
Seeing Jiang Ziya almost being frightened off his horse, Wang Mo laughed wildly.

“Jiang Shang’s son, why don’t you dismount and accept surrender?”

The mounts of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island are all hybrids of dragons and beasts. Although they are not worthy of the eyes of immortals, they are far from being comparable to ordinary horses.

The power they exude is beyond the reach of these flatterers. Resist.

If Jiang Ziya had not been cultivated, he might have fallen off the horse. After stabilizing his body, Jiang Ziya jumped on the horse and came forward. Yang Jian and Nezha were worried that Jiang Ziya might be wrong, so they protected him in case of any accidents.

“Jiang Ziya, I heard that you are a disciple of the holy monk Yuxu. When we fight as monks, we should not harm mortals.”

“Today we are fighting in front of the two armies. If you win, we will leave. If you win, I will no longer interfere with your Shang and Zhou wars, how about that? When Jiang

Ziya heard this, he just smiled and said:”My fellow Taoist, this is wrong. Shang will be destroyed by Zhou Xing in a matter of days. How can it be a child’s play?””

“All Taoist friends are also cultivators. You should understand the secrets of heaven and have to reach the heavens. How can you say such nonsense? It is really not the work of the immortal family.”

“In the world of mortals, there is murderous intent. These fellow Taoists are pure people. Why should we get involved in this worldly dispute? Why don’t we just retreat.”

Jiang Ziya was also polite and polite, and said to the four of them.

Hearing Jiang Ziya’s words, Gao Youqian immediately retorted:”You are just an ordinary person, how can you talk about heaven and earth.”

Yang Sen said:”Why bother talking nonsense with him? Just take it down when you see him and see if he talks back.”

The four of them looked at each other and nodded.

The four mythical beasts, Biyan, Suanni, spotted leopard, and ferocious, suddenly roared at the same time, this time even more violently than before.

Jiang Ziya’s mount was directly frightened and pulled it away. The horse fell off its back.

The entire Zhou army was in chaos.

Seeing this, Yang Jian was shocked and said:”Uncle Master, are you okay?””

He helped Jiang Ziya up, and when he was about to retreat, a green bead hit him.

Yang Jian had no choice but to let go of Jiang Ziya, and opened the eye between his eyebrows to fix the bead. Before the two could separate, Yang Jian had no choice but to let go of Jiang Ziya. When the outcome was determined, another bead hit Yang Jian.

Seeing this, Nezha shouted:”What a cunning and cunning person, look at my magic weapon!””

A gold brick flew out of his hand and blocked the red orb.

However, before Nezha could take action again, two more beads hit him. This time Nezha was not so lucky and was hit directly. He fell from the Hot Wheels.

However, with the protection of Huntian Ling, Nezha was not injured.

It was just that he lost his face when he fell from the sky, and his face turned a little red.

Yang Jian used the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques and escaped. He killed Wang Mo and helped Nezha up.

“Are you okay, Nezha! Nezha waved his hand and said:”I’m fine, they just have powerful magic weapons with those few beads, but their magical powers are ordinary!””

Yang Jian nodded when he heard the words. When fighting against the king and the devil, he could also see that the strength of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island was not very strong, but those few beads were powerful. The two of them did not ride mounts, and the roar of this beast was very powerful for them. It was useless.

Jiang Ziya stabilized his figure, rolled down his sleeves, and said to Yang Jian and Nezha:”Yang Jian and Nezha, don’t be obsessed with fighting, retreat to the city first!”

“Yes, uncle!”

The three of them escaped from the battlefield with escape skills. Although the Four Saints of Kowloon Island had mythical beasts and magic weapons in their hands, they could not stop them if they wanted to leave.

Looking at Jiang Ziya who ran away again, Wen Zhong suddenly felt pity

“Jiang Ziya ran away again.”

Shen Gongbao also felt a little pity. He was about to take action just now, but Jiang Ziya took the first step.

Although Jiang Ziya was not defeated, it was a victory after all. The previous decline has also been reversed, which is not bad.

