Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 133: where the value lies

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Under the rule of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, there is a saying that officials come every ten years.

Such city-states as Jianye and Jingde are located.

Among them, the chief officials are usually officials directly assigned by Xuanzhou.

In the early years, perhaps these new officials had something to say. But over the years, the local power is expanding.

If you don't mix with the locals, let alone ten years... If you can hold back a year without falling, you must be considered an innocent official.

It seems that Jianye's special fortifications, if Xuanzhou's power is the most prosperous, I am afraid that no one dares to think carefully.

But because of the current situation, everyone wants to get some benefits and use them for themselves.

Then, in the future 'chaotic times', you can have a little more wealth, so that you won't die.

In this way, the soldiers, armor, and food in the stockpile...

Naturally, it became a windfall.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao nodded slightly, and then a few thoughts appeared in his mind.

The disease of the prosperous Tang... is a sign of hardship and hard to return.

What about today's saints who have the will to govern?

If there is no means of thunder, and there are capable ministers to complement each other, after all, it is still impossible to carry this tall building that is about to collapse...

Up to now, I don't know what other means can be used to solve such a dispute.

Sighing lightly, Wang Hao followed Gu Qingqing's thoughts and continued to think for a while, and then he knew the reason why she was worried now.

The bookstore that I finally opened up.

Now it is because of the rioting of those earthy monkeys, and even the business can't go on...

From the point of view of risk, this situation is almost described as 'losing all the money', which is not excessive.

Therefore, Wang Hao can somewhat understand Gu Qingqing's current haggard.

He half-opened his mouth, as if trying to comfort him aloud. But on second thought, how could someone as smart as Gu Qingqing be unable to figure out these ways?

Now that I've pointed it out, it's rather boring.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao had to turn his head around, and then asked other words.

"Then... If you look at the idea of ​​taking care of the young lady, how long can you stay in Jingdecheng now?"

Since we have to leave sooner or later, it is better to ask clearly earlier.

It is also convenient to make plans later.

Without waiting for Gu Qingqing to open her mouth, she heard a push on the door outside, followed by a familiar voice.

"Up to five days!"

The people who come to leave are eager to leave, and they are full of dust.

Wang Hao looked intently, only to realize that it was actually Qian Fang.

The little old man was also welcome. He rolled up his sleeves, and was not in a hurry to talk to Wang Hao, but bowed his hands to Gu Qingqing first.

"Miss, I've got everything ready. I've prepared three carriages, and I'll ask others to start tidying up the soft things. We'll be able to clean up in two days at most."

Gu Qingqing nodded slightly, she seemed to have a headache about these things, and she didn't have the intention to answer at this moment.

When Wang Hao on the side heard this, he reacted.

The little old man turned out to be dealing with the funeral.

It seems that Gu Qingqing is going to run away, it should be a certainty.

That is to say, before the distance from Jingdecheng becomes dangerous and uninhabitable.

Only five days left...

I have to say, this news is really sudden.

But he said that Wang Hao was thinking about something, and Qian Fang just turned his head. He looked at Wang Hao, looked up and down for a moment, and was about to speak.

Yet another meal.

Then he whimpered softly.

"Stinky boy, you, you..."

Qian Fang's expression was somewhat rich.

From the beginning of some confusion, to a little suspicious.

He hurried forward, not caring whether Wang Haole was unhappy, he just grabbed one of his arms and pinched it up and down.

Gu Qingqing, who was beside him, saw Qian Fang's abruptness, and couldn't help but slightly widened his eyes, showing some gaffe.

"Uncle Qian, you are..."

"Hahaha!!! Good, good! You stinky boy, you really have the ability!"

After a burst of laughter, Qian Fang couldn't even close his mouth.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt an unusual aura about Wang Hao. At the beginning, he just thought that he was overworked and couldn't react for a while.

But it's been so long.

Wang Hao's breath did not change at all.

This made the little old man not only a little strange.

Could it be that he...isn't the foundation building anymore?

As soon as this idea emerged, Qian Fang couldn't help but want to find out.

But after really starting to investigate, Qian Fang naturally couldn't stop his emotions.

