As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. When the four generals of the Demon family saw Yang Jian, they immediately felt hatred in their hearts.

The four of them held weapons, leaped forward on their horses, pointed at Yang Jian and said,”Young man, Yang Jian, take your life!”

Without any nonsense, the four generals of the Demon family attacked Yang Jian directly.

Seeing this, Yang Jian was about to fight with him with a three-pointed two-edged sword. Nezha took the lead and said,”Senior Brother Yang Jian, let me deal with these people!”

After that, Nezha went up first.

Nezha’s magic weapon was taken away by the Hunyuan Umbrella before, and he was still filled with anger. Now that the four generals of the Demon Family have no magic weapon, Nezha wants to take revenge. How could he let go of such an opportunity?

Yang Jian still knew something about Nezha’s strength.

Jiang Ziya, Li Jing and others did not have any objections, so Yang Jian was naturally not worried. He took back the three-pointed two-edged sword and watched several people fight.

Whether it is magic power or martial arts, the four generals of the Demon family are no match for Nezha.

Before, he was just tricked by his magic weapon, but now even Nezha doesn’t use the magic weapon. The four generals of the Demon family are no match for him, not to mention Nezha’s magical attire.

In less than ten rounds, the four generals of the Demon Family were defeated one by one.

Seeing this, Wen Zhong hurriedly said:”Quickly retreat, first meet the military camp!”

The sound of Jin Ming sounded, and Wen Zhong sacrificed the Gathering Wind Flag.

A strong wind blew up, scattering the army in all directions.

But Wen Zhong wanted to give the four generals of the Mo family a chance to escape from Nezha.

Seeing this, Yang Jian’s eyes suddenly opened and he flew in mid-air. His blue eyes shined at Wen Zhong.

When Wen Zhong saw this, he opened his eyes between his eyebrows, and a white light met them.

For a time, the earth cracked and the mountains and rivers trembled.

But after all, Yang Jian is of human-immortal blood and has the Jade-Xu immortal method. Although Wen Zhong is a disciple of Jie Jiao, he is only a mortal after all, so how can he be compared to Yang Jian.

The cultivation resources that a disciple like him could obtain from the Biyou Palace were far inferior to the cultivation resources that Yang Jian obtained from the Yuxu Palace.

It is perfectly normal that he is not Yang Jian’s opponent.

In the blink of an eye, Wen Zhong was repelled by Yang Jian’s heavenly eye.

“What a divine eye, worthy of being a disciple of Yuxu!”Wen Zhong looked at the army behind him again and immediately turned around to leave.

Yang Jian wanted to catch up, but when he saw that the four generals of the Mo family were also trying to escape, he stepped forward to stop them.

Mo Li Qing and Mo Li Hai were used by Nezha The Fire Point Spear was killed, and Mo Lihong and Mo Li Shou were killed by Yang Jian’s heavenly eyes. The four generals of the Mo family died on the spot, and the morale of the Zhou army was high.

If Wen Zhong hadn’t seen that the situation was not good, he would have taken the initiative to withdraw his troops.. The losses will only be greater than now. But even so, the army suffered heavy losses.

Since Wen Zhong joined the army, he has never suffered such a defeat. After collecting the defeated troops, Wen Zhong saw that he had lost nearly 50,000 men in one battle. The soldiers couldn’t help but feel heartbroken.

At the same time, their fear of Jiang Ziya became even deeper.

If this continues, with the support of the Yuxu disciples, I don’t know how long it will take to break Xiqi.

“I hope the Imperial Master will arrive soon, don’t waste any time!”

Wen Zhong sighed.

But he placed all his hopes on Shen Gongbao.

Jiang Ziya won a big victory, and he would definitely take advantage of the victory to pursue him. If Shen Gongbao could not arrive in time, Wen Zhong would have to retreat temporarily.

Fortunately, on the second day, Shen Gongbao then came to the army. Four people got up with him, each riding a sacred beast, which was the Four Saints of Kowloon Island.

Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Youqian, and Li Xingba rode Suan and Suan respectively. Elephant, spotted leopard, ferocious, etc.

“Grand Master, these four are the Four Saints of Kowloon Island, and they are our masters. With them coming down the mountain to help, they will be able to defeat Jiang Ziya!”

