Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 202


Chapter 202 The old turtle's back, the coffin and bones knocking on the door

In front of Jiming Temple, martial law grabbed Fang Dou's hands for a long time Unwilling to let go.

"Fang Dou brother, take care."

"There are still things in the temple, I'll go back first!"

After sobering up, Martial Law led a group of monks , and return to Fuyuan Temple.

Before leaving, the monks helped clean up the mess and cleaned up the ground.

"The end of the song is scattered!"

Fang Dou looked at the calm all around. It was hard to believe that it was still lively before.

"Also, you big guy, what should I do with you?"

A turtle with a big door was lying beside the copper tripod, squinting weakly.

Fang Dou glanced at the dwarf trees in front of the temple, most of the leaves had turned yellow, and it was almost winter.

No wonder this tortoise is listless, perhaps hibernating!

"Find you a place!"

Fang Dou could see that this tortoise was not a tortoise and would prefer to sleep in a damp mud nest.

There is a river not far from the temple, which should be able to put down this big turtle.

"Take you to find a place to rest!"

Fang Dou spread his hands, holding each side of the turtle shell, and suddenly lifted it into the air.


Fang Dou looked surprised, this big turtle was not too heavy, but too light.

The big turtle on the square table fell lightly on the hand, as if the turtle shell was empty.

"How old are you?"

The tortoise opened his eyes with difficulty, squinted at Fang Dou, and slapped him in the face.

"Let me see your annual rings!"

Fang Dou turned the tortoise on its side, and the secret patterns on the tortoise shell were densely packed in circles.

Roughly, there are at least a thousand laps.

"You're so old?"

You're so obedient, the thousand-year-old Old Tortoise is about to mature.

Old Tortoise still looked indifferent, mouth half-open, and kept spraying hot air on Fang Dou's face.

"Send you to the river, and you will rest in peace with me from now on!"

Fang Dou held the Old Tortoise, walked to the river step by step, put it down, The river water gradually submerged the turtle shell.

The originally dry tortoise shell was moistened by the river water and became shiny.

Old Tortoise entered the water and became energetic, slowly extending its limbs from the turtle shell, fluttering, and gradually sinking into the soft mud.

A moment later, Fang Dou could only see the outline of a turtle through the flowing water.

“Just settle down!”

Fang Dou clapped his hands and turned to leave.

Under the water, Old Tortoise's bark-like face showed grief, opened his mouth and said, "The deadline is coming!"


In the evening, Fang Dou cultivated After a few cycles, go back to the room and fall asleep.

The redwood bed is firm, sleep on it, far more solid than the door panel, and the silk quilt is softer to the touch. In a word, the quilt is too comfortable.

As soon as Fang Dou lay down, he fell into a deep sleep and soon fell into a dream state.

Tonight's dream is extraordinarily clear and extraordinarily strange.

In the dream, Fang Dou woke up early and was reading a book in the side hall.

This time, there were too many books sent by Qian Yuanwai, many of which were precious and unique, which made Fang Dou very fond of it.


Fang Dou's ear moved, and he heard a loud sound of water, which was actually the direction of the river.

He still remembered that the Old Tortoise was released by the river during the day. Could it be that something was wrong?

Fang Dou got up in a hurry, looked out through the wooden window, saw the sky full of water, a blurry shadow slowly approaching the direction of Jiming Temple.

As the shadow approached, Fang Dou recognized the outline of Old Tortoise, but after taking a closer look, he sucked in a cold breath of air.

This Old Tortoise, sunk in the water during the day, is empty.

But at this moment, it has a dark coffin on its back.

Where is the coffin!

Fang Dou can see clearly that this coffin, to be precise, is a coffin, a funeral utensil recorded in ancient rites, and it is wrapped in two layers, inside and outside.

The outer layer is the coffin, and the inner layer is the coffin.

Old Tortoise was very labored, and with the coffin on his back, he moved towards Jiming Temple step by step.

"This, this, this!"

What is this Old Tortoise crazy, bringing such an unlucky thing to Jiming Temple!

Besides, Fang Dou knows everything about ten miles around here. Where did the coffin come from?

Eventually, Old Tortoise stopped in front of Jiming Temple, retracted its limbs into the turtle shell, and fell to the ground.

Perhaps tired, Old Tortoise narrowed his eyes and never moved.

Fang Dou was relaxing when he heard, with a creak, the coffin on the tortoise shell open.

Jujube red's wooden cover, stick out a White Bone Claw, hold the edge and push it out.

When the cover was pushed to the end, a white skeleton got up and walked out, moving its joints a few times, as if it was very uncomfortable.

The skeleton walked stiffly to the door, lifted the White Bone Claw, and knocked on the brand new door.

“dong dong dong!”

Fang Dou raised his hand, wanting to cast a spell to defeat the skeleton.

But something weird happened, his body was empty of mana, and he couldn't use any spell.

“dong dong dong!”

The skeleton was patient and continued to knock on the door.

The knocking on the door was very rhythmic, and it kept knocking at the door, to the point that Fang Dou would not open the door and would never give up.

Fang Dou knew that if he didn't show up today, the other party would definitely not give up.

“What are you afraid of?”

Fang Dou remembered that Jiming Temple is his home court, what kind of ghosts dare to impudent here?

He got up and walked out of the side hall, clearing his throat, "Who is outside?"

An old voice sounded, "Little friend, the old man is about to travel far, so come to visit! "

This voice, no matter how you hear it, doesn't look like a skeleton!

"It's inconvenient to open the door!"

A sigh came from outside the door, "You don't need to be alert, I'm here to warn you, there's no malicious intent!"

Fang Dou was suspicious, opened the door, and saw a skeleton standing in front of the door.

"Little friend, did you forget the turtle that was released during the day?"

"You?" The turtles not far away are unimaginable, and the two are originally one.

The skeleton sighed, "The old man cultivation has been in cultivation for hundreds of years, and it has never been fruitful. Today's deadline is approaching. I am grateful for the kindness of my little friend who gave me living water, and I came here to warn you!"

"Warning! ?" Fang Dou asked back, "What danger do I have?"

"Old man is born with Turtles, has the instinct to seek luck and avoid calamity, and now the life essence will be exhausted, and the premonition is even stronger!"

"Little friend, in less than three days, your catastrophe is imminent, and your life is in danger!"

"I hope you can do it yourself!"

Fang Dou heard this, Horrified in my heart, I was about to ask the details.

At this time, Old Tortoise, who was carrying a black coffin, sighed and passed away.

The skeleton also collapsed immediately, disappeared without a trace.

"Don't go yet!"

Fang Dou shouting loudly, found himself sitting on the bed, all around was pure white gauze.

"It turned out to be a dream!"

Fang Dou wiped the sweat on his forehead and tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't.

It seems that he won't be able to sleep tonight unless he understands this strange dream.

Getting up and putting on his clothes, Fang Dou pushed open the door and went out. When he saw the open space in front of the door, there was only a huge copper tripod standing, and there were no skeletons, turtles and black coffins in the dream.

Is everything a dream?

The river was gurgling, Fang Dou walked to the bank, but he couldn't see the trace of the turtle.

“must find it, ask it clearly!”

Fang Dou followed the direction of the water and walked for twenty miles until he saw the outline of a turtle the size of a square table.

By the time he fished it out, the Old Tortoise had long since disappeared, leaving only an empty turtle shell with nothing inside!

A dream, or not a dream?

This time even Fang Dou was blinded.

(end of this chapter)

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