He looked up and down at Wang Hao, who had the same smile on his face. No matter how critical Rao was, he couldn't help but express his admiration at this moment.

"Okay, you're really amazing, and the lady really didn't see the wrong person. You kid...can make a big deal!"

Gu Qingqing's reaction was not slow. She heard Qian Fang's statement, but after a little thought, she knew what the two of them meant.

This made Gu Qingqing show a somewhat surprised expression.

"Young Master Wang, are you... having achieved the stage of forming a pill?"

Following the eyes of the two, Wang Hao just nodded slightly and said in response.

"Exactly. A few days ago, on a whim, I tried to make a breakthrough, but I never thought actually succeeded."

The statement is very perfunctory.

But neither Qian Fang nor Gu Qingqing were the ones who went back to investigate such details.

Now that he heard Wang Hao's personal admission, the little old man was so happy that he could not close his mouth.

"Then the old man will come to try your kung fu, boy, you have to pick it up!"

With that said, Qian Fang snorted, and then he clenched his right hand into a claw, and squeezed Wang Hao lightly from a position four meters away!

How could Wang Hao not know Qian Fang's intentions? He didn't refuse, at this moment, he just lifted his breath and stood still, and then set up his posture.

At this moment, there was no wind, and a wave of air rushed straight in front of Wang Hao, making him feel a little pressure.

Wang Hao didn't dare to be too big, he raised his qi and concentrated his strength, turned his strength around, and finally gathered it on his hands, and then with the same posture, he gently grabbed in front of him.

I just heard a soft pop, and suddenly exploded in the air between the two!

The wind and waves dispersed, the blown rice paper on the table flew around, and the bitter water in the tea bowl swayed, making Gu Qingqing also fascinated!

And Qian Fang saw that his move did not succeed, but became interested, and then shouted at this moment...

A few more claws!

Wang Hao had a smile on his face, knowing that Qian Fang was playing hard, he didn't dodge, but raised his spirits and took them one by one.

The sound of puff puff suddenly appeared, and the shattered air echoed continuously at this moment.

With the gust of wind blowing, Gu Qingqing, who was beside him, narrowed his eyes.

Seeing Wang Hao's relaxed and comfortable appearance, Qian Fang was relieved.

"Okay, okay, okay! Brat, you really have thoroughly penetrated the true meaning of this exercise."

Wang Hao smiled lightly and replied politely.

"It's just luck, and it has to be taught by you, Uncle Qian. If it wasn't for you to lead the way, I wouldn't have drilled into the mystery of this ten-fingered degree so quickly."

It turns out that when the two fought, it was the exercise in "Ten Fingers Degree" that was used!

Cultivation to the realm of forming an elixir, the energy can be transformed, the empty grip becomes force, and then hurts people invisibly.

Qian Fang's actions just now did not use all his strength to gather from left and right, but only to allow Wang Hao to take over.

Now that he can transform his energy into shape, that is the performance of the realm of forming a pill!

At most, Wang Hao is just a little unfamiliar with his methods, and he is not as old-fashioned as Qian Fang.

Thinking of this, the smile on Qian Fang's face was even more three-pointed. He stepped forward and patted Wang Hao's shoulder lightly, his face full of emotion.

"I'm really ashamed to say it, stinky boy, the little old man really only thought that you were here to eat rice. I didn't think so... It took less than two months of effort, from refining Qi to forming pills, you really belonged to you. !"

He recalled his own experience, and his eyes lit up at this moment.

With the talent that Wang Hao is showing now, if he were to train him, I'm afraid...

Achieving the realm of Nascent Soul is just around the corner!

Gu Qingqing on the side thought of this, and the expression on his face recovered a little.

The more successful Wang Hao was, the more he explained how accurate her investment behavior was!

It's just that Qian Fang couldn't help muttering beside him.

The little old man felt extremely regretful for his behavior of letting Gu Qingqing 'sign a contract' at will.

After all, the verbal agreement was not an effective constraint for him, an old man who was not able to eat the ancients.

If it was really signed...

Then I'm afraid they take care of the family, I'm afraid they will need one more Nascent Soul-level help!

However, they said that both of them were in a hurry, and Wang Hao, the party concerned, was also thinking about other things at this time.

