The washroom, which had been dry, slowly became wet, and the water vapor from nowhere was swimming between the floor tiles, and soon rose to more than half a person's height, as if someone was fiddling with a fog machine nearby. Such an environment blurs the field of vision, and at the same time, the surrounding scenery becomes neglected, making Sister Di, who is in the center, stand out in a strange posture that is particularly eye-catching.

She stopped there, distractedly whispering into the shower curtain, as if talking to someone she couldn't see. As she spoke, she closed her eyes and raised her arms around her head, her fingers split and bent upward, as if she were praying as well as a prayer.

"This girl seems to have a problem, but luckily you brought her to the store tonight. Fan Pang couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart and stood up.

"What do you want to do? The trouble you broke last time wasn't big enough?" Seeing this, I dragged it down, for fear that this guy's blood would mess around, and whispered: "You will also behave strangely several nights, such as standing in the aisle with your feet wide apart, which is sleepwalking." "

As she was talking, Sister Di opened her eyes suddenly, seemed to scream a few times, and ripped off the shower curtain to cast it out as a fishing net, and the plastic sheet slowly descended from the air, covering something at once. Her eyes lit up, and she reached out and wrapped her arms tightly, and just like that, something with a head and shoulders appeared in the center of the shower curtain. This scene instantly shocked me and Fan Pang beyond words.

"Hurry, hurry, something is going to happen, you go to find Lao Dai, I'll pounce on someone!" The dead fat man hugged his head and screamed, and hurriedly pushed the door and ran out! I broke out in a cold sweat, and I just wanted to stop him, but I was twisted by the soul sickle.

"This bastard has exploded in the abdomen since he was gnawed by that demon horse of San Vitale!, why should I let Dixie be dragged away by the Phantom Sun because of his trespass last time?" I cried out, "Didn't I tell you?"

"Don't be impatient, last time it was because of the Super Demon Formation, but this time the situation has changed. In addition, I also want to see with my own eyes what the so-called human mortar is. If that's the case, sebum can't hurt the living, and if this fat man gets it right, it's a good weapon. "

No matter what I wanted to say, it didn't stop Fan Pang from taking out the key and unscrewing the door, appearing in the opposite corner of the room. Although he was as strong as an ox, he was a little timid when he was alone. I saw Fan Pang first shouted a few times in the direction of the bathroom, and then hesitantly groped forward, when the person bypassed the big bed, the fat head suddenly tilted on his shoulders like a broken straw, his eyes were like copper bells, and one side of his body began to bulge violently, and the vacuum explosion of repeated bad things was about to explode again.

I couldn't wait any longer, so I hurriedly chased after me, and as soon as I arrived at the front door of the dormitory, I was slammed by a gust of wind. I had to turn in the direction of the elevator and bang on the detective's door. The old guy hadn't slept yet, he was brushing his teeth with a teapot, and when he saw that I couldn't speak, and knew that something had happened again, he instinctively ran out after me.

"Dixie is also in the hotel, why don't you tell me?" As soon as he heard that Sister Di was not far away, the detective scolded, "Is that black suit familiar with our business or am I more familiar?"

Unscrewed open the door, I rolled up my sleeves and went straight inside, but before I could stand firmly, a thick black fat hit me, instantly pouring me into a soup chicken. The scene that appeared in front of me was really very different from the previous times. The dead fat man is like a headless fly, blasting himself round after round, blowing up the whole dormitory to the point of greasy, but without a goal. After all, this is a person, not a spray can, and no amount of inventory is enough to consume it like this. With a series of strange screams, he seemed to be hit by an invisible strange force, and the whole person was pushed eight feet away, and he rolled several times in the center of the aisle before he could stop himself, and his eyes rolled and he passed out.

At the same time as he fell out, the plastic sheet, which was originally held in Sister Di's arms, suddenly opened and pounced in front of the bathroom door, covering her vision tightly, vaguely revealing her graceful figure, which seemed to be relaxed. She sat down on the spot and slowly began to sing.

This noise alarmed the good deeds who were singing on the terrace, and Ruddock Razor and the others ran down the stairs, and when they saw the fat man unconscious and lying to the ground, they hurriedly dragged him aside, and asked me where the soul scythe was. I pointed my hand to the side, wondering how it was quiet? Eupicio and the detective did not make a sound, and there was a dead silence all around.

Just as everyone was questioning whether they wanted to go in and check, they suddenly heard the singing in the dormitory becoming clearer and clearer, and when they looked sideways, the shower curtain had slipped to the ground, and Dixie walked out of the bathroom with her eyes wide open. She seemed to be holding something, caressing and singing, and went straight to the bed and sat down, put the invisible thing beside her, and continued to lie back. Just humming a song and patting the mattress, I fell asleep again. The situation was like coaxing a baby to sleep, and these strange behaviors made me sweat all over my body.

Back in the vacant room next door, Soul Scythe and Lao Dai were sitting side by side in front of the edge of the bed, silent. Ruddock thought they had entered the evil barrier, and hurriedly turned on the overhead light to take a closer look, and they reacted, waving their hands again and again to indicate that they were okay, and they were dazzled by the sudden brightness of the house.

