Panlong: I am forced to refine the main godhead in Dzogchen

Chapter 101 Ten consecutive plane wars shocked all the gods

This plane war on the thunder god plane is extremely important to all the main gods.

Needless to say, the main gods of the thunder system can obtain will power rewards for ten consecutive victories. Even one more will power will be a tenfold improvement. By then, their strength will be far superior to those of the same level. exist.

The seven main gods of the heaven have already received a willpower reward for ten consecutive victories. If the main god of the thunder system also receives a reward this time, most of the other main gods will definitely not want to see this situation.

As the decisive battle of the Plane War in the Thunder God Plane was about to come, each of the powerful Lord Gods also came to watch the battle on the top of the mountain in the endless void of the Plane Battlefield.

These main gods have different appearances and auras, and their arrival times are surprisingly consistent. In a matter of seconds, more than forty of them have arrived.

It is impossible for so many main gods to gather together in normal times.

Regarding this plane war in the thunder god plane, there are very few leaders who voluntarily join. Therefore, in the first thousand years of the plane battlefield, there were almost no battles between leaders. This is also the reason why the Lord God did not choose to come early.

At this moment, it was less than three days before the decisive battle in the Thunder God Plane War.

In the void, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a cold face and a coldness exuding from his body descended on the top of the mountain.

It's the Master of Destruction!

Meet the adults!

The arrival of this man caused many gods to show flattering smiles on their faces, and they all stepped forward to say hello, and then stood firmly behind this man.

The person who arrived was naturally the Lord of Destruction, Uhtred, and the group of main gods standing behind him were the existences that took refuge under Uhtred.

After Uhtred arrived, the Lord of Destiny and the Lord of Death also arrived one after another. The two Lords of Rules arrived, and many main gods also stood behind these two powerful beings.

Hmph, the decisive battle is about to begin. Wyatt hasn't come yet, so I'm not anxious at all.

Looking around, the Lord of Destruction did not find Wyatt. At this time, he couldn't help but sneered and spoke coldly.

The outcome is already determined, what's the use of being impatient?

As soon as Uhtred finished speaking, a plain voice rang in everyone's ears.

I saw a purple-haired young man in black robes instantly appearing on the top of a mountain in the endless void of the battlefield here at a speed that was almost teleporting. The speed was so fast that many gods had no time to react!

Lord Lord!

Wyatt's arrival also caused many main gods to come over, including several main gods of the thunder lineage, the main gods of the four divine beasts and even the main god of Bauhinia. To the surprise of all the Lord Gods, the Lord of Darkness also came to Wyatt's side at this time.

Uhtred, how's your research going these days?

Looking at Uhtred, who had a cold expression on his side, Wyatt smiled and said this.

The other gods didn't know the meaning of Wyatt's words, but Uhtred knew clearly in his heart that Wyatt was clearly provoking him.

Better take care of yourself.

He didn't want to have a verbal argument with Wyatt. After saying this lightly, Uhtred turned away and ignored Wyatt.

Okay, okay, it's rare for so many main gods to get together, so there's no need for everyone to be so tense.

Auf chuckled and tried to lighten the atmosphere among the main gods.

There were many gods present. Wyatt did a rough calculation and found that there were about sixty people in total.

Counting some main gods who have not arrived and do not care about the plane battlefield, there may still be vacancies among the main gods.

He didn't continue to tease the Lord of Destruction. In fact, in Wyatt's heart now, he didn't take the Lord of Destruction seriously at all. Among the current masters, the only one that Wyatt can take seriously is Off.

Of course, it is basically impossible for Auf to kill himself.

Everyone also discovered that the Life Master, one of the four Rule Masters, had not arrived, but many of the Lord Gods were not too surprised.

The personality of the Life Master is not much different from that of Auf. In addition, the Life God Realm cannot participate in the plane war. It is not surprising that the Life Master does not come to watch this decisive battle.

After chatting for a while with the four divine beasts and the Lord God Redbud, Wyatt and the other Lord Gods soon turned their attention to the plane war below. Because of this relationship, whether the plane of the thunder god A plane war capable of ten consecutive victories has begun!


The colorful lights on the two galactic channels in the central area of ​​the plane battlefield lit up again. This was not the first time Wyatt had seen such a sight.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but it seems that the galaxy channel this time is more dazzling than the galaxy channel in the previous decisive battles!

