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Just heard a squeak...

The carapace, which had swelled to its limit, cracked, and a palm-like wide crack opened on the back.

Wang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and stared away at this moment.

Then, his eyes widened in surprise!

"This, this is...?!"

No wonder Wang Hao showed such a surprised expression, because at this moment, he actually saw a...


Not a description that refers to anything, or any other kind of description.

At this moment, Wang Hao really, really saw a person.

It is slowly walking out of the cracked carapace.

It was a naked figure with no clothes to cover up and down.

The distinctive gender characteristics allow Wang Hao to instantly identify the female identity of the other party.

And after that... the figure held his hands slightly, and just like that, he directly tore the long worm's body in half.

This is a girl who looks about ten years old.

The facial features are straight, and the long hair hangs down the shoulders. Her pupils are as normal as they are, and they are all pitch-black. At this time, from the appearance, you can't see the fixed point at all.

Judging by appearance only.

This thing is just an ordinary, normal person!

At this moment, Wang Hao's heart has already set off a huge wave.

He thought of a lot in an instant, but at this moment, the most vivid idea was deeply imprinted in his mind.

It even made him have the urge to shout.

-I see!

No wonder Qian Fang didn't know the truth about fake repairs.

No wonder people in the world always have limited information on fake cultivation.

The reason.

It was because of these bugs that after devouring the body... they metamorphosed into a human being!

A person with a normal appearance who doesn't look any different!

Wang Hao's thoughts flowed rapidly at this moment. He connected all the information in a line, tried to piece it together, one after another, and finally tried to summarize in a trembling tone.

"I understand, I understand..."

"No wonder even people like Qian Fang and Gu Qingqing were blinded in the end."

"Because from the appearance, these guys can't see any difference."

"They look, talk, walk, so in a way... these guys, they've become human."

"Unless Qian Fang has the opportunity to get in touch with these guys, so as to find out the true identity of each other, otherwise, it is impossible for him to know the truth."

A complete logic line was sorted out at this moment, which made Wang Hao feel a sudden realization.


As Wang Hao just said, if it is true as he predicted, then Qian Fang was deceived, which is also excusable.

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At the same time as Wang Hao's thoughts were floating, the mixed notes in his hand trembled again, and then they were put together into columns.

'Insects have evolved into people, as long as they have a certain degree of learning ability, these worms can completely lurk in the crowd...'

'There are so many things they can do, it kind of scares me. ’

'Now, under the rule of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, how many worms can there be? ’

'What will these worms look like when they advance to the Nascent Soul, or even a more advanced form? ’

These things are the worries that Wang Hao had hidden in his heart, and now they have emerged together, making him frown even more.


The things that really deserve his attention right now are not these.

Because of Wang Hao's excited expression, he spoke aloud.

This naturally attracted the attention of the other party.

The girl who was standing on the ground turned her head, and made eye contact with Wang Hao.

An indescribable sense of crisis immediately enveloped Wang Hao.

This guy... is much more dangerous than the worms before.

The intuitive touch made Wang Hao make a decision in an instant.

I saw him instantly closing the mixed notes in his hand and stuffing them directly into his arms.

The whole person rushed forward fiercely, and then thought about the sudden flash on the left—

There is a narrow long road behind him. If he steps back, Wang Hao's room for turning around is very limited.

So at this moment, in order to ensure that there is enough room for the scope of activities, Wang Hao can only choose to enter the inner room.

And at the moment he completed this series of actions, he only felt a flower in front of him, and then there was a cracking sound behind him!

Only a rumbling sound was heard, and the air waves splashed out along with the stone chips, hitting Wang Hao's back, making his expression a lot more serious.

It is not difficult to see that this guy is very fast.


Wang Hao stepped on it one step at a time, stabilized his body, and then turned his head away.

He watched the figure of the little girl walking slowly from the pile of rubble, took a long breath at this moment, and then set up his posture.

This guy's strength is not small.

Seems like it needs to be... cautious.

No need for extra verbal communication, just through the moment of eye contact, Wang Hao completed the process of holding his breath in an instant.

The other party was a worm, and Wang Hao had no intention of leaving alive at all.

Do your best...

Three sources open together.

Wang Hao circulated the energy of Angry King Kong all over his body, and finally divided it into two parts, and distributed it evenly to his hands, legs and feet.

Just a momentary pause.

The blue glow on the hand, the yellow light between the legs and feet, UU reading www.uukanshu. At this moment, com burst out with a fiery light like a torch.

Wang Hao's eyes widened slightly, he felt the energy that began to rampage in his body, and at this moment, when he gritted his teeth, his left leg was raised high and stepped in front of him.

bump! !

With a heavy step, a deep imprint was stepped on the floor of the inner room, and at the same time a crack spread several meters away.

At this moment, Wang Hao's whole body turned into a blue-yellow meteor, rushing straight ahead at a speed that was almost undetectable to the naked eye!

There was absolutely no room for the other party to react.

Just before she had time to turn her head slightly, Wang Hao had already rushed in front of her.

For Wang Hao, this moment seems to have been slowed down a lot.

He felt as if he had been placed in a film that was slowed down many times over. Everything else is slow and sluggish.

And only himself can maintain the most basic speed.

He stretched out his hand, and his right hand, which was clenched into a fist, came across at this moment, and finally landed straight on the opponent's cheek.

As if a comet was shot down by the earth, the other party didn't seem to respond at all...

No, maybe it should be said.

The other party had no time to respond.

For some unknown reason, Wang Hao only felt that his senses had become extremely sensitive at this moment.

The nose can pick up more complex odors, and the ears can pick up some unknown buzzing.

And Wang Hao's eyes captured a more complicated scene at this moment—

He saw the other party's being squeezed because of being hit, and even began to deform slightly...


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