Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 222


Chapter 222 Battle of the Masters

At the top of Tianchi Mountain, the battle is fierce and in full swing.

On the sunny slope, it collapses to reveal the inner cave.

It turns out that the interior of the mountain has been dug through by Qianqiu Society, and a nine-curved chain of passages is constructed inside, and the altar is hidden in the heart.

In the past, many civilian warlock attacks forced them to use the power of the Tiangang altar to repeatedly cast the 'Mountain Movement' Divine Ability, running the water veins to launch flash floods, and the impact was scattered.

However, after exerting so much force, Daoist Steel Whip, etc., who were hiding behind the scenes, seized the context and finally found the location of the sub-altar.

Everyone present still remembered the scene at that time.

The steel whip Taoist held a steel whip and launched an earth shattering blow.

Rumbling, the movement is like the earth is falling, and the hard rock is as crisp as bean dregs, turning into powder.

The rock formations are pierced, dust is everywhere, and sunlight pours into the broken holes, showing the traces of the altar.

This time, I finally found my nest.

The Daoist Steel Whip, Heavenly King Palace Arhat, together with Mr. Wen, brought a group of monks, Taoists and lay disciples, and called in front of the hole.

"Ou Qinghe, are you still not ready to surrender obediently?"

On the altar, stood an azure clothed middle aged man, wearing a crane feather cloak, surrounded by panic everywhere The fleeing Qianqiu Society demon.

"When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter, your Qianqiu Society is over!"

azure clothed middle aged man is the person in charge of this sub-altar, and also the mage realm .

Ou Qinghe raised his eyes, "Haha, what's the big deal?"

"An unknown Ou Qinghe actually bothered the three of you to make a joint shot, and he was actively mourning his death. !"

"My Qianqiu Society, and two elders on the left and right, as well as the deep and unmeasurable Altar Master!"

"Are you guys enough to destroy my Qianqiu Society?

Mr. Wen laughed and said, "That's too bad. I, a cultivation person, must know how to adapt to the weather and distinguish between the good and the bad. The general trend is surging down, no matter how strong the mana and power are, in the end, it's not enough. It's the ants of mantis trying to stop a chariot."

"The Qianqiu Society has gone against the grain, causing the wrath of the sky and the resentment of the people. How easy is it for me to punish the sins on behalf of heavenly and destroy your Qianqiu Society?"

Arhat, who was on the side, recited the Buddha's name, "Amitabha, the Buddha came here to kill you, you monsters, it's not too much to die!" Qinghe, "This person is stubborn, just kill him!"

"Not bad!"

tone barely fell, Ou Qinghe screamed, "Don't think about it!"


Next moment, the sub-altar under his feet, a thick beam of light surged up, all around the mountain rocked, and pieces of rocks fell loose.

The whole mountain was trembling, and the large and small stones, as if attracting gravity, rose to the sky overhead, and rained down towards everyone.

"Master said; Respect Ghost God and stay away!"

Mr. Wen spoke calmly, surrounded by rising winds, scudding clouds, where the air waves permeated, the rocks shattered and turned into powder like particles.

Arhat of Heavenly King Palace, folded his hands and smiled, a huge rock smashed on the bright bald head, the stone shattered, the bald head was fine, and there was a flash of rays of light.

The steel whip daoist put a finger, and the steel whip flew out, passed through the entrance of the mountain, drilled into the inner cavity, and smashed straight towards the sky above the altar.

Ou Qinghe stepped on the Tiangang step under his feet, pinched the stars with both hands, and a dazzling beam of light rose above his head.

A azure light suddenly rose from the altar under his feet, hiding from Ou Qinghe's body.

The steel whip hits the azure light in the middle, and the rays of light sag. At the same time, the hillside a hundred miles away is like being hit by an invisible meteorite.

crash-bang, the ground was smashed into pits and covered with fine cracks.

"What a good mountain-moving Divine Ability!"

The Divine Ability of this sub-altar is exactly 'Mountain-moving', which is stronger than the mountain ghost's talisman ability. Relying on it is equivalent to having an endless stream of power.

The Daoist Steel Whip made a random blow and was moved a hundred miles away, without landing on Ou Qinghe at all.


At this time, Fang Dou happened to follow Feng De to the top of the mountain, and couldn't help but praise.

Seeing Ou Qinghe, his method of driving the altar is much more subtle than his own.

He already knew that Qianqiu Club also had a Tiangang altar, but didn't expect that the other party had developed it to this point.

It's just a forum, it has such formidable power!

Feng De turned his head in dissatisfaction and stared at Fang Dou.

Fang Dou hurriedly changed his words, "...what a thief, things have reached a dead end, and still so arrogant!"

He argued with the courage of one's convictions, to Feng De Said, "This monster's methods are so powerful, I don't know where it came from?"

Feng De's expression softened slightly and explained, "Daoist's 36 Heavenly Stars altars, according to legend, each one has Life Source Divine Ability."

"The Life Source Divine Ability obtained by Qianqiu Society is 'Moving Mountains'!"

"Mastering this Divine Ability, you can keep adjusting on the mountain. The power of mountains and rivers is too tricky!"

He said, Feng De angrily said, "In the beginning, why didn't the Tiangang Temple be completely destroyed?"

Fang Dou tried He asked, "Danyu daoist, isn't it a famous Taoist house?"

"Trifling is a daoist and won the position of Zuo dao fruit, how can it be worthy of the title of Taoist house?"

Feng De said this with a sneer on his face.

Fang Dou noticed that Feng De mentioned Danyu daoist with a contemptuous expression.

Oh, daoist, this is a cultivator who is above the Master and has attained the Tao!

The Buddhist monks are called holy monks, the Taoists are called daoists, and the famous religions are called Confucian saints.

However, just because Danyu daoist is not from Taoism, despite his high attainments, he even created the altar of 36 Heavenly Stars with one hand. In the eyes of a Taoist Junior, it is actually worthless.

Fang Dou could see that Feng De was a realm of first-class warlock, how could he have the confidence to look down on Danyu, a daoist?

"Taoism is really supercilious!"

Feng De didn't know yet, but at this moment Fang Dou's inner process, he said to himself, "After this victory, the nest of Qianqiu Society will be swept away. The altar of Tiangang was smashed to pieces."

"Danyu daoist left endless disasters, deceived the ignorant people, and disturbed all parts of Jiangnan."

"The altar of Tiangang left by his people , it is the achievement of Qianqiu Society, this demon society!"

"Tiangang evil altar, not one can be left behind!"

"It must be destroyed all!"

Fang Dou has the altar of Tiangang on his body when his hands are tight. According to this person's attitude, he is not the target of Taoism.

Taoism is too alone, too alone!

At this moment, Fang Dou decided in his heart that he and Taoism would not be able to get together after all.

"Your Taoist Dao is Dao, isn't it the other way?"

Fang Dou felt a surge of anger instead, Danyu daoist came from a side door, Don't you still become a daoist?

Presumably, the daoist later fell, leaving no trace behind. There are three black hands behind the scenes, including the Taoist school.

It seems that he still needs to be dormant, even if he is a daoist, it is not enough to challenge the three.

Fortunately, Fang Dou is still young and has a lot of time to work hard.

At this time, everyone was unable to attack for a long time. The leaders of the three monks, Taoists and laymen, all master realm, rushed forward and participated in the siege area of Qinghe and the altar at their feet.

(end of this chapter)

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