“withdraw troops!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wen Zhong waved his hand, and the army withdrew back to the barracks in an orderly manner.

In Xiqi City,

Jiang Ziya and others were all a little depressed because they were defeated.

For a long time, Jiang Ziya Just now he said:”The divine beasts ridden by the Four Saints of Kowloon Island are too powerful, and it is difficult for the military horses to compete with their divine power. I need to go to Kunlun to seek help from Master.”

“When I am not in the army, I cannot fight with the merchant army. I will wait until I return to make any plans. (bhch)”

“King Wu Cheng and General Li, I leave this place to you for now!”Jiang Ziya said to Huang Feihu and Li Jing.

Huang Feihu said:”Prime Minister, don’t worry, we know it well!”

Huang Feihu and Li Jing are commanding the troops, and there are masters such as Nezha and Yang Jian. As long as they don’t go out on their own initiative, there will be no serious problems. After the explanation, Jiang Ziya went to say goodbye to King Wu Jifa before leaving Xiqi Heading towards the Kunlun Mountains.

Jiang Ziya used earth escape and arrived at the Kunlun Mountains in less than half an hour.

Looking at the familiar Qilin Cliff, Jiang Ziya felt a lot of emotion. He thought to himself:”Once I leave this mountain, I don’t realize it has been ten years.” Now that we are here again, the scenery feels new again.”

You can see the misty clouds in Kunlun spreading colors, the sun and the moon shaking their light. Thousands of old cypresses, thousands of knotted bamboos.

Outside the door, the brocade is covered with strange flowers, and the fragrant grass beside the bridge is fragrant. The peaches on the mountain are red and brocade, and the velvet grass at the cave gate is long and green. Every time I hear the chirping of immortal cranes, every time I see auspicious luan flying.

This is the holy land of the immortal family, but I don’t know when I can continue to practice in Kunlun Mountain.

After adjusting his sleeves and seeing the dust gone, Jiang Ziya slowly walked towards Yuxu He walked towards the palace.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Boy Baihe was already waiting here and said to Jiang Ziya:”Uncle, Master is waiting for Uncle in the main hall!”

As soon as he heard that Yuanshi Tianzun was waiting for him, Jiang Ziya immediately walked into Yuxu Palace.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun’s appearance, Jiang Ziya immediately leaned over and paid homage:”Disciple Jiang Shang wishes his teacher’s holy life to be endless!”

“Excuse me, please get up!”

“Thank you Master!”[]

Jiang Ziya stood up, raised his hands, and respectfully waited for Yuanshi’s decree.

Yuanshi said:”I already understand your purpose of coming!”

“The mounts of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island are the hybrids of divine dragons and beasts during the ancient beast conference.”

“Although it does not have the appearance of a dragon, it has the power of a dragon. Ordinary horses naturally fear their power.”

After hearing what Yuan Shi said, Jiang Ziya finally understood the origin of the mounts of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island.

No wonder when they roared, the horses of the Zhou army scattered in all directions.

Yuan Shi said to Boy Baihe:”Boy, let’s go to the back mountain. Bring my mount, Sixiang!”

“yes!”The boy Bai He took the order and went down.

After a moment, the boy Bai He brought in a spiritual beast.

Jiang Ziya looked at it and saw that the beast looked different from the beasts he had seen before. It seemed familiar, but he couldn’t tell..

Yuanshi said to Jiang Ziya:”This is the four resemblance. It looks like a deer but not a deer, looks like a horse but not a horse, looks like an ox but not an ox, looks like a donkey but not a donkey.””

“Since I attained enlightenment, I have rarely ridden horses. I will give him to you for the time being, and then let him return to the mountain after I finish conquering the Yin Shang.”

These four figures are Yuan Shi’s own mounts. Naturally, they will not be given to Jiang Ziya. They are just given to him temporarily.

When Jiang Ziya saw this, he felt happy and quickly thanked him.

Yuan Shi continued:”Don’t thank me quickly, I still have a few things for you. The magic weapon is given to you”

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