Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 117: shape of sunlight

Remember for a second【】

The mouthparts are staggered, and the flesh and blood enter the abdomen.

Bones are crushed, and clothing falls.

It used to be a living family, but now it's just a few breathing pauses.

It has completely disappeared without a trace...

If it weren't for the silky rags hanging around the corner of the worm's mouth, no one would be able to detect the truth.

The long worm has now swallowed a person, and it seems that there is still some unfinished meaning at this time.

It circled in the inner room, and actually followed the bloodstains just now, moved closer one by one, and then licked the bloodstains and stumps on the ground.

Wang Hao, who was on the side, observed at this moment that the size of the bug had obviously expanded a little.

From the original forearm thickness to the current thigh.

The plump body is glowing with oily black light, like a craftsmanship.

After a while, the bug returned to its position in the center of the inner chamber. It circled and formed a mass of shapes.

At this moment, Wang Hao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because he saw another subtitle appeared.

[Detected that a nearby worm has completed energy accumulation]

[Evolution at the level of life is in progress]

Energy storage completed...

So as to carry out evolution at the level of life.

This description may feel a little unfamiliar to contemporary people.

But Wang Hao knew...

This type of process is not uncommon, just like the process of a worm pupating into a butterfly.

Even in the past life, there is a special term that has been used for this phenomenon.



Through this process of ontogeny, its shape and structure have undergone drastic changes in stages.

Some organs regress and disappear, others grow suddenly and remodel.

This is a process of rebirth, and it will also be in a sense...


Wang Hao lowered his brows a little, and when he saw the empty inner room, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

It turns out that the worm wants to evolve and become a 'daniel', and the most important thing is not a worm.

but the host itself.

"That's right, nurturing the host of the worm itself is a great supplement."

Just as most oviparous creatures choose to devour the eggshell when they are born.

This is a very common phenomenon, and it is not surprising.

It's just... the object was changed to these bugs, and Wang Hao's expression became a little weird.

In a trance, Wang Hao suddenly thought of something that he had thought of a long time ago.

Also Yang worm eggs.

There are medicines that can strengthen the host body. At the beginning, Wang Hao only made the host body strong so that he could adapt to the changes brought about by the eggs.

But now it seems...

Its purpose is not here at all.

The human body seems to have digested the medicine, thus transforming itself into a physique more suitable for cultivation.

In essence.

"This is just the process of hatching the eggs and repeating it again."

The host absorbs nutrients and builds nests, allowing the insects to hatch and grow. …

The worms accumulate energy, break open the host, and eventually devour and absorb it.

The two logic lines, seemingly without any connection, formed a closed loop at the last moment.

Humans, as long as they are parasitized, cannot escape the fate of death at all.

Just thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling creepy.

So far-reaching, a circle of despair, it could never have been a natural occurrence.

There are obvious traces of human manipulation here.

"There are some people who should be consciously leading these things to happen... Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many years to pass without the slightest news."

It was also at this moment that Wang Hao's heart moved slightly, and some strange thoughts emerged.

Because the current situation... There are some subtle differences from what Qian Fang explained.

The end of the fake cultivation is to completely refine these 'foreign objects' and return them to oneself—

If it was before, Wang Hao might still try to believe it.

But at this moment, he was full of confusion.

This behemoth, even the worm that planned to devour the body from the very beginning...

How high is the probability that it can be completely refined?

Wang Hao has reservations about it.

And according to Qian Fang's remarks, it seems that this kind of false cultivation is the end of the practice.


These guys just want to advance to the formation of pills, they all need to completely swallow the host. After that, where will these bugs go?

You know, after forming the pill, they have become complete independent individuals.

How could Qian Fang know whether the bug could achieve the realm of Nascent Soul?

There is obviously a deeper secret here.

"Maybe... Qian Fang was also kept in the dark?"

Just thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling confused.

Every time he feels

^0^ One second to remember【】

It seemed that he was already close to the truth, but it didn't take long before the reality suddenly jumped out and gave Wang Hao a slam dunk!

It was like raising his head in the jungle.

Shaped from between the leaves, the sunlight projected down is so fine and weird.

Wang Hao mistakenly thought that this was what his eyes looked like.

And now... Wang Hao keeps repeating, repeating.

Push away the branches and leaves in front of you.

What is the sun like?

Before he really saw it with his own eyes, Wang Hao felt that he... seemed to need some patience.

While Wang Hao's thoughts were floating, the long worm in front of him suddenly moved slightly.

This movement is not very noticeable, but Wang Hao's eyes have been fixed on it, and naturally there is no possibility of it being overlooked.

"It's about to start..."

After a murmur that seemed to be talking to himself, Chang Worm's body began to tremble at this moment.

Starting from the tail, the limbs shriveled rapidly at this moment.

The shiny black shell was like a peeling plastic wrinkled at this moment, turning into a dusty grayish yellow.

Until the end, it became as thin as paper.

It seemed that the contents inside... were drained in an instant.

Wang Hao just watched helplessly, the body of the worm shrivels away one by one.

This reminded him of the scene of the snake shedding its skin. If you compare it horizontally, the two sides are indeed similar.

In the end, the worm seems to have accumulated all the nutrients in the body to the front and rear of the head.

The three-section body that contains a whole 'strip' of nutrition is red to shiny at this moment, and even reveals a little purple glow.

The trembling like a heartbeat, bulging and shrinking at this moment, made Wang Hao's brows start to wrinkle slightly.

He could feel that a brand new life form was about to be born here.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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