Let Qian Fang see his depth, this is also Wang Hao's deliberate behavior.

Because this is a very important piece of information, which is...

- I am very valuable now.

This thought may make people feel a little bit of life, but Wang Hao knows that between Gu Qingqing and himself, maybe it can be described as a normal friend.

But for the money side.

He is still just a junior who is 'worthy of attention'.

If it is the identity of the foundation, Wang Hao is naturally at a disadvantage in terms of money.

After becoming an elixir, the situation has changed somewhat.

Although the two sides are still somewhat unequal, Qian Fang already needs to start paying attention to Wang Hao's ideas.

After all, an alchemy cultivator is a rare help.

The little old man rubbed his hands at this moment, the joy on his face did not fade, but he suddenly remembered something, and then said to Wang Hao.

"By the way, the young lady wanted to visit you a few days ago, but I ran into it today. Let's make it clear."

Wang Hao nods his head and remains calm, just letting Qian Fang continue.

"It's simple to say. In fact, I just want to ask you... We will go back to Zhongzhou in five days. Do you want to wait for me to go with you?"

Sure enough.

Wang Hao showed a thoughtful expression, but he couldn't help nodding in his heart.

Sure enough, when Gu Qingqing and the others left, they still wanted to bring themselves with them.

This idea is not difficult to guess, after all, even in terms of Wang Hao's previous foundation-building strength, it also has the value of winning.

Now that he has become a dandan, it is needless to say.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao didn't hesitate, he just nodded lightly, and quickly agreed.

"If Miss Gu can look down on her, then going forward together... is also Wang's wish."

Wang Hao had no sense of belonging to Jingdecheng, so there was no psychological pressure for him to leave.

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And getting on the fast boat Gu Qingqing is also a help, and Wang Hao will naturally not let it go.


Some of these entanglements have some weight, and it is worth talking about.

For example, Wang Hao's current paper strength.

These things will become his value in the eyes of the Gu family.

Now he can be regarded as a round of muscles, just click and stop.

For the rest, it is best for Qian Fang and Gu Qingqing to judge by themselves.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao pondered, and then spoke to the two of them.

"Speaking of this matter, Wang has one more thing, and I need Miss Gu's help to deal with it..."

Wang Hao asked for help rarely, but Gu Qingqing couldn't care less. She straightened her face and said softly.

"Your Highness, but it doesn't matter."

"I want to ask Miss Gu to help me check. There are several monks hidden in Jingdecheng..."

The ones who can make Wang Hao think about are no more than those few people...

Shuiyue Pavilion and his party.

If these people are not removed, even if Wang Hao leaves Muyun, he will feel restless.

It is the so-called cutting grass without eradicating its roots, the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Because Wang Hao was still holding two taboo objects, the "Incarnation of the Inner Demon" and the "Eye of the Root".

These two things were ripped off from the people from Shuiyue Pavilion. If you say that they are useless... Then of course Wang Hao wouldn't believe it if he killed him.

As long as he still keeps these two forbidden items, there is no reason for Shuiyuege and his party to let him go.

Could it be that they can chase themselves to the ends of the earth?

Gotta find a way to get rid of it!

Wang Hao thought about it like this, and explained everything to Qian Fang and Gu Qingqing.

The little old man had heard about Wang Haoqi earlier, so he wasn't surprised. Gu Qingqing, on the other hand, heard it for the first time and could not help frowning slightly.

"There are still such annoying monks? I know... Uncle Qian, ask someone to go down and find them."

Although he concealed something, Gu Qingqing still heard Wang Hao's overtones - if he didn't deal with these people, I'm afraid he would have gone back to Zhongzhou with him.

Heart is also restless.

It's better to be a good friend and help Wang Hao to deal with it, that's the best policy.

When Qian Fang heard the words, he just nodded his head, without any intention of expressing his opinion.

Wang Hao looked at the attitudes of Gu Qingqing and Qian Fang, and now he is even more certain of the accuracy of his actions!

It seems that only after reaching the stage of forming an elixir can one have this qualification and the ability...

Go try to persuade these two, and build another framework for intelligence gathering for yourself.

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