Once upon a time, behind the thick felt cloth soaked in blood, a butter corpse lamp swayed with the yin wind lit up. A short, stocky man, silently closed his eyes, drank left and right, and went down alone to the deepest part of the mountain root and sat down. Directly in front of him was a horrific corpse, a corpse that had just been sewn up and pressed into the air with a fire tire. The man turned a blind eye, his lips squirming, as if he were talking to him and as if he were saying goodbye to an old friend. Unconsciously, the figure reflected on the mountain rock suddenly became extraordinarily large.

There was silence in my ears, but I felt the sound of chains coming from all directions, what was this? For a while, I looked around left and right, and I saw the elites of the dark world standing upright and solemn like javelins. Suddenly, a strong air mass exploded from behind the felt cloth, and two black shadows appeared on the rocks, and the living and the dead were sitting on the ground, and the two of them were pointing fingers, as if they were arguing with something.

This kind of unprecedented demon method is called the Danatos Soul Scythe Necropsy Technique, and the one who has mastered its essence is this Yin Owl man. Although under the intervention of Emperor Heng, this identification of the real culprit ended in failure, but at that time, I paid attention to this person.

If it's not just witchcraft that's not impressive, what I value is wholeness. In that battle against the Shura Pine, which shed the blood of the world, we were not good at the division, and the coach was killed at the beginning of the fight. So the man took the battle banner and continued to lead the people to resist with all their might, and finally cut off the ghoul queen at a very small cost. This man rarely makes mistakes, and even plays the right place with every move, and the most commendable thing is that he can accept advice regardless of who he is aiming for. All in all, I was extremely impressed with him.

Yes, I can't believe it anyway, since I hit Wicker Town, this guy has reappeared in front of me!

"Soul Scythe Eupicio?oh my God, when did you get to North Carolina?" Although he was also one of the nightmares, treating the prisoners like pigs and dogs, at this moment, I was somewhat surprised. But since this person is sitting in the hotel lobby, there will naturally be two other old faces nearby. Sure enough, a big black man with a smooth chin walked from behind the business center.

"Ruddock's razor?" I greeted an acquaintance. I looked around, but I didn't see the tall man walking with me.

"The straw boy went with San Vitale with the severed arm, and they never returned to Europe. He sighed, punched me, and said, "Charlotte, who arrived yesterday morning, stayed overnight in Wicker Town, and then came." "

The Yuneka Mountains are the sphere of influence of the Children of the World, and since they are here, it undoubtedly means that we are being watched. However, the Soul Scythe waved his hand and said that we are not worth the waste of precious time by the good rams, they have their own plans. In view of the emergence of two extremely dark forces during the destruction of the Lukugu Yin Mansion, he obtained the consent of the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, and this time led a group of people from the headquarters of Tunisia to come to the United States again in order to establish a checkpoint, and he claimed to be a proclaimant in an attempt to investigate the matter of the Emperor. During this period, they need a place to stay, so the little old man recommends that everyone has no need to get a real estate, they can go to the cheap and high-quality Guohe Hotel to pre-package the floor, when to do it and when to go, it also looks clean and neat.

"The sons of the world are all over the state, how do you know that Charlotte doesn't have their people? Maybe the old man sitting in front of the newsstand, maybe this backpacker wandering in front of the door. Ruddock smiled, pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window with a good view, and said, "I don't come to you, they have their own business to do, and everyone else knows your every move." "

"I finally laid a basic plate and messed up the 0514 warehouse, which turned out to be equivalent to building a big prison for myself. "The female soldier should have been acquainted with them, and the last time I was employed by Tebrich, she was sitting cross-legged in the middle of this group of vindicators, and she was ridiculing me with great vigour. When he saw Dixie come in from the outlet, he couldn't help but change color and asked, "Why are you still fooling around with her?".

"No, something went wrong when the warehouse was broken, and Sister Di seems to have suffered from the evil ghosts in the phantom sun, which is indirectly caused by the detective. Of course, the culprit is all dead fat people. I quickly rummaged into the front desk and asked Krys to book a room for her, but she spread her hands and said it was all sold out today. When he raised his head, he saw Fan Fat coming downstairs, standing in front of the pile of people like a grandson.

It is said that he disappeared in the afternoon when he was met by Charlotte's children of the world, and the little old man ordered him to leave for Castonia immediately and bring back the rams, because they did not know the way and refused to use modern electronics. Then I went to the rhino horn restaurant to have a good meal. He went upstairs to the boss's room this time, and proposed to Lao Ai that the other party would charter the entire fifth floor as an office space.

Since breaking the super demon array of 0514 Reverse Current Phantom Sun, Lao Ai's hotel has become popular all of a sudden, and many people have come to visit, this fat man no longer has to worry about frugality, and he is worried about saving money all day long, so he is full of spring breeze. A succession of good things are coming, as if ushering in the second spring of the career. So at this moment, a few cadres who were leading Tebrich were looking upstairs at the guest room.

