Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 132: Jianye City Broken

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Leading Li Huanhuan into the hospital, Wang Hao couldn't help but look around.

After all, this was the first time for him to visit the academy run by Gu Qingqing.

Ashamed to say...

Even though he was the one in the official name, he didn't visit until the opening day.

It's also a bit of a lack of courtesy.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly had the idea to turn around and go out and buy a fruit basket first.

But before he could go out, Gu Qingqing's personal maid just passed by. She saw Wang Hao, and with a light sigh, she opened her mouth.

"Young Master Wang is free today? I remember that the lady said a few days ago that she wanted to find you to talk about something important, so why did you come today?"

Hearing this, Wang Hao no longer thought about it. He agreed, and after thinking for a while, he simply dismissed the idea.

Li Huanhuan entered the class by himself, so naturally he didn't need Wang Hao to accompany him at this moment. He followed behind the maid, detoured for a while, and finally turned into the backyard.

"I'll go say hello to the lady."

Wang Hao waited for a while in the small courtyard, and then saw the maid walking towards him.

"My son is invited."

He followed him into the room. As soon as Wang Hao entered here today, he felt that the atmosphere was a little different—I saw Gu Qingqing sitting at the wooden table by the window, looking out the window, not knowing what to do. thinking about something.

"Miss Gu..."

Hearing the movement, Gu Qingqing turned her head. Wang Hao saw her eyes darkened, obviously looking worried.

Recalling that she asked Li Huanhuan to speak before, Wang Hao pondered for a while, and then said.

"Miss Gu is looking for me this time, but what troubles did she encounter?"

The relationship between the two has reasons for Wang Hao to help. If she is willing to speak, there is no reason to refuse.

But Gu Qingqing just shook her head lightly.

Sighing lightly, as usual, Gu Qingqing did not reply immediately. She first made a cup of tea ready-made for Wang Hao and exchanged a few words before continuing to ask.

"I don't know what Wang Gongzi thinks about the current situation?"

These words made Wang Hao ponder for a while.

After all, he has been addicted to various experiments and growing knowledge during this time. For some turmoil...he really didn't pay much attention.

Seeing that Wang Hao's face was slightly embarrassed, Gu Qingqing showed a 'unexpected' appearance.

"That's right, a family like Young Master should study the way of cultivation. I ask you these things... it's really superfluous."

She pursed her lips and smiled, slightly shaking the small teacup in her hand. The three-point fragrance wafting from the inside was smashed by the cold wind involved, and finally continued.

"I don't hide it from you, son, in fact, just a few days ago, I received a quick report... The border of Muyun was penetrated, and now the gang of monkeys are coming west, and they have begun to harass Jianye. city."

Hearing this, Wang Hao couldn't help but slightly widened his eyes.

So fast?

You know... as early as when he communicated with Qian Fang, the little old man also made some comments.

'Muyun can fight, the earth monkeys have been making trouble for so many years, and they can't make any waves...'

'It's better to wait and see, and it's not too late to discuss after the news is confirmed. ’

Such words are still vivid in my mind, I really did not expect it, but in the blink of an eye, the situation has become so severe.

Jianye City...

Although Wang Hao doesn't know much information, at least the geographical distribution, he has all in mind.

As a city-state in the east of Muyun, Jianye stands between the narrow corridors, which is a natural pass.

The terrain after that is smooth, if the soil monkey breaks through Jianye, then the entire Muyun falls...

It's just a matter of time.

And what even Wang Hao can understand, it is even more impossible for the generals of the prosperous Tang to not understand.

Therefore, Jianye City, a state, said that it is a city, but it is actually a fortress to describe it... Maybe it is more appropriate.

In the early years, even if these soil monkeys were having a good time, they could not break through the level of Jianye.

Therefore, if ordinary people hear this, they will only be amazed a little at most, and they will not panic and be at a loss after all.

Wang Hao thought about it like this, but his brows began to wrinkle slightly.

He picked up the new porcelain tea bowl and took a small sip.

There was a murmur in my heart.

It is impossible for Gu Qingqing not to know the truth that ordinary people know.

But now it seems that since she will point Wang Hao to say this. That only explains one question...

Jianye City is in trouble.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao pondered for a moment, and then said.

"Ms. Gu, if it's according to your opinion... in this Jingde City, we won't be able to stay any longer?"

As soon as those words came out, the atmosphere seemed to freeze a little in an instant. Gu Qingqing's movements did not change, she just forced out an arc that was not a smile, and then nodded slightly.

"Young Master Wang is indeed a smart person, you can understand without me going into details."

"You're right. Now, according to the front-line report, it was around twelve o'clock yesterday..."

"Jianye has also been Just hearing this, Wang Hao's heart trembled slightly.


A word that seemed to be far away from him was now placed in front of him, but Wang Hao couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

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He blinked, and at this moment, he seemed to feel a little confused, so he asked.

"However, Jianye City is obviously a well-defended place, why did it become such a virtue?"

How could a pass that hasn't fallen for hundreds of years suddenly be hit?

Gu Qingqing was not in a hurry to answer. She stretched out her hand and fumbled for a while on the counter next to her. Finally, she backhanded and handed two pieces of letter paper.

One was used to explain the situation to the money side before.

The other one needs to be updated a little, and even the folds on the top seem to be traces that have just been pressed.

Wang Hao spread it out, just glanced at it, and instantly understood the reason——

'Jianye City has leaks in defense, and the armor is incomplete. ’

'The ten rooms and nine of the warehouses are empty, with no soldiers and no food. ’

Wang Hao's expression couldn't help becoming a little subtle.

The news is simple, but the description inside is literally weeping and blood, which makes people feel like their scalps are numb.

Soldiers will have no food and no armor.

What are you going to do with the soil monkey?

Gu Qingqing on the side spoke at the right moment, and then added.

"Perhaps it's because of the hundred years that those earthy monkeys have never had a falling out. So the officials just think about the benefits of fishing for a round, and gilding them with a layer of gold, that's all."

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