Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 126: Leather Goods Notes for Sequence 4 - Grade C

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The cabinets full of documents were blown into the sky and danced wildly, and the tables, chairs and benches were all slanted aside.

The porcelain bowl that was placed next to it was blown to the ground, making a sound when it hit the ground, and it rotted into pieces.

Not far away, the doors and windows were blown with a crackling sound, as if a ghost came to ask for his life, which only made people's heart tremble.

But Wang Hao's eyes were focused on the mixed notes in front of him from beginning to end.

He could feel that a brand new taboo was slowly taking shape at this moment.

An obscure dark red flashed at this moment, and the cover of the note was slowly wrapped up at this moment, making it render a rather strange atmosphere.

After completing the transformation, another gust of wind rose on the ground, blowing it upside down.

until it fell on the table.

The whole room fell into silence again.

All that was left was the mess on the ground, a symbol of what had just happened.

Wang Hao couldn't catch up to clean up, he just stared intently, looking at this mixed notebook that had been 'makeover', and was slightly ecstatic.

Because at this moment in Wang Hao's line of sight, a brand new subtitle is emerging at this moment.

[Leather Notes of Sequence Four]

[Taboo level - C level (can grow)]


[When all the disorder is rearranged, a new appearance is formed. Then this process can only be inevitable... With the accumulation of content, the unknown existence is gradually becoming interested in it. 】

[This thing is the forbidden fruit born between mistakes, and it will also be the first family born in the world. 】

[How to use - you can analyze and summarize the taboos in the information record. At the same time, after thorough research, the original appearance of the forbidden object can be further restored. 】

[It should not have existed in the first place, but since it was born, it is already inevitable. This is the end, everything will come to an end. 】

The general content has not changed intuitively, just...

The name change made Wang Hao take a second look at the note.

From hybrid to leather goods...

Wang Hao slowly stretched out his hand, his fingertips touched the smooth cover, and he couldn't help but give him a slight pause.

Concentrating, Wang Hao gathered his mind and finally grabbed it into his hands.

Compared with the D-level, the notes at this time are a bit heavier.

Wang Hao felt these changes, his face moved slightly, and finally he spread it out and flipped through it.

The material of the inner pages is also no longer the same as before.

Yellowed, wrinkled, slightly odd smelling pages. There is a strange smell almost from the inside out.

Only Wang Hao did not have the slightest influence.

He looked at the contents of the notes he had left behind, flipped through it for a while, and finally stopped somewhere, and then whispered.

"Here... has something in mind changed?"

According to past experience, the content in the notes must only be the manuscripts left by Wang Hao.

Because no one else has ever used this notebook during this period.

But at this time...

Wang Hao really saw it, that other content suddenly appeared in this notebook.

That is the record arranged by Wang Hao in the first column, according to the order, and the classification, the taboo things that can be written here.

It was the copy painting of the Devil's Nest that Wang Hao obtained from the very beginning.

Its characteristics, usefulness, and other key points, Wang Hao recorded them one by one, naturally there is no mistake.

But now, what caught Wang Hao's attention was the sentence added at the end.

Although this is indeed Wang Hao's own note, but his memory is extraordinary now, and naturally there is no possibility of omission - he definitely never wrote this paragraph!

I saw that on the note, it was writing at this time...

'With the passage of time, I have learned more secrets. ’

‘There is a certain degree of commonality between forbidden things, and this is an important piece of information that I recognize. ’

'Through some unknown means, I found myself...'

'It seems that certain taboos can be strengthened in a specific way, as well as various indicators. ’

Immediately after it, there was a piece of information that was enough to make Wang Hao stunned.

'The essence of the copy painting of the Devil's Nest is a volume that records the ineffable, and thus the taboo. ’

'Through the properties of the Eye of the Root, I found myself able to see further images. ’

'By combining two forbidden things, I should be able to discover further secrets. ’

Wang Hao was silent for a moment at this moment.

When it was still in the D-level state before, there was no similar words in the mixed notes.

Is it a brand new feature that was opened because of the promotion to C-level?

No... it doesn't seem right.

Wang Hao thought for a moment, he quickly reacted, and then frowned slightly at this moment.

"In the use of notes, it seems that similar content has indeed been written..."

How to use - you can analyze and summarize the taboos in the information record. At the same time, after thorough research, the original appearance of the forbidden object can be further restored.

Wang Hao had already personally experienced the abilities of the first half.

As for the description of the second half...

If he hadn't seen this passage today, Wang Hao would have almost ignored the past.

Because he once thought that was just a way of describing it.

"After thorough research, we can further restore the original appearance of forbidden things..."

How to understand thorough research?

Wang Hao lowered his head and glanced at the notes that were filled with several pages.

Perhaps as long as the information related to the forbidden things is recorded, this is a kind of research.

At this moment, there are as many as four taboo items recorded by Wang Hao.

Want to... give it a try?

Although he was a little nervous in his heart, Wang Hao also made a judgment at the same time.

From mixed notes to leather notes, it just changed the name of the suffix, but did not make any changes in the premise of Sequence Four.

But its significance to Wang Hao is equally extraordinary.

For some reason, Wang Hao always felt that... this thing doesn't seem to have the risk of losing control like other taboos.

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He has an inexplicable intuition.

Consider this note to be trustworthy.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao just hesitated for a while, then turned around, and then took out the two taboo items described in the leather note.

The Eye of Root was contained in a glass bottle, and it still maintains the appearance of a chicken.

As for the copy painting of the Devil Nest, because it is not as weird as other 'similars', Wang Hao just collected it and stored it in the dark compartment.

Now the two sides are taken out and placed on the table.

Then, Wang Hao saw the note and started the next step.

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