The decisive battle between the Thunder God Plane and the Wind God Plane has begun!


At the entrance of the Galaxy Channel between both camps, a large number of soldiers wearing armor poured into the Galaxy Channel.

The number of these soldiers is much greater than during previous decisive battles. The decisive battle has just begun, and the number of soldiers participating is already several times the peak number of decisive battles in normal times. The most terrifying thing is that all of these soldiers are equipped at this moment. The power of the Lord God!

Waves of terrifying power surged through the bodies of these soldiers, and the brilliance of the power of the Lord God emerged around countless powerful soldiers. It was hard to believe that so many soldiers with six-star or even seven-star demon levels who used the power of the Lord God were fighting against each other. What a scene it will be together!

No wonder those commanders were unwilling to participate in this plane war. In such an almost crazy scene, even a commander could easily die in it if he didn't pay attention!

It's really crazy.

Although Wyatt can be considered well-informed now, this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

If Wyatt wants to win the plane war, he must win on both galactic channels.

The commanders in the plane battlefield seem to understand this. On one galaxy channel, they now only send out a few strong men who are almost the same as those from the thunder system camp, while on the other galaxy channel, they are on the thunder system god plane. Launch a crazy attack!

Neither the Life God Realm nor the Underworld sent strong men to participate in this plane war, but the Heaven Realm and the Light God Plane also symbolically supported some strong men in Wyatt because of their previous agreement. The Dark God Plane supported Wyatt with a large number of strong men.

What Wyatt has to face now is actually hell, the earth god plane, the wind god plane, and the water god plane. Since all the main gods in the Fire God Plane, including the Lord, have taken refuge under the Lord of Destruction, even though the Fire God Plane has fallen, a large number of strong soldiers from the Fire God Plane still came to stop Wyatt's thunder. The plane of the gods.

Without using any trump cards, it is not difficult to see that in fact, on the two galaxy channels, the Thunder God Plane currently occupies a great disadvantage.

Three thousand meters ahead, use material attacks to kill the enemy's squad of 100 people!

On the side of the wind god plane, among a huge team composed of thousands of upper god soldiers, a commander in the center shouted so.

Thousands of powerful upper gods who used the power of the main god all used material attacks at this moment, and the scene was shocking enough!


The soldiers attacked one place collectively, and even the stable space of the plane battlefield was torn apart with a spatial crack. The team of 100 people in the Thunder God Plane was directly bombarded at this moment, not even the scum was left, and the godhead was also eliminated. He fell directly into the turbulence of space.

Damn, it's really crazy. There are so many terrible material attacks from powerful people. Even if I want to help, it won't have any effect at all!

At this moment, among the crowd of thunder-type soldiers in a galaxy channel, Mo Si, who was dressed like a soldier in purple armor, looked a little ugly.

Following Wyatt's order, he also brought the powerful members of the Bagshaw family to the dimensional battlefield, but he found that the decisive battle on the dimensional battlefield was much more terrifying than he had imagined!

This level of plane war is simply not something that a small purgatory leader like him can control to win.

Nowadays, several of the powerful members of his Bagshaw family have fallen, but the Thunder God Plane still seems a bit difficult to withstand.

Alas, facing the attacks of so many strong men from different planes at the same time, Lord Dominator has little chance of winning.

Mo Si sighed in his heart and used the power of the Lord God of Death to avoid a collective material attack from a team of dozens of people not far away.

And just when Mo Si felt invincible, in a huge castle covered by a hidden magic circle in the base camp of the Thunder God Plane, a man with a pair of white wings and a cold face seemed to have no emotions. The two-winged Angel of Light appeared in everyone's sight!

Twelve-winged Angel of Light?

There were a thousand of these twelve-winged angels of light. When he saw these powerful angels of light taking action, Mo Si's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Naturally, all the masters in the endless void also saw such a scene, especially Uhtred, whose black eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

This Augusta is actually willing to lend the twelve-winged Angel of Light to Wyatt?

His eyes glanced at Augusta, who was standing behind Off, and then Uhtred withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, he also remembered the scene when Wyatt was chasing Augusta after he had just become the master. Wyatt was transmitting messages to Augusta alone. Uhtred finally understood. It turned out that Wyatt had just begun to plan this plane war as soon as he became the master!

