Jiang Ziya is a person who is destined to be a god, and wherever he is, he is destined to be.

Among the seven saints, except for the leader Tongtian, the other six saints were optimistic about Xiqi. Jiang Ziya’s entry into Xiqi can be regarded as a conclusion to this matter.

From now on, the disputes in the world will be between Xiqi and Chaoge.

Chan Jiao, Jie Jiao, Human Jiao, and Western Jiao will all revolve around these two human dynasties until the list of gods is filled up.

Watching Jiang Ziya enter Xiqi, all the saints also made their own moves to prepare for the upcoming battle to become gods.

But it is said that Jiang Ziya was worshiped as prime minister by Ji Chang, and Jiang Ziya did live up to expectations and handled Xiqi’s government affairs in an orderly manner. At the same time, Xiqi’s military system was also reformed, stubborn diseases were rectified, and Xiqi’s army was revitalized.

In just half a year, Xiqi’s strength has already reached a higher level.

All the Xiqi civil and military officials also admired Jiang Ziya. Ji Chang was even more fortunate that he had invited Jiang Ziya to assist him.

Just as Xiqi was rejoicing, news came from Chaoge. Prime Minister Bigan had his heart ripped out and died. All Xiqi officials were shocked when they heard this.

Bigan was not only the prime minister, but also the uncle of the current King Zhou.

Such a heavy blow shows how cruel it is.

King Zhou cut off his arm in this way, and he was even more alone from then on. The defeat of the 17 kingdoms could only happen in the blink of an eye.

King Zhou has no moral principles and is acting against the will. He will have his own master to attack him.

“King Zhou killed Bigan just to cure Daji’s heart disease, which shows his cruelty and cruelty.”

“Nowadays, there are Fei Zhong and You Hun in the court, there is the demon fox Su Daji in the harem, and outside there is the Chonghou Tiger who is causing trouble and making life difficult for the people in the world. People in the world dare to be angry but dare not speak out”

“This evil thief has done many evil things, and if he is not killed, the people will not be angry. It seems that such a treacherous and evil person, how can he live next to the emperor?”

“The king is a prince of one side, and he implements benevolent policies. We have the responsibility to protect the world, so we might as well get rid of this evil thief first. If the emperor changes this from now on, it will be a blessing to the people of the world!”

Jiang Ziya said to Ji Chang, and at the same time he was also talking to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

When everyone heard this, they all started talking.

Except for a few people who had doubts, most people agreed with Jiang Ziya’s words.

After all, Chonghou Hu did a lot of evil. If they kill him, the people will be angry.

Ji Chang doesn’t have a good impression of Chonghou Hu, but Chonghou Hu is also a prince after all. So he said to Jiang Ziya:”I and Chonghou Hu are both princes of the same side. If we fight against him, I’m afraid Some names are unfair. Jiang

Ziya smiled and said:”King Wen, please don’t worry. Xiqi’s crusade against Chonghou Hu is not to conquer the world, but to eliminate this evil thief for the people of the world!””

“This time, Xiqi used troops not to occupy even half an inch of its territory, but only to bring justice to the people of the world.”

“Why should King Wen worry too much?”

When Ji Chang heard this, he suddenly felt that it made sense.

So he agreed to use troops to attack Chonghou Hu.

King Wen appointed Jiang Ziya as the general marshal and raised troops to attack Chonghou Hu.

Chonghou Hu was one of the four most powerful princes in the world. He was also the most aroused. A prince who was furious.

When he heard that Xiqi was attacking Chonghou Hu, all the people in the world clapped their hands and applauded. Even many of those princes secretly supported Xiqi’s army to attack Chonghou Hu.

It can be seen that Chonghou usually Hu was so arrogant and domineering, and had offended so many people, that no prince came to help Chonghou Hu at the critical moment.

King Zhou was furious when he heard that Xiqi’s army was attacking Chonghou Hu, and immediately sent troops to help.

But Jiang Ziya The march was extremely fast. Before King Zhou’s army arrived, Jiang Ziya killed Chonghou Tiger first.

