Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 214


Chapter 214 Meeting

When Fang Dou saw Qi Lie, the elder brother was lighting a fire to burn the civilians who died in the war warlock.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred!

The attack on Tianchi Mountain this time, although the Qianqiu Society suffered heavy casualties, the attackers also suffered heavy casualties.

Many people come from all over the world, so naturally they cannot be buried there at will.

In addition, Kuaiji County has been run by Qianqiu Society for many years. If it is buried on the spot, it is very likely that it will dig a grave to vent its anger, and there will be no peace after death.

Therefore, the only way is to incinerate the remains and send the ashes back to their hometown.

Qi Lie is good at using fire and does his part to shoulder this task.

The tree is felled to get the wood, stuffed with pine branches, the body is placed on it, the resin is baked after the fire, and the fire is raging in the blink of an eye.

Qilie collected his mana and looked at the dozens of fires in front of him with a heavy heart.

The folk warlocks participating in the cultivation technique Qianqiu Society this time are all coming with friends and companions, and they have friendship with each other.

The number of casualties was far more than expected.

The people waiting to be cremated at the scene are all relatives and friends of the deceased.

"Brother Qilie!"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, breaking Qilie's contemplation.

Qilie raised his head and saw Fang Dou walking slowly, with a happy expression on his face, "Brother Fang Dou, why are you here?"

"After I received the letter, I came over immediately !"

Fang Dou looked around all around, thick smoke billowed, and occasionally sobbing sounded, "The casualties don't seem to be small!"

A haze flashed across Qilie's face, and then he said, "Let's stop talking about this, let's talk to the side!"

After a while, Qilie pulled a thin young man and introduced him to Fang Dou.

"Fang Dou brother, this is my good friend Liuliu!"

"He is the best in the South of the Yangtze River with his mobile phone skills. He made the flying crow. Come out!"

"People give you a nickname, six-fingered monkey!"

Fang Dou glanced at Brother Hou Liu's palm, both his left and right hands had five fingers, but the big and little thumbs were extra. A section of finger bone, which looks flush with five fingers, perhaps this is the origin of the name.

"Brother Hou Liu, is his real name Hou Liu?"

The thin young man quickly explained, "My family is the sixth oldest, and the local boys are called 'brother', That's why I named him Hou Liuge."

"As soon as Qilie met me, he said my name, which is too cheap!"

Qilie couldn't help saying with a smile , "Isn't that right, whether you know your name or not, as long as you open your mouth, you can call you brother!" Monkey is fine too!"

The name Monkey should be called only by someone close to him. It can be seen that he is very close to Qilie, and even looks at Fang Dou differently.

The three chatted for a while, Qilie sighed, "brother, you shouldn't have come!"

Fang Dou was slightly surprised, feeling that the atmosphere around all around was a little depressed, and the mountain wind was blowing , Dancing with fire!

"When I wrote the letter, I thought that Tianchi Mountain was the same as before, but didn't expect it. This is one of the important branches of Qianqiu Society."

"Qianqiu The monsters of the club, like crazy, stuck in the mountains and fought with us to the death!"

"A lot of people died during this time."

"I added it the day before yesterday. A letter to let you stay at home first, don't rush over here!"

Fang Dou laughed, "I came in a hurry, I must have missed it on the way."

Qi Lie Pai He clapped his hands, "Friends, you can come to see me, Qilie is very happy."

He took out a bag of gold and a few pieces of jade and handed it to Fang Dou.

"The last ten Qi Refinement pills helped me a lot. This is medicine pill money!"

When Fang Dou first arrived, he could see that Qilie also Already a second-rate warlock realm, Qi Refinement Pill obviously helped him a lot.

He didn't refuse, he accepted the gold and jade, and took out two books, "The Essentials of Firearms" and "The Book of Family Legacy".

"Brother, these two secret strategies will be returned to their original owners!"

"My little brother is ashamed, he couldn't hold back, he opened the contents, and even cultivated some of them privately!"


Qi Lie waved his hand after hearing this, "You and my brother, what is this little thing?"

"Fang Dou, our brother has also met, time is urgent, you can go on your way now. !"

Fang Dou was stunned, "What?"

Brother Hou explained, "Fang Dou, Qilie is not driving you away, but Tianchi Mountain is in danger right now. , the longer you stay, the more danger."

"Before I see you much, you are leaving now to return to Jinling!"

Qilie sighed, scolding in a low voice Said, "The old facetious gang, I met them only after eight lifetime's bloody bad luck!"

Fang Dou was a little puzzled when he heard that they had hidden meaning.

At this time, the fire next to it had burned to the end, and the relatives and friends of the deceased were holding wooden box clay pots and went forward to collect the ashes.

Qie Lie saw one of the short and thin backs, frowned and shouted, "Zhang Gouwa."

It was a thirteen-year-old boy who was putting his ashes into a clay pot , Hearing this, he turned around, "Old Lie is great!"

Brother Hou Liu whispered to Fang Dou, introducing Zhang Gouwa's origins.

From the name, you can tell that Zhang Gouwa was born in a rural farming family.

Later, a folk warlock passed by and rescued him with talisman water. It was pitiful to see him alone, and he took him with him as a discipline.

This time warlock was invited and brought Zhang Gouwa with him, but he died in battle a few days ago.

Zhang Gouwa held the Master's crock pot and walked in front of several people with a blank expression.

"Zhang Gouwa, take this body of your Master and go back to your hometown!"

Zhang Gouwa opened her mouth in a daze, then stuck her neck and said, "I'm not going back. , I'm going to stay here to kill the demon and avenge the Master!"

Qilie heard this, his fiery temper ran up his head, and he slapped Zhang Gouwa on the head.

“Killing the demon, are you smelly brat worthy?”

Zhang Gouwa was beaten so badly that she turned to hide, only to be kicked in the ass by Qilie.

"Your Master is dead, you brat is just a piece of trash, stay here to make trouble, get down the mountain!"

Zhang Gouwa cried aggrieved, holding a crock pot and sobbing.

At this time, Brother Hou Liu stepped forward to help him, "Zhang Gouwa, stop crying, go back and learn ability well, and come back to avenge the Master!"

"You are the most important thing now! Yes, take the Master's body back for burial and let him be buried in the ground!"

While persuading him, he took out a few pieces of silver and stuffed it into Zhang Gouwa's arms.

Hou Liuge tried to persuade him, and finally persuaded Zhang Gouwa to move. After a while, the child disappeared on the mountain road holding the crock pot.

Qilie turned around and laughed at Fang Dou, "Sorry for making you lose your temper when you see me."

Fang Dou shook his head, "Brother is cold-hearted and warm-hearted. This child is good!"

"It's good to know!"

Qilie's expression became serious, "Fang Dou, you can also go down the mountain, here..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly remembered a stern voice.

"From now on, friends on the mountain are not allowed to leave without permission, otherwise they will be punished by absconding against the alliance!"

Qi Lie's face changed after hearing this, sorry to Fang Dou Say, "I'm sorry, brother, now you want to go, but you can't."

(end of this chapter)

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