"Is it really recommended by Bolton, not because of the TV broadcast, and they came to spy on me?" I saw that the kind rams were whispering, and I couldn't help but approach Fan Fat and whisper, asking, "Why don't you say hello before you go out?"

"The phone was confiscated and not retrieved until the person returned. He sighed and said, "It's a blessing or a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided, it's coming anyway, so let's take one step at a time." Let's do our business behind closed doors and try not to touch it. "

If only the common sense of the world was really like what the dead fat man said. However, the dark world is like drugs, once you have been exposed to them, it is very difficult to get rid of them. Of course, when I say this, I don't mean that this group of strongmen likes coercion and temptation, or stalking. No, strictly speaking, they think very highly of themselves and don't like to get involved in the turbidity of the world. But it is closely integrated with the real society.

For example, if you want to be rich, you have to find someone in the dark world to check for you, if your home is visited by a series of obscure gods, you have to find them, or if you are blackmailed by someone to completely eradicate your troubles, you still have to rely on them in the end. Well, let's say you're a rule-goer, with a clean background and no criminal record. Then you wouldn't have access to them?

There will always be times when you are financially struggling, there will always be moments when you go to the casino to have fun, you will always go to the restaurant to eat because you are too troublesome, and you will never be able to solve your own physical problems and go shopping. As long as you go out of the house and get in touch with this society, you will naturally meet them. The dark world is intermingled with all aspects of normal society, like a dark web covering all industries. It's just that you can't get to the threshold of others, and they are also boring to you, so these guys are just invisible in your eyes.

No, Soul Scythe Eupicio has been amazed by Dixie, the age gap between the two is smaller than mine, and they are both people who have been in society for a long time, and they are sitting not far away talking. Because of the female soldiers' added fuel and vinegar, the short man was very curious about her, and asked how she could get entangled with me. From this, it is concluded that this group of rams does not know about the exorcism of evil spirits in the warehouse at all.

I just wanted to stop it in time, but Sister Di had already told him about Chuck in the nightmare with a sad face, and by the time I stepped forward, the two of them had basically finished talking. Ebizio rubbed his face, patted the back of Sister Di's pink hand, and said that he didn't have to take it too seriously, maybe he just thought about it day and night, and it was just a coincidence. The more you think about this kind of thing, the more you will dream about it, and relax first and watch it for a few days.

"So we're checking each other. Dixie pointed at me and said, "I want to find out what the problem is." "

"This kind of thing, we still have to watch it for a few more days, if it is seven days in a row, let's take care of it again. Soul Scythe took out a jar of summer sleep in his arms, handed it to her, and said, "This is a drink made of various flower petals, which can make people completely relax and keep you dreamless all night." "

I hurriedly pulled Dixie up and went upstairs, I couldn't book a room today, so I had to ask her to be wronged in our guest room for a night, anyway, Krys was on duty tonight, plus the hotel came to this group, I waited for a few to stay at the bottom of the building, and the dormitory was naturally undisturbed.

"That's not good, I'm going to book a room at Sheraton. She looked at the bamboo tube in her hand and asked suspiciously, "I can't take this drink from a stranger, Besson, are you sure it's okay?"

"No problem, when we are underground, we drink it as mineral water, it tastes like honeysuckle tea, which is a health supplement. "After opening the door on the sixth floor, I waited for her to sit down, then poured Xia Mian into a glass of water, and drank a small half to show that it was not poisonous.

"The man just said something strange and asked me when the heart seed was opened, but I didn't mention it, how did he know?".

"Oh no!" I remembered that the soul scythe is proficient in mind reading, even if you want to keep the secret, as long as you sit in front of this person, you will be seen clearly. Since ancient times, Tilblich has been professional in interrogating criminals and obtaining confessions. In this way, perhaps when the two of them were talking, Eupaceo had already taken a picture of her. Thinking of this, I had to sigh: "You will have no privacy in front of him, and he happens to be the master of mind reading, and this is the terrible thing about the dark world." "

Dixie then took a shower and swallowed a few pills she had with her, never moving for the jar of hibernation, and soon fell asleep. I couldn't stay any longer, so I turned on all the wall lamps as she asked, and tiptoed the door shut.

When I went downstairs, I saw that the detective had returned, and under Fan Pang's warm introduction, the two symbolically shook hands. Then they sat down on one end of the couch and had nothing to say to each other. In Lao Dai's eyes, he looks down on the so-called dark world, and it is not difficult to get a glimpse of this from his occasional words in the past, and for Ebizio, Brovick belongs to the pan-world or extremely dark world that is with the Emerald Flower, and he is different from each other. The two of them looked at the scenery aimlessly, and quickly avoided them after their eyes intertwined.

Therefore, the dead fat man and I also seemed more embarrassed in this atmosphere, so we had to take care of each person and chat with him without words.

Looking around, I saw that the do-gooders and Ruddock were all gone, and I thought that they had returned to their rooms to rest after a long journey. When I asked, I realized that they didn't book a room at all, and the group went to the rooftop and was doing a kind of homework called singing the sky. They are accustomed to an ascetic life, do not pursue material comforts, and can settle down in a cave or wasteland.

