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'After the Eye of Root is connected to the cultivator's energy, it will stimulate its own characteristics. ’

'In the case of activating the eye of the root cause, make it actively contact the copy painting. ’

Seeing this, Wang Hao only felt as if he had been inspired, showing a somewhat suddenly realized expression.

The Eye of the Root can go back in time.

Maybe this effect can also work on forbidden things?

I have to say, this idea is very innovative and bold.

And it's worth trying.

Wang Hao followed the description in the leather note, but after a while, the eye of the root in his hand radiated a hazy luster.

The surrounding environment began to show a tendency to stagnate. Wang Hao knew that this was an omen that the time reversal was about to begin.

At the last moment, he suddenly poured a burst of energy, and then directly let go of the root eye in his hand.

Then directly let it roll down onto the copy painting of the magic nest.

The moment the two sides were in contact, Wang Hao had an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.


Intuition is telling him that, as a 'normal person', he shouldn't do this.

Before Wang Hao could make his next reaction, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the room suddenly condensed slightly.

Afterwards, the magic nest copied the scene above and began to move slowly!


It is obviously just a painting, but it is moving at this moment!

Wang Hao's eyes widened slightly.

He saw the hole depicted above slowly shrinking at this moment.

The surrounding gravel ground was even closer at this moment, and then condensed to the right position like a mud cow entering the sea.

The magic nest...is getting smaller?

Wang Hao just had this thought, and his pupils contracted slightly.

Because he saw that the scene in the painting suddenly changed drastically.

The hole that had shrunk to the size of a fingernail suddenly disappeared at this moment!

And in the next second, the hole suddenly appeared again. Such a strange movement made Wang Hao stunned.

He suddenly felt... this thing didn't seem to be a deep pit, or a hole.

Rather... a very normal one.


After a little pause, a somewhat absurd thought could not help but flood into Wang Hao's mind.

"This thing... is it an eye?"

Just the next second Wang Hao's thoughts flowed, it seemed that he had applied for his idea.

That hole, a pitch-black hole.

Suddenly, an erect, milky white pupil condensed!

This gaze seemed to have passed through the restriction of the picture scroll in an instant, and then fell straight onto Wang Hao's body.


Wang Hao only felt that all the hairs on his body stood on end in an instant. He subconsciously wanted to put on a resistance posture, but soon...

The pupil disappeared again.

It seems that all this is just Wang Hao's delusion.

And it didn't take long for the Eye of Roots, which rolled down to the copy painting of the Demon Nest, to slowly fade away, indicating that the energy it received had been squeezed to the limit.

And as the eye of the root faded away, the scene on the copy of the magic nest stopped at the same time.

Is this... the end?

At the moment when Wang Hao had such thoughts in his heart, the familiar subtitles flashed out at this moment.

【Copy painting of one eye】

[Taboo level - C level]

[Those who try to see the real secret misfortune will only usher in the most tragic fate]

[According to legend, this was once a great man of the human race, and he left behind a masterpiece after witnessing the truth of the brood of devil flies. Because he found that what he saw was not the so-called 'real'. Now through some unknown means, the implication has been thoroughly stimulated, and at the same time... 】

[The characters in the painting have also undergone some changes]

[No creature can try to spy on the true face of the mother of all things, even if it is only one of them, it will bring desperate consequences]

Seeing this long list of prompts, Wang Hao couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Because the information he received was too complicated, he had to sort it out at this moment in order to understand it more efficiently.


A very simple question -

Another ability of leather notes, Wang Hao really understood completely.

"You can understand why these forbidden things are so powerful, and after I thoroughly record the information, I can fully understand the content..."

"You can use some methods to make these forbidden things..."

Wang Haoning choked for a moment before trying to conclude.


That's right, this copy of the magic nest has been successfully advanced by recording it in leather notes!

Just realizing this, Wang Hao showed an expression of amazement.

You must know that after the forbidden thing is formed, there should be no possibility of continuous change.

Otherwise, why didn't Wang Hao see the suffix (growable) after other taboo things? !

This is obviously not in line with the rules.


"No, I shouldn't think so."

Wang Hao's expression was gloomy and uncertain, his thoughts were spinning rapidly at this moment, and he finally said in surprise.

"The forbidden thing is not advanced~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but has changed."

If it is growth, it should be like his notes. From the method of use to the precautions, there will not be too exaggerated changes.

The copy painting is obviously not the same.

It even changed its meaning!

And Wang Hao noticed this brand new copy painting, and the content mentioned in it pointed to.

Mother of all things.

"It's it again..."

Wang Hao couldn't help turning his eyes to another glass bottle - now he also contained the flesh and blood of a mother of all things.

[In other words, the best app for reading aloud and listening to books at present, Mimi Read, install the latest version. 】

Judging from the title, the two parties should have the same origin and origin.

"There is also a sense of commonality in the forbidden things."

Wang Hao now has a deeper understanding of this sentence.

It is not difficult to see that, through the reminder content of the leather note, Wang Hao can transform the forbidden things at hand into a more advanced existence.

Just realizing this, Wang Hao showed a slightly happy expression.

This is undoubtedly a very powerful means!

Just imagine, if the Eye of the Root is upgraded to a B grade, then Wang Hao may be able to see other more hidden things.

Maybe... he can directly cross the long river of time and space, and thus glimpse the extremely distant past?

Even if it is the incarnation of the demon, if it continues to be upgraded to A-level, its danger will certainly increase exponentially.

In other words.

The wish that it can achieve and the ability to realize it may also be improved by leaps and bounds?

Just thinking of this, Wang Hao's heart is hot!

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