Panlong: I am forced to refine the main godhead in Dzogchen

Chapter 102 The power of will reward arrives, four copies of the power of will!

Five Great Perfection High Gods appeared near the galaxy channel in the central area of ​​the plane battlefield, which obviously exceeded the expectations of all the main gods.

Looking at the actions of these five Dzogchen gods, the meanings they represent are self-evident. Obviously, they plan to participate in the final battle of this plane war!

What method did Wyatt use to invite the five Dzogchen people?

Looking at the five figures that suddenly appeared below, Uhtred's face was so gloomy that water could drip from his face. Not only Uhtred, but all the gods who didn't want Wyatt to win had similar expressions.

If these five Dzogchens join the plane war, the advantages previously established in the wind god plane will be lost. Even though there are only five Dzogchens, these five Dzogchens are definitely more terrifying than the trump cards in all planes put together!

If Uhtred and the other main gods could invite Dzogchen to participate in the plane war, then these main gods would have done so long ago. But it was obvious that the things they had on them were definitely not capable of making these powerful Dzogchen masters work for them.

The figures of the five people slowly appeared at the end of the galaxy channel in the thunder god camp. Compared with the powerful high-level gods fighting in rivers of blood in the galaxy channel in front of them, these five figures looked different from their appearance alone. It's not that impressive.

But these five figures are now attracting the attention of all the gods!

During the last plane war, Bayer and the other five people had already gathered two main defense artifacts, so there was no risk of falling when participating in this plane war.

In order to improve their physical strength, even if they accidentally miss and are exiled into the space turbulence, it is definitely worth it for Beyer and others.

Guys, please end the battle as soon as possible. I am now looking forward to the improvement that the purple lin liquid in Lord Wyatt's hands will bring to my body.

After taking a look at the four figures of the same level as himself around him, a smile appeared on Baier's face, and then he spoke through the sound transmission.

Seeing the fierce fighting in the galaxy channel ahead, Bayer also had a fighting spirit in his eyes at this moment. After reaching the Great Consummation, Baier has not let go of the fight for a long time. Today's decisive battle is indeed an opportunity.

With a flip of his hand, a long sword that was as thin as a cicada's wings and exuded a terrifying aura appeared in Beyer's hand.

Without any hesitation, Beyer's figure turned into a stream of cyan light and rushed into the galaxy channel in a flash!

At this moment, two spears exuding a terrifying aura appeared in Ninissa's hands. Parhaus held an ice sword that exuded an icy aura and seemed to be made of black ice, and a pair of gloves burning with golden flames. Appeared in Ba Mo's hands, but at this moment Magnus was bare-handed.

The four Dzogchen also looked at each other at this moment, and then followed Baier directly.

Perhaps to those peak experts in the highest plane, this decisive battle of the plane war is like a life-harvesting machine, but to these Dzogchen, it seems to be nothing at all.


The cyan escape light transformed into Baier's whole body reached its extreme. Baier, who was at the top of the Galaxy Channel, directly shot out a green sword light. The power of this sword light was so terrifying that the space near the Galaxy Channel was affected by this sword light. Under the terrifying power, a space crack with a width of one thousand meters was directly torn apart!

The direction in which the violent power swept was exactly the area where the soldiers from the wind god plane were located!


Wherever the sword light passed, stumps and broken arms flew down. Even the soldiers who used the power of the Lord God were unable to resist Baier's sword. Baier also used the power of the Lord God in his body. The gap has long been closed.

With one sword, thousands of top gods were instantly killed!

A series of green wind blades were shot out, and the soldiers of the wind god camp in the entire galaxy channel were like wheat in a wheat field, being harvested by Bayer at will!

At this moment, Baier is like a war machine on the battlefield. His presence alone makes it difficult for the soldiers of the wind god camp to resist!

It's not like these soldiers from the wind camp have never tried to attack Baie collectively, but as a perfect wind system, Baie's speed is even more astonishing, coupled with the twelve-winged angels and a large number of soldiers from the thunder camp. Auxiliary, the soldiers in the wind god camp were already feeling a little desperate at this moment.