"Lao Fan didn't hurt her anything, did he?" I was so shocked that I couldn't wait to ask: "Is this an evil spirit?"

"Judging from the only signs that have been observed, it seems that she has injured the fat man who is addicted to drugs," the soul sickle took the cigarette I handed over, and smoked it, saying: "This woman has a lot of souls on her body, and the more she gathers, the more she is scattered. "

Everyone didn't see the whole process, they couldn't help but look at each other, and for a while they looked left and right, unable to understand what their heads were saying.

After the fat man rushed in, he was disturbed by the scurrying demon spirits, so the vacuum bombs frequently exploded around him, and finally he fainted with all his strength. During the whole process, he was always restrained by a strange force, unable to hurt half of Dixie's hair. The detective stood up irritably, punched me hard, and said, "Anyway, she's fine, it's not as simple as encountering the dirt of the road, Dixie seems to be more like a mother of earth than those, and those things that are scurrying around are attracted to her." "

"Mother Earth, you want to say she's a living filthy ghost?" Ruddock shuddered and the corners of his mouth twitched, "It's impossible. "

"This woman herself has become a kind of Horcrux, as if the unclean ghosts that had been dormant in the body have been awakened, attracting the surrounding spirits to the upper body and turning them into nutrients. As long as she doesn't touch the thing in her arms, she will be fine, and if she fights that thing, she will definitely die. Soul Scythe stood up, put his arm on my shoulder, and said, "As long as she doesn't get to the point of self-harm, things can be controlled." Filthy things are the most difficult to serve, and the Howling Double Kill and Henghuang of the past are outstanding representatives of them! You might as well ask her what she dreams tomorrow, and then we'll talk about the rest. It's okay now, let's go whatever we want. "

On the way back to the house with the detective, he pondered as he walked, and said to himself, "This is so strange, have you ever heard of the robe of the rails?"

"I've heard my buddy mention that she's said to be a giant demon that devours the souls of other demons, but is she a robe of the track


"No, I'm just doing elimination, it's just a similarity. But that kind of thing is a dead thing, and it takes years and months to take shape, at least decades, more than hundreds of years. The Robe of the Orbit does not rely on sucking spirits as nutrients, it is very self-disciplined and has its own purpose, and is often used by demons and evil people. When the plan is accomplished, he will naturally leave. It will only destroy the demon soul but will not protect the demon spirit, let alone feed it like a baby. Lao Dai glanced at me and asked, "Can you still remember the nightmare she said?" "

I shrugged and was noncommittal. Everything in the Nightmare was cleansed, and no detail could be remembered. After everyone dispersed, I went back to the dormitory and sat next to Sister Di, worried that something would happen to her again. With a steady breath, she felt haggard after watching it for a long time, and tiredness gradually hit, and finally I tilted my head and didn't know anything.

The sun was shining, I was dragged up by Fan Fat, the time was close to noon, I went downstairs with my dizzy head and sat down at the dining table. Originally, I was discussing whether Dehan's matter should be postponed, but two women with angry faces came in, and they didn't say hello and squeezed us away to sit down.

"But you can't just take her to the dormitory, although the grease is gone, but the whole room stinks, and the mattress looks like it has been bubbled with soap, how can you sleep with this?" Krys stirred the plate with a soup spoon, deliberately making a loud noise, and said, "I was on duty all night, and I had to mop the floor and wash my clothes tiredly, and I can't lie down until now." She's just intentional, maybe she's a monster in the first place. "

"You two haven't seen what happened last night, that's too weird, how can you spew blood?" Fan Pang pointed to the fat head that was knocked green, and said: "She was originally fine, but since she was dragged into the phantom sun, it was more or less because of us, and I also wanted to save people." "

"You two have it, what a pleasure to help others. The female soldier waved her hand irritably to shut him up, and said, "I don't care at all if she dies or not, don't put yourself on the level of a saint." If she's an ugly girl, can you two work so hard? The newsstand girl in front of the park looks quite pitiful, why don't you two take care of her business? Don't you think she has a dark spot on her face? So to put it mildly, it's just that she was seduced by beauty, and this white-collar began to destroy the atmosphere of unity between us as soon as she appeared. "

I smoked a cigarette indifferently, nudged Krys' elbow, and asked, "Would you like to come with us to Dehan?"

"Go to Dehan, but Chambers doesn't work. She didn't expect me to suddenly throw out other topics, and she seemed a little surprised, and said to herself: "But like that, the front desk, to be honest, I'm quite depressed these days, and it's good to go out... "

"If the same strange thing happens again, it is obvious that it is impossible for the anchor to be a non-leaking fragrance, and you have become the best choice. I turned my face sideways and asked Fan Fat, "Do you think you can talk to Lao Ai?" "

"I don't think there will be a problem, the soul sickle they have covered the entire floor at once, and they are busy refitting and modifying the elevator for a while, and I heard him say this morning that there will continue to be people coming from Europe. The fat man hurriedly threw away the cups and saucers, and pushed the door straight away as if fleeing.

"Someone else? What does that mean?" I asked, looking at the female soldier with round eyes, "Do you know about this?"