Nice one Wyatt.

Looking at the plane war that was once again becoming more intense below, Uhtred couldn't help but groan in his heart.

Thousands of twelve-winged angels of light, each of them unafraid of death, formed a group of ten people to form a powerful angel battle formation.

If these thousands of twelve-winged angels were taken alone, they might not be of much use in the plane war, but after forming the angel battle formation, these angels have greatly increased their strength, and now they are like sharp knives. Tearing apart the formation of the strong men in the wind god camp!


A huge sword of light was shot out from the angel battle formation composed of these twelve-winged angels of light. The power of the lightsaber was astonishing, and every attack was frantically harvesting the lives of the soldiers.

The godheads are like raindrops falling on the channels of the galaxy. It is hard to believe that the former owners of these godheads were all top experts in all major planes!

Not only was a large number of twelve-winged light angels pouring into this galaxy channel to form the angel battle formation, but also on another galaxy channel, twelve-winged dark angels gradually emerged to form the darkness. After the battle formation of God and Angel, he rushed to the front without fear of death!

This bastard dark lord!

Seeing the appearance of the Dark God Angel, some of the main gods looked ugly. Not only did Wyatt get the twelve-winged Light God Angel, but he also got the twelve-winged Dark God Angel?

The wind-type god plane itself did not have much advantage in the battle between the two sides on the galaxy channel where the twelve-winged dark angels appeared. But now that the angel battle formation composed of the twelve-winged dark angels has joined, the entire galaxy channel actually There is a faint trend of collapse!

Diya, what trump cards do you have that you don't want to show immediately?

Seeing such a scene, Uhtred sent a cold message to Dia, the master of the wind system.

The face of the wind master didn't look good at this moment. The number of soldiers who appeared on the Wyatley God Plane was obviously supported by other planes, and these two trump cards caught them off guard.

At this moment, in the military camp castle of the base camp of the wind god plane, a large number of high-ranking god soldiers wearing cyan armor emerged again. The eyes of these soldiers were numb, but their whole bodies exuded an extremely powerful aura. Obviously, these powerful men are all powerful gods controlled by the rules of death!

Just by glancing at them, many Lord Gods discovered that there were as many as five hundred of these powerful men.

And this is not over yet, not only the wind god plane has prepared a trump card, but the earth god plane, the water god plane and even Uhtred's hell have also prepared back-ups for this plane war!

In order to stop Wyatt's ten-game winning streak, many gods also chose to do whatever it takes!

With the use of the trump cards of these planes, a large number of soldiers who are not afraid of death once again poured into the battlefield of the plane. Most of these soldiers are strong men controlled by the rules of death, so they are not afraid of death at all when fighting. In such a situation On the crazy dimensional battlefield, they play a much greater role than those ordinary soldiers!

With the death of a divine angel, the angelic battle formation will no longer be able to display its strength normally. After killing a divine angel, those soldiers controlled by the rules of death will also frantically kill the other twelve-winged divine angels to prevent the divine angels behind from taking their positions. Completion.

A large number of soldiers who are not afraid of life and death have indeed brought a lot of trouble to the Thunder God Plane this time.

As these soldiers poured into the two galactic channels, the Thunder God Plane, which had been moved back to a disadvantage by the Twelve Winged God Angels, once again fell into passivity.

Such a scene made many of the Lord Gods of the Thunder system feel a little nervous, fearing that something had gone wrong.

But looking at Wyatt, his face looked much calmer.

Although the twelve-winged light god angel and the twelve-winged dark god angel are both his powerful trump cards, they are not his biggest trump cards.

By this time, both sides' cards were nearly exhausted, and Wyatt had nothing to hide.

In the rear base camp of the Plane Battlefield Thunder God Plane, five figures slowly appeared at this moment.

These five figures were so small compared to the large number of soldiers on the galaxy channel, but after seeing these five figures, the pupils of all the gods present could not help but shrink for a while!

Magnus, Beah, Ninissa, Parhaus, and Bamo? What are these five Great Perfections doing?

The five figures that appeared on this dimensional battlefield are the five Great Perfection gods who made a deal with Wyatt!

The appearance of the five Great Perfections has completely changed the direction of the plane battlefield!

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