He also listed hundreds of major crimes, many of which were directed at King Zhou.

After pacifying Chonghou Tiger, Jiang Ziya immediately He led the army back to Xiqi and did not occupy the city of Chonghouhu. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This made the princes who were a little worried at first even more convinced of King Wen Jichang.

For a time, The fame of King Wen Jichang surpassed that of King Zhou.

Although King Zhou was still the emperor, his prestige had been greatly damaged. Of the eight hundred princes in the world, less than half were able to obey his orders.

If this continues, even if Xiqi does not raise troops, the Yin and Shang The country could not grow.

Not long after Jiang Ziya returned to Xiqi, King Wen Jichang suddenly fell ill.[]

In front of the bed, Jiang Ziya, Ji Fa, a group of civil and military officials, and Ji Chang’s family members were all here.

As the deadline is approaching, Ji Chang wants to entrust his foundation to Ji Fa.

Looking at Ji Chang who was as angry as silk, everyone burst into tears. Even someone like Jiang Ziya, who was used to seeing life and death, couldn’t help but feel sad when he saw the scene.

Ji Chang raised his hand tremblingly, and Jiang Ziya immediately stepped forward to hold it.

Jiang Ziya said:”Why is King Wen so troubled? The number of days is unpredictable, and you will be punished by God if you speculate casually. What’s more, it is a matter of the foundation of the country.”

Although Ji Chang is old, he can still live for a few more years. Just to deduce the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he speculated on the secrets of heaven, so that he was counterattacked by the law of heaven. Ji Chang’s life is at stake.

However, Ji Chang himself is very open-minded and just smiled lightly:”I am nearly a hundred years old and have no regrets in this life. I just want to do my best for the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty. My life is not important!”

At this point, Ji Chang said Chang then sighed:”It’s a pity that my son Boyikao had listened to my words and refused to join the court song. I would not have lost my eldest son, and the Zhou Dynasty would have had a thousand-year legacy!”

Jiang Ziya said:”This is God’s will, Your Majesty. There is no need to worry about it. The two young masters have both virtues and talents, and they must be virtuous monarchs. The Great Zhou Dynasty will have no worries!”

Ji Chang nodded and said to Ji Fa:”My son is young, and I am afraid that I will listen to the words and deeds of the treacherous villain who attacks the king. Matter. Although the emperor has no virtue, I am a minister and cannot raise troops to attack him.”

“If there is a name for regicide, it must be someone who is my descendant360”

“Come here and worship the Prime Minister as your father-in-law. You must listen to his instructions morning and night. The Prime Minister’s words are my words.”

When Ji Fa heard this, he immediately paid homage to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya immediately kowtowed in front of the bed after hearing this.

He said to Ji Chang,”Ziya is just a village man. Thanks to the king’s favor, he has this opportunity to make contributions. My liver and brain will be smeared on the ground, and my body and bones will be shattered to pieces in order to repay the kindness of the king.”

Ji Chang smiled and gave Ji Fa some more instructions. After seeing his family and all the civil and military officials, he died.

Everyone was so sad that they burst into tears.

Ji Chang passed away, and Prince Ji Fa inherited the throne. He was called King Wu.

King Wen died and King Wu ascended the throne.

For such a big event, Xiqi still operated in an orderly manner. Although the subjects and people were grieved, there was no change at all.

King Wen was a man of great virtue and a great prince.

After his death, the princes of the world also sent envoys to Xiqi to pay tribute. They were not only bidding farewell to King Wen, but also meeting the new king, King Wu Ji Fa.

And Jiang Ziya was also worshiped as his father-in-law by Ji Fa on the day Ji Fa ascended the throne.. All major military and state affairs depended on Jiang Ziya. For a time, Jiang Ziya had so much power that all the civil and military officials could not match it.

But no one felt that this was inappropriate. On the contrary, they all thought that it was perfect for Jiang Ziya to lead Xiqi’s military affairs.

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