She nodded, telling me not to talk about it in front of outsiders, and at the same time put away the dinner plate and planned to leave.

When I saw that the dispute was resolved, I immediately chased after her, deliberately lowered my head and sighed, punched her lightly, and said, "Let's go downstairs and walk, you and I shouldn't have made such a fuss, in short, I was at fault first." "

In Charlotte in August, the weather is no longer so hot, and walking under the boulevards is refreshing with a cool breeze. I invited her to sit down in front of the pool, took off her shoes and slapped the water, brought over an ice cream, and planned to have a good conversation.

"You were angry about that, Krys told me. But I never knew what your attitude was, so I was in a trance. Dixie's matter is not what you think, and I want to solve her problems in one go. After all, people have their own careers, how can they fool around with me all day long, and it is not good for her to spread it. Are you really interested in me? In that case, let's just pass for a while to see if we get along, and then Hollisman, don't worry about him, and go with us to Dehan to relax. "

"I'm still angry, I don't have this plan for the time being, and I'm going to accompany Razor to Florida in the evening. Little Cherry glared at me fiercely and exclaimed, "If I didn't feel for you, would I have gone to bed the first night?" "

"What are you doing in Florida?" I asked, glancing in the direction of the hotel, "Tilblich hired you again?"

"Because the proposal of the Dark World's Formation Order has been approved by the Holy King. With so many people dying in the three major organizations, it is impossible to turn the page on this matter easily. Therefore, in the next six months, many people will continue to move from Europe to the United States. The female soldier picked up the cigarette case and lit a cigarette for herself, saying, "So you have come and gone, and when you come back, you will be gone." You shouldn't know to ask less, remember, she's done enchanting this, don't hook up with white-collar again, and tell me to see you try again. "

And only twenty minutes later, the subject sitting by the pool was replaced by Krys, and I also listened to her vent silently, and then whispered to her earnestly: "After arriving in Dehan, we will turn to Georgia, you and Lin Rui have been separated for too long." "

"It's strange, why didn't he talk to me?, and Charlie went with him?" she played, uncomfortably.

"You and her are not all the way, and besides, she has her own things to do, and she will leave North Carolina in the evening. Don't think about it so much, in short, you should prepare first. I smiled wickedly and said, "I can see that you need a vacation to relax." "

This is the style of a mature man, the style of a veteran who has mixed with the wind and moon field. The reason why Krys teamed up with the female soldiers was because she was lonely because she saw that everyone around her was self-respecting and lonely, and Xiao Cherry was also using her to get closer to Lin Rui more conveniently, so the Holy Alliance had to be broken up, otherwise she would be the one who would suffer the most in the end. If the object is changed to Lin Rui, he will be at a loss and unable to control everything. And its nature is not to know how to refuse people's warm swallowing water, where is the opponent of female soldiers? If Xiao Cherry makes a little worse and finds an opportunity to poison him, then everything will be over, I believe she will definitely do it.

I think of me Alex Laozi, there is no pursuit of money, no greed for power, only know the fragrance of women, I like to fall in love all day long, and the rest is not concerned. Naturally, it is a split and a hole in interpersonal relationships, pretending to be stupid and stupid in the past, just thinking that he is similar to Lin Rui in temperament, and it is too boring for both to show their true hearts, so it will be easier to be willing to be a ruffian.

When the two women are dispatched, then the third one should be found Dixie. As a result, I hadn't dialed the phone yet, but she was the first to call, and without waiting to ask, she said in a happy tone, that kind of nightmare may be like what the soul sickle said, it is a day and night, she slept very soundly last night, and she didn't dream of Chuck anymore, but she dreamed of her beloved son who died of injury.

"He seemed to have become a baby all of a sudden, that time was the best time in my life, every second I could feel the time passing, the bright wall lamp shining on his soft face, and the sound of dripping water in the distance, all made people feel so attached and reluctant. It's too short. It may be difficult for you to understand that you don't have children, but I want to thank you for staying at the bedside all night. "

"It turns out that the tightly wrapped nihilistic person turned out to be a lost child?" I couldn't help but be shocked, and just wanted to ask again, Uncle Hu's urging voice came from the background of the phone, and Sister Di had to hang up the phone in a hurry and go to work that she couldn't finish.

After returning to the hotel, I immediately grabbed Fan Pang and reported the matter to Ebizio. The dwarf man groaned slightly, and asked me to find the detective again, and said that arc breaking is not the specialty of the good deeds, and this kind of exclusivity may be more insightful. Last night, he was the first to put forward the idea of a filthy ghost, which was Lao Dai's discovery. If you want to help this helpless woman, you have to listen to his opinion again.

The Brotherhood of Tibrich believed in a sect known as the Cult of the Dark God of the Night, which was popular in the Libyan region of Tripoli during the Roman period, and worshipped Danatos, the god of death, and Hepnos, the god of sleep. In the past, the straw boy played in the thunder urn, and this is the set. He brought the spirits of St. Vitale, Miss Lukugu, and Freesia to the Styx Corridor, in an attempt to use me, who had died on other planes, to open a gap in Henghuang's body.

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