Peck of Rice Immortal Fate Chapter 201


Chapter 201 People from the Thorn Star Department

This night was really fun for the guests and hosts.

All the guests saw that Fang Dou was related to Fuyuan Temple, and they believed that Jiming Temple had a background.

Qian Yuanwai, Mu Caizhu and the others no longer worry and feel more at ease.

Fang Dou also knew that when people came from afar, they had to entertain them with food and drink, and then return after a night's rest.

"Hang on everyone, I'll bring some drinks here!"

After a while, Fang Dou stretched his arms into a side-by-side shape, holding a water tank on his palms.

Just like that, he walked to the open space step by step, and everyone was shocked and called out again and again.

"Little master Divine Force!"

Well, Fang Dou is the 'Jiming Temple' host, because he is too young, so he is still called 'little master'.

Fang Dou's palms trembled slightly, and the two large water tanks fell to the ground, causing the ground to shake a few times.

At this time, everyone discovered that the water tank was full, and the liquid level was almost flush with the tank mouth.

"This is my brewed sweet liquor, let's try it!"

When everyone was still looking at the water tank, hesitating whether to do it or not, Martial Law got up early and took a wooden spoon and scooped it out. Pick up a tablespoon of sweet rice wine and drink it up.

"Happy, Fang Dou brother, your craftsmanship is amazing!"

Among the crowd, a child asked innocently, "Aren't monks allowed to drink?"

The adult's face changed, and he hurriedly covered the child's mouth and slapped his ass.

The martial law began, and the other guests also stepped forward, but they took the first sip of sweet liquor, their eyes brightened, and after scooping a few more times, they started eating.

Among them, those with business savvy have already been planning, just relying on this bowl of sweet licorice, they can start a restaurant from scratch, which will attract customers from all over the world and make a lot of money. Full, daily gold.

The two big jars of sweet licorice have reached their bottom when it's dawn.

After the night, everyone said goodbye at dawn.

County Magistrate was escorted by Cai Constable last night and returned to the county town to work overnight without staying much.

The remaining members of the money and the rich man Mu also left one after another, and the other local people also left one after another.

The martial law is to lie on the edge of the water tank, hu hu sleeps, and a group of monks who brought him stand by with a helpless expression.

"Let him sleep more!"

Fang Dou stared at the new 'Jiming Temple' plaque in the light of dawn, along with the stone statue in the main hall.

"Leave a monk's head, wear a daoist robe, and make offerings to Confucian saints!"

"Which family am I? Haha, it should be a miscellaneous family!"

"pei pei pei, ominous!"

"I am a disciple of the avenue, how can I stick to the difference between doors?"

Suddenly a rooster crowing, dawn broke!


"Fang Dou Master of Jiming Temple, not only has high spell strength, but also has the ability to brew sweet liquor with one hand, which is rare in the world!"

Several people carried agricultural implements and talked while walking.

It is a pity that they were not able to attend the feast at Jiming Temple, but I have heard people mention that the sweet lees brewed by Fang Dou is simply delicious!

"Hey, if I go there that day, I'll drink ten bowls and eight bowls too!"

"It's so beautiful, I heard that County Magistrate lord, I just drank it too!"

Half a bowl, I was thinking about it that night, and I wrote seven or eight poems one after another!"

"tsk tsk!"

Two silhouettes stood in front of them, one tall and the other short, tall Strong and agile, short and slender.

The people blocking the road are a man and a woman. The man is as tall as a black tower. Standing in front of the crowd, the shadow cast by him is enough to cover all of them. Half head tall.

In addition, the two of them were dressed differently from the locals, as if they came from the southwest.

"Several uncles, I heard you mentioned just now that there is a Jiming Temple in the area, and the monks in it are very difficult to deal with, right or not?"

Silver ornaments, silver bracelets on hands, colorful clothes on her body, like a proud big peacock, a pair of white calves protruding from under the skirt, which makes your mouth dry.

When several people saw her, the first reaction was 'high', and the second was 'white'.

The girl's skin is as soft as tofu, and her eyes are like clear mountain springs, making some people feel ashamed.


"Fang Dou, the little master in our county, is a powerful expert!"

In front of the girl Son, a few common people said it all at once like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.

What to kill the evil beggar Guo San, capture the thief Lang Qi, help the people of this county expose the true face of the former County Magistrate and so on.

The girl listened throughout the whole process, and the black tower-like man beside him stood expressionless on the ground.

"Little girl, what are you asking about this?"

A commoner asked curiously.

The girl pursed her lips and smiled, "My family has been a little troubled recently. I heard that there is an expert here, and I want to come and ask for advice!"

"Where can I find Fang Dou, the little master, that's right. !"

After several people left, the girl patted the big man beside her, "Big man, did you hear that, this is our goal!"

She tossed her hair, silver jewelry With a tinkling sound, the delicate earlobes exposed, hung with two earrings inlaid with Star Stone.

The big man like a black tower was silent, but the headband wrapped around his forehead was also wrapped around a thumb-sized Star Stone.

This is the custom of the 'star thorn tribe'. After each member is ten years old, they have to travel all over the place to find a piece of Star Stone to dress themselves up before they are eligible to return to the tribe.

Star Stone is the stone that the stars in the sky shattered and turned into after falling to the ground. How precious!

Many members of the tribe, unable to find the Star Stone all their lives, are naturally isolated from their hometowns.

The girl sighed, "My brother is almost ten years old, I am an elder sister, I want to get the Star Stone for him!"

"Ata, you have to help me !"

"The Central Plains people from Qianqiu Society, when they encounter an enemy that cannot be dealt with, like to use our clansman's life as a knife!"

"But they have Star Stone, There's no way!"

"As long as you kill this Fang Dou, you can use his head to exchange ten Star Stones!"

"My brother has ten Star Stones! Stone, you will definitely be able to dress up as the most beautiful guy in the tribe and win the most beautiful girl in the tribe!"

Ata suddenly said, "It's you!"

"What?" The girl didn't listen clear.

Atta repeated, "The most beautiful girl in the tribe is you!"

The girl covered her mouth, laughed, "Atta, you look dumb, didn't you? t expect talk is sweeter than honey!"

"Adi, he will definitely meet a girl more beautiful than me!"

"Let's go, let's meet this Fang Dou!"

Atta followed behind the girl, silent.

The girl's left and right earrings are inlaid with four Star Stones, all of which were captured by her strength of oneself.

In contrast, Ata only has one Star Stone, which is far inferior to her.

In the Thorn Star Department, all the members who got the Star Stone personally, the number of Star Stone they wear is a condition for evaluating whether they are powerful or not.

In other words, the girl who looks weak is actually stronger than Atta.

The girl suddenly opened her palms, and from the bracelet, a scorpion the size of a slap drilled out. Its whole body was as black as ink, and there were bright spots of Big Dipper on the back shell. It tamely lay on the back of her hand.

"Good pet, I'll send you first!"

Atta looked at the scorpion, somewhat dreaded. With his strength, he was stabbed by the scorpion, and even if his whole body was exchanged for blood, he could not escape. Poisoned and killed.

(end of this chapter)

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