Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 213


Chapter 213 Under the Tianchi Mountain

Fang Dou arrived in Kuaiji County, non-stop, with a big green mule, towards the agreed place rush.

Qilie told Fang Dou in the letter that the sub-altar they attacked was Qianqiu Society located on the edge of Kuaiji County, close to Weiyang County.

So, it didn't take a few days to rush from Niuyindu.

Kaiji County is one of the very best in terms of land area and population.

What's even more difficult is that the wind of Taoism is prevalent here, and it is even more famous for the famous Taoist temple, the hanging seal concept.

Kaiji Mountain, originally one of the famous mountains in Kuaiji County, is also the place where the seal hangs and is one of the resorts of southern Taoism.

When Fang Dou was in Fuyuan Temple, he heard about martial law and precepts, and was very afraid of the hanging seal concept.

"Qianqiu Society, how can it not be extinguished?"

Qianqiu Society spans three counties and is developing like a raging fire.

There are Fuyuan Temple in Jinling County, and Hangyin Temple in Kuaiji County, but they don't rub the sand in their eyes. How can they tolerate the growing growth of the Qianqiu Society.

Not to mention, Kuaiji County is dominated by famous religions, and its top priority is to crack down on non-governmental organizations.

The three were originally at odds, but in dealing with the Qianqiu Society, they rose to a level of unanimity for the first time.

This siege of Qianqiu Society was fueled by three forces behind it.

I heard Qilie say that among the loose cultivators, there are many new faces, both monks and cultivators, all of them have excellent skills, and they know the news of Qianqiu Club like the back of the hand.

With the addition of these new forces, the foundation of Qianqiu Society has been gradually excavated, and the seemingly huge volume has reached a precarious point.

Fang Dou took the token attached to the letter and found a Taoist temple to show it.

"It turned out to be a righteous person who went to the slaying demon club!"

The people of this Taoist temple were very polite, and they supplemented Fang Dou with dry food and water, and fed the big green mules. When I was full, I also thoughtfully refueled the truck for changing parts.

Everything was taken care of properly, and he told Fang Dou what he wanted to know.

Qilie and other entire groups are still attacking the Qianqiu Club division, but the opposing remnant forces are still putting up a desperate struggle, and the two sides have reached a stalemate.

Fang Dou bid farewell to this Taoist temple and immediately set off with a big green mule.

As everyone knows , the Taoist temples in Kuaiji County all use their seals to look at the horse's head.

A small Taoist temple can entertain Fang Dou wholeheartedly. It can be seen that this time, the hanging seal temple can be said to be a convenient door to the eradication of the Qianqiu Society.

Fang Dou hurriedly repaired and continued on his way with the magic talisman, bringing the big green mule around day and night.

At the same time, at the foot of Tianchi Mountain in Kuaiji County, many folk loose cultivators gathered on the mountainside and sighed at the rugged and steep mountain shape.

"Tianchi Mountain is also one of the famous mountains in Kuaiji. Who would have thought that it would be occupied by Qianqiu Society and secretly developed into one of the altars!"

A black-bearded Taoist priest, wearing Gossip daoist robe, holding a steel whip in his hand, shook his head and sighed.

There are many warlocks around, looking towards him, all showing respectful expressions.

This person is called Daoist Steel Whip, and he is the mage realm.

Among the warlocks, the fire-drinking old man is on the list.

"The Qianqiu Society is doing the wrong thing, trying to use evil methods to live forever, and ruining this great river and mountains!"

"We, such as people with lofty ideals, should work together to destroy these demon societies. !"

In the crowd, a young Taoist priest spoke, and everyone recognized that he was Junior brought by the Taoist priest. He was a first-class warlock at a young age.

In the previous battles, young daoist took the lead and killed many enemies.

The steel whip Taoist listened and was satisfied with nodded, "Fengde, in your opinion, what are our next best strategies to defeat the enemy?"

Young known as Fengde daoist, pondered for a moment, then said.

"The sub-altar of Tianchi Mountain is more incomparable than the previous two!"

"It is said that Qianqiu Society won the Tiangang Altar of Danyu daoist and used it as a foundation to expand its power. , at several key sub-altars, the projection of the Tiangang altar has been arranged!"

"During this period of attack, it can be seen that in the Tianchi Mountain, there is a projection of the Tiangang altar."


"The enemy uses this as a defense, constantly wears away our attack, and fails to die!"

Daoist Steel Whip heard nodded, "How to break the game?"

Feng De respectfully said, "I think the first few attacks were defeated because of discord in the hearts of the people, and if there was a slight setback, they would retreat!"

"If the entire line is pressed, it will be enough to break the Tiangang Dharma altar projection in Tianchi Mountain. "

At this time, among the folk cultivators, someone suddenly raised a question.

"But, in this way, many people will die!"

Daoist Steel Whip and Feng De looked towards this person at the same time, their eyes were indifferent, and they didn't say a word.

The companion next to him quickly pulled him a few times.

"Uh, I mean, the casualties are too great!"

Daoist Steel Whip Faint Smile, "When we swore an alliance, we were determined to destroy Qianqiu at all sacrifices. Demon Club!"

"The words are still in your ears, have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten, never dare to forget!"

A group of warlocks everyone talking at once , have opened their mouths.

"The discussion has been decided, everyone will leave, let everyone know about this matter, and launch a general attack tomorrow morning!" .

"Martial Uncle, these mobs are just a mess, why do you want to..."

Feng De finally couldn't help it, and when there was no one in private, he couldn't help but ask.

Daoist Steel Whip smiled lightly, "Feng De, you are not in Taoism at this time. Since you have stepped into the world, you must understand the truth of living with the light."

"These people, even if you If you can't stand it, you must also be with it, control it, and use it!"

"The Qianqiu Society scourge, if you want to destroy it, you will always kill people!"

"Fengde, Think about it!"

On the other side, there were heavy expressions on the faces of those folk warlocks.

The fire-drinking old man was grumpy and spit out thick phlegm on the ground, "There is nothing good for old facetious!"

In the crowd, a Taoist priest dressed up with a dissatisfied expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm not talking about you!"

"Everyone, these guys are now blatantly trying to drive us to be cannon fodder, what should we do now?"

The old man drinking fire was furious, "If this goes on like this, do you really treat us like bulls and horses, and drive them arbitrarily?"

"Old fire, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads!"


"We are at the foot of the land of Kuaiji County. If you want to hang Yinguan, you have to listen!"

"You and I have a good idea, protect your own children and nephews, and take a step. Let's take a look!"

A companion patted the old man Yinhuo on the shoulder, sighed and shook his head and left.

At the same time, Fang Dou took the big green mule and pulled the truck to the foot of Tianchi Mountain.

"Finally come to resupply!"

"Give me a jar of wine to relieve the pain!"

A warlock with a bandage on his arm, sees Fang Dou, Treat him as a back-office.

Fang Dou clarified again and again, "I'm here to find someone, have you heard of this name?"


The man was thinking , he walked past a person, speaking to remind.

"The Martial Nephew of the Fire-Drinking Old Man, that extraordinarily bold man, is also very difficult to deal with firearms!"

"Yes!" Fang Dou said, "It's him! "

"You look in this direction!"

(end of chapter)

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