This is just the pressure that Baier brings to the soldiers of the wind god camp. You must know that the strong men of the wind god camp now face not only Baier, but five great perfection gods!

At this moment, the sky above the galaxy channel was filled with a sea of ​​thunder, and all the powerful men in the wind god camp seemed to be surrounded by a sea of ​​thunder. The terrifying power of thunder smashed down the galaxy channel one after another. Every time the power of thunder fell, at least dozens of powerful soldiers fell.

Ninissa is holding two spears at the moment, just like a Valkyrie!

Ninissa and Bayer are so sharp, and Palhaus and Bamo are also not to be outdone. Although the two of them are not fighting each other, they seem to be competing in their hearts to see who has the better performance on the Galaxy Channel.

Compared to the four people who had already charged into the enemy camp, Magnus seemed much calmer at the moment.

At this moment, Magnus stood in the void, dressed in white robes without any wind. With a gentle wave of his hand, a colorful lotus exuding terrifying soul fluctuations appeared in Magnus's hand.

This lotus flower was only the size of a fist, but the soul fluctuations on it made the soldiers in the thunder god camp below Magnus feel a throbbing in their souls.

As the colorful lotus appeared, ant-sized colorful light spots spread out on top of the lotus.

The flying speed of these light spots was astonishing, even faster than the full flight of Dzogchen. In just a moment, large swaths of colorful light spots had already entered the minds of a large number of soldiers in the wind god camp.

Just a trace of these colorful lights caused the soldiers of the wind god camp to fall instantly!

Good boy, Lord Master, he is really generous.

Seeing Magnus and others casually strangling the soldiers of the wind god camp in the sky, Mo Si, who was mixed in the crowd, was stunned.

After living for so many years, this was the first time that Mo Si had such close contact with so many important figures.

Even a peak commander like Mo Si felt this way, let alone the group of soldiers from the thunder god camp.

Quick, fight back immediately!

When the five Dzogchens took action, they actually didn't need the assistance of the soldiers from the thunder god camp to kill the opponent. With the addition of these soldiers, the speed was obviously much faster.

Cooperating with the twelve-winged angels who are not afraid of life and death in the battlefield of the upper plane, even though the wind god camp sent out many strong men, they only managed to resist a confrontation and were directly defeated!


The dazzling seven-color light on one of the galaxy channels flashed for a while, and then the seven-color light completely dissipated and was extinguished directly.

As the colorful light goes out, it means that the thunder god plane has won a victory in a galaxy channel. As long as you win another channel, you can get ten consecutive victories in the plane battlefield!

The addition of Dzogchen really turned the tide of the battle in an instant, making the whole situation destructive.

I can't believe that Wyatt you can actually let Dzogchen come to participate in the decisive battle of this plane war.

Looking at the scenes below, Auf, the master of destiny, had a smile on his face, as if he didn't feel any depression because Wyatt was about to win ten consecutive victories.

Everyone has prepared a lot of trump cards, so I naturally have to prepare more.

Wyatt chuckled, and then continued to stare at the galaxy channel below.

In fact, seeing this, it is already doomed that the Thunder God Plane will win ten consecutive victories in the Plane War.

With the victory of one galaxy channel, the Twelve Winged God Angels and the five Great Perfections from the thunder god camp also entered another galaxy channel at the same time.

With such a terrifying lineup, the soldiers from the wind god camp were simply unable to stop them.

When the colorful light on the other galaxy channel dissipates, it means that the Thunder God Plane has completely won ten consecutive victories!

This ending also brought a satisfied smile to Wyatt's face.

The main god of the thunder god camp and the main god who joined Wyatt's command were also pleasantly surprised.

In contrast, there were ugly expressions on the faces of Uhtred and others.


On the top of the mountain where the Lord God is located in the endless void, a huge power of rules emerges at this moment.

The power of this rule is so powerful that all the gods feel frightened!

This feeling is like facing the Supreme God!