Shen Gongbao introduced the four people to Wen Zhong one by one. After getting to know each other, Wen Zhong invited the four people into the big tent.

After sitting down, Wen Zhong said:”The conditions in the army are simple, but they are lazy. It was Wen Zhong’s fault that he killed several immortals!”

Wang Mo waved his hand and said:”I heard that Grand Master is very polite. We are cultivators. The path of cultivation is inherently difficult and arduous. How can the suffering in the military camp be considered real suffering?”

“Exactly, Master Wen doesn’t have to be polite! Gao Youqian also said.

At this time, Shen Gongbao looked around and asked Wenzhong:”Grand Master, why are the four generals of the Demon Family not here?””

Shen Gongbao just came and didn’t know that the four generals of the Demon family had died, so he asked this question.

Wen Zhong sighed after hearing the words and informed everyone about yesterday’s defeat and the killing of the four generals of the Demon family.

“That Yuxu disciple is really amazing. Yang Jian is only a third-generation disciple and yet he is so powerful. The four generals of the Demon Family fell into his trap and died. If they face Yang Jian again, they must be careful!”

Wen Zhong told several people what he knew about the situation. Wang Mo heard the words and said:”Don’t worry, Grand Master Wen, since we have come out of the mountain, we will have the means. His Yuxu disciples are extraordinary, and I, a disciple of Biyou Palace, also have wonderful methods. Let’s give it a try tomorrow and see who wins.”

The other three people are also full of confidence. After seeing Wen Zhong, they are still a little worried. Shen Gongbao said:”The four Taoist friends are famous even overseas. The son of Yuxu Sect, Xiqi, is just a third-generation disciple. There are several Taoist friends. The winning ticket is in hand!”

Seeing that several people were full of confidence, and Shen Gongbao guaranteed it. Wen Zhong also nodded, cupped his hands to several people and said:”Everything is thanks to you fellow Taoists!”

The next day.

With yesterday’s great victory, Jiang Ziya wanted to take advantage of the victory and defeat Wen Zhong in one fell swoop.

All the generals agreed with this. After all, there was no one who was too strong in the Shang army at this time, which was just a good thing for the Zhou army. Opportunity.

But before Jiang Ziya could send out troops, Wen Zhong took the lead and called for formation outside.

“It’s strange. Wen Zhongcai was defeated yesterday. Why did he take the initiative to call for formation outside? Could it be that another strong reinforcement has arrived?”

Jiang Ziya wondered in his heart and couldn’t help but think of this possibility.

Seeing this, Wu Ji said:”Master, this disciple also thinks this is abnormal. Wen Zhong, who had just experienced a major defeat, dared to call for formation, fearing that a powerful enemy was coming. Jiang

Ziya thought for a moment and was about to give the order when Nezha walked in quickly and said to Jiang Ziya:”Uncle, I’m sorry. There are four monks riding divine beast mounts coming from the merchant army outside. They are calling for formation outside.””

“Oh, four more monks are here! Jiang Ziya twirled his long beard and suddenly felt that it was a difficult situation.

He said to Nezha:”Gather the troops and follow me out of the city to meet the enemy!””

“yes!”Na (Qian Zhao) Zha cupped his hands and said.

With the sound of cannons, the Zhou army came out of Xiqi City one after another. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Ziya was the leader, followed by Li Jing, Huang Feihu and others. , Wu Ji opened the way in front.

As for Nezha and Yang Jian, they were hanging in the sky with their magical powers, observing every move of the enemy.

Seeing Jiang Ziya coming out, Wen Zhong said to several people:”The old man at the head is Jiang Ziya, the Prime Minister of Xiqi Discuss! When Wang

Mo saw that Jiang Ziya was just an old man, he sarcastically said:”It turns out that he is just an old man, what’s the point!””

As he said that, Wang Mo rode Bifan forward. Before he could speak, Bifan roared, and Jiang Ziya’s mount immediately began to hiss.


Jiang Ziya held on to the reins tightly and did not fall off.

The others were even more unbearable. Except for Huang Feihu riding the colorful sacred bull who was not frightened by the power of the beast, the rest of the horses were frightened. They had to move around.

The entire army was already at a disadvantage before the battle started.

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