The detective was also thinking about his own thoughts, and he went with Aga to attend the regular events of the National Detectives, and during the banquet he heard about a strange case of unsolved murders that was circulating in his hometown of New York, and another group of National Detectives, who seemed to be following up on the group called the Ambitious Generation. Everyone asked him what he thought about this, and Lao Dai had been busy in other states since last month, and he had never heard of it, so he was slightly embarrassed.

What is this about? It's a serial killer in the Empire State. This person's anti-reconnaissance experience is outstanding, he is ruthless, he does not leave a trace, he comes and goes without a trace, and many people have been killed.

However, Lao Dai did not agree with them, the serial crime is an inference due to the similarity of the method, which is manifested as a random crime, so it is extremely difficult to detect. There was no connection between the deceased, the time was incoherent, the locations were vastly different, and there was no way out copycats.

Not long ago, the United States had just cracked the 10-year-long case of a frenzied mailing bomber, and no one could have imagined that the murderer would actually live in a dense forest thousands of miles away, living in seclusion and without contact with the outside world, in a form of rapidly returning to primitive society, in an attempt to achieve the goal of liberating human society. He was eventually arrested because he told the outside world that if the newspaper could publish his paper, it would put an end to the atrocities.

With this clue, from the paper to a letter to his family, he finally opened a breakthrough and captured it.

There is also a type of murder, which on the surface looks very much like a serial crime, but after being detected, the reality is very different. In fact, it was murdered by multiple people at different times for various purposes, but the bodies were abandoned in a similar way and were grouped together.

This time, Charlotte's local national detective is discussing a series of mysterious cases, and Aga knows that the Brockwick family is good at dealing with such challenges, so he invited him to participate in the event. As for Lao Dai's suggestion that it should not be made public, it is actually the idea of a large TV network to open a crime program, and the bald old man intends to match it to increase his popularity.

The two middle-aged men with straight faces sat stiff for a while, and then exchanged a few pleasantries, and the detective dragged his tired body upstairs to rest. I always thought about Sister Di, and I wanted to go upstairs with him to have a look, but I was dragged by the soul sickle. He leisurely lit a cigarette and asked, "How did you open it, and how long did you open it?"

In the face of people like Soul Scythe who can't hide secrets, I have to tell the story of the recent attack on the problem room of the warehouse. When the dwarf man heard this, he pointed at me and said that if Dixie really ran into something difficult, it might be because of me, not a detective.

"Why do you say that?" I was stunned for a moment, so I sat down again and asked.

"The heart seed can't be opened casually, it depends on the person's physique. Antibiotics, for example, are effective for the vast majority of people, but for some people, they can cause allergic reactions and toxic outbursts. Out-of-body demon spirits are already weak-willed and particularly vulnerable to invasion. If there are high-level demon spirits to touch them at this moment, especially if they open a heart seed, then it is equivalent to providing an opportunity for other evil ghosts with malicious intentions. Ebizio glanced at me, smoked a cigarette, and said, "In the past, Bolton was fighting in the Thunder Urn in the other world, and Miss Lukugu was opened in advance, because she was still human at that time. "

"Could it be that the heart seed can only be opened to the living with demon-soul substances, and you can't mess around with each other casually?" Fan Pang heard that everyone mentioned himself in other time and space, so he took out his notebook and wrote hard, and asked while recording: "What is the principle of this?"

"If, I mean, this kid really understands that the lady is a good owl, then he is a living ghost, do you understand? And his operation is like saying hello to other powerful ghosts: Come and occupy it, this demon spirit has been invaded by me. As a result, others will follow the pipe he opened and drill the demon soul into a thousand holes. So while you dragged her back, it caused her to be doomed in the future. "

"What is the situation with Dixie now, is she really possessed by an evil spirit?" I asked, with palpitations in my heart.

"It's hard to say, I can't see the clues for a day or two, the demon is like a lesion, there is a process, if it continues to deteriorate within seven days, this person is basically finished. Eupisio got up and paced in the hall with his hands behind his back, and said with a dry smile: "I said, why are you so good? But why do you always find peerless beauties?".

"No, I'm not the kind of relationship you think she is, and it's not what Little Cherry speculates, but it's a friend, but it's much better than a friend, in short, I forgot everything, and I can't tell you the specifics. So, what can you do?".

"Although this woman is sophisticated, her essence is simpler, and she is more righteous, and it is more in line with my aesthetics, and to be honest, I don't want to see her suffer. But then again, it will definitely not work in vain, and there will be no way to explain to the Brotherhood in the future. He snapped his fingers and motioned for a walk up the sixth floor. I went to the front desk and introduced Krys to Ebizio, saying that this was the fiancée that Miss Lucugu often talked about, and after greeting her, he didn't talk much nonsense and asked her for a room, but Krys said that all the rooms on the sixth floor were sold.

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