Wyatt's heart was throbbing at this moment. He had summoned the Supreme God of Destiny and knew the oppression that the Supreme God brought to the Lord God. Now this feeling was very similar to when Wyatt faced the Supreme God.

Along with the emergence of this terrifying power of rules, the laws of heaven and earth also came to the top of the mountain here.

After a buzzing sound, all the main thunder gods in the thunder god plane, including Wyatt, were directly enveloped by the laws of heaven and earth.

Today, Wyatt only feels that he has been given the power of will by the rules again. This improvement in strength made Wyatt feel physically and mentally happy!

In the void, bursts of strong wind roared, and the main gods of other departments couldn't help but fall back.

The laws of heaven and earth came and went just as quickly. As the laws of heaven and earth disappeared, the surrounding wind also disappeared. After a while, the surroundings returned to tranquility again.

I have another willpower in my body!

A round-faced thunder god who had been standing behind Wyatt was feeling the power of will in his body at this moment, with a surprised smile on his face.

This is not the first time many gods have seen the sight of being given the power of will by the rules of heaven and earth.

Not far away, Uhtred and the other gods were just watching this scene quietly without saying anything. Uhtred's face had returned to calm at this moment, but he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Counting this willpower reward, plus the willpower of Dzogchen and the two willpowers of the two main godheads, Wyatt now has nearly four times more power than the most ordinary law masters. The power of will!

From Uhtred's perspective, he didn't know that Wyatt had refined the water element's lower main godhead. If you include the will power reward from these ten consecutive victories, in Uhtred's view, Wyatt It has two more powers of will than him!

But the gap between the two willpowers cannot be made up by Uhtred now with the supreme artifact, because Wyatt possesses the supreme artifact of material defense!

This Wyatt has a high probability of possessing the supreme material defense artifact. My supreme attack artifact has no effect on him at all. However, the power of two wills is not irreversible. Once I have researched the four divine beasts, Combining talents and magical powers can also make up for the gap in this aspect!

Uhtred knew that he could not be Wyatt's opponent now, so he was not too showy at the moment.

Haha, Wyatt, congratulations to you. Ten consecutive victories in the plane battlefield is not so easy to achieve. This time, you have received the will power reward of the Supreme God, which will greatly improve your strength.

At this time, Auf, who was wearing a white robe, flew to Wyatt's side with Augusta. Auf said to Wyatt with a smile.

This is all thanks to Augusta's Angel of Light, isn't that right, Augusta?

Wyatt smiled slightly and looked at the Lord of Light behind Off.

Augusta, the Lord of Light, quickly showed a smile on his face and said with a smile:

You deserve those twelve-winged angels. I would like to thank Lord Wyatt for not killing them.

Augusta behaved quite humbly, without any of the condescending air he had when he first met Wyatt.

Everyone, it's rare for us to gather together. How about we hold a brief meeting of the Lord God?

At this time, the voice of the Lord of Death spread to the ears of all the gods present. Uhtred and the other gods were originally ready to leave quietly, but they stopped after hearing the words of the Lord of Death.

As one of the four major rule masters, the Lord of Death still has to give a lot of face to the main gods. Now the eyes of those main gods want to look in the direction of Uhtred and Wyatt.

Not to mention anything else, Wyatt's apparent strength is already at the level of rule domination, so now all the main gods have actually acquiesced in Wyatt's status among the dominators.

That's fine.

After hearing the words of the Lord of Death, Off nodded slightly, and Wyatt also nodded in agreement. Seeing this, Uhtred couldn't say much.

With so many gods present, Uhtred was not afraid of Wyatt facing him in person.

In the endless void above the plane battlefield, a group of main gods are sitting on the top of the mountain. I don’t know which main god was bored and brought with him a conference round table that was refined into a main artifact.

Everyone, the strength of the Thunder System Master must be clear to everyone now. When holding this meeting this time, I have a proposal, that is, the Thunder System Master will be included in the ranks of my four major rule masters. You should have nothing Opinion?

Looking around at the Lord Gods, the clear voice of the Lord of Death rang out at this moment.

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