?"

As long as one of the opponent's answers is wrong, the Flying Sword rises, and at such a close distance, he can take the head on the spot.

"Of course I ordered you, you little folk loose cultivator, since just now, you have been mystifying. Do you really think that Daoist has a good temper?"

Feng De raised his chin, With an arrogant expression, "This is Kuaiji. It's easier for Daoist to kill you a civil warlock than to kill a chicken?"

Fang Dou sneered, "Okay, I happen to have a chicken in my house, let you kill it and see it." Dare to say it's easy?

(end of this chapter)

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