This time, unlike last time, Jiang Ziya did not escape far and was still near the Weishui River.

It was when the horizon appeared that he entered Xiqi with his teeth.

Ji Chang led a group of civil and military officials to come to the Weishui River. When they came to Panxi River, they saw an old man sitting on the bow of a boat fishing.

Ji Chang was surprised when he saw that the fishhook was a straight hook.

Just as he was about to step forward, he heard Jiang Ziya say:

“Only take it from the straight, not seek it from the song”

“Not designed for golden scales, only fishing for kings and marquises.

Ji Chang was horrified when he saw an arowana caught with a straight hook. Fishing with a straight hook was unheard of. Ji Chang felt blessed and immediately kowtowed and said,”Sir, you are a great talent, please teach me!” Seeing this, Jiang

Ziya hurriedly stood up and helped Ji Chang up, saying,”I’m just an old man fishing, so how can I teach King Wen?”

Seeing Jiang Ziya directly pointed out his identity, Ji Chang immediately asked,”Zero 40″”:”However, Mr. Jiang was in person. Ji Chang took the liberty to visit him before and did not have the opportunity to meet Mr. Jiang. It was a pity!”

Ji Chang sighed with regret and spoke eloquently. Jiang Ziya bowed his hands and said:”I am no more than a man, how can I talk about what you said, but King Wen has disgraced me.”

Ji Chang was overjoyed when he heard that it was Jiang Ziya.

He came here just to invite Jiang Ziya to Xiqi, and immediately started chatting with him before him.

Jiang Ziya has never seen anyone he likes since he came down from the mountain. Not even Bigan back then. Others, Jiang Ziya did not talk as happily as he did with Ji Chang now.

King Wen was a prince, good at governing the country and ensuring peace. He was also able to perform the gossip of King Wen

, deduce the Book of Changes, and knew the secrets of heaven.

Jiang Ziya was the descendant of Yuxu, Xuanmen Authentic. They learned the immortal Tao of Yuxu, and were also familiar with war strategies, and governance.

The two of them went from astronomy and geography, to governance strategies, and then to calculations of heavenly secrets. It can be said that they had a very happy conversation, full of laughter.

Unknowingly, It was almost morning.

Jiang Ziya also recognized Ji Chang, and Ji Chang recognized Jiang Ziya even more.

Just when he was about to leave, Jiang Ziya suddenly didn’t get up.

Seeing this, Ji Chang asked,”Sir, it’s almost noon, why?” Don’t get up and leave? Jiang

Ziya smiled bitterly when he saw this and said,”I was having a great time chatting with the king here, and it was almost morning before I knew it.” He is old and frail, but his legs are numb and unable to move.”

Ji Chang heard this and immediately said to Nangong Shi:”Bring the carriage over quickly and let Mr. Jiang sit on the carriage.”

When he came, Ji Chang specially prepared a carriage to invite Jiang Ziya.

However, Jiang Ziya’s place was far away from the main road, so it was difficult for the carriage to get in.

After hearing what Ji Chang said, Nangong Shi took the order and quickly brought the carriage over..

Just when Jiang Ziya got on the carriage, the four horses were suddenly frightened. After a burst of hooting, they broke free from the reins.

Jiang Ziya still closed his eyes and remained silent in the carriage.

Seeing this, Nangong Shi said:”The general will immediately pull the other horses Bring the horses and pull the carriage for Mr. Jiang”

“etc!”Ji Chang waved his hand to stop Nangong Shi.

But when he saw the horse suddenly breaking free from the reins, Ji Chang felt blessed and suddenly felt that a great opportunity had come.

Ji Chang came to the carriage and put the reins originally tied to the horse on his own. He was about to pull a cart for Jiang Ziya.

All the civil and military officials were shocked when they saw this. San Yisheng immediately stepped forward and said,”My lord, why are you doing this?” Unexpectedly, Ji Chang smiled and said:”

This is my opportunity, don’t neglect Mr. Jiang!””

Looking at Jiang Ziya, whose eyes were still closed, Ji Chang said to San Yisheng and others.

After saying that, Ji Chang began to pull the carriage forward.

Others wanted to step forward to help, but they were all ordered to leave by Ji Chang.

Ji Chang is also an old and frail person, and it is not easy to pull a carriage. With every step he takes, Ji Chang feels a heavy burden pressing on him. There are more and more sweat stains on Ji Chang’s forehead, and his hands even begin to Some blood was rubbed out.

Everyone moved together anxiously. After an unknown period of time, Ji Chang suddenly stopped and almost fell to the ground.

Nangong Shi, San Yisheng, Ji Fa and others helped him up.

Looking at Jiang Ziya still After closing his eyes, Ji Chang apologized:”Ji Chang is incompetent and can only carry Mr. 800 steps!””

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Ziya opened his eyes, nodded to Ji Chang and said:”King Wen pulled the chariot for 800 steps, and Zhou Dynasty ruled the world for 800 years!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Today, King Wen will pull Ziya’s chariot, and in his days, Ziya will be sure to protect Zhou’s family and the world!”

When he heard that Zhou Shi had ruled the world for eight hundred years, Ji Chang still sighed softly.

Although he could not discern all the secrets of heaven, he also knew that pulling the cart was an opportunity. The longer he persisted, the greater the opportunity he gained.

It’s just that The number of days dictates that the Zhou Dynasty will last for eight hundred years, which should be a certain number………

Jiang Ziya, Ji Chang and others are irreversible[]

“I am very relieved that the Great Zhou Dynasty can last for eight hundred years. There is no eternal dynasty in the world. If a wise king is born from generation to generation, eight hundred years will be enough. If there is a foolish king alive, he will only harm the people of the world for eight hundred years!”

Ji Chang’s words made Jiang Ziya greatly appreciated, and he only said:”The great sage King Wen, even the immortal family does not have the broad mind of King Wen!”

Not only is there no eternal dynasty in the world, even this world is not eternal.

When the calamity comes, the heavens will reopen, and the earth, water, wind, and fire will be recreated, and the world will be recreated. The connection between immortals, Buddhas, and gods is inevitable, and even disciples of saints are not immune to it. Amidst the calamity of killing, one must survive from the dead.

Only a few Hunyuan Wuji Supreme Masters are eternal spirits, controlling the existence of the heavens.

Jiang Ziya has more knowledge than Ji Chang, and understands his words better. That’s why he praised him greatly to show his admiration.

This time Jiang Ziya did not let Ji Chang continue to pull the cart, but went to the main road together.

The horses that had escaped before came back and were waiting on the road. The two of them We sat in a carriage together and headed to Xiqi.

On this day, a banquet was held in Xiqi City.

To celebrate King Wen’s acquisition of a wise minister, the subjects rejoiced and the whole country rejoiced.

The next day,

Jiang Ziya put on his official uniform. Although King Wen came with him, The main hall of the previous dynasty in the palace.

Hundreds of civil and military officials lined up on the left and right to congratulate the Wen Dynasty and congratulate Jiang Ziya.

Ji Chang named Jiang Ziya the prime minister, ranking first among the officials. His disciple Wu Ji was also promoted from a common man to the emperor. Being granted the title of general is a step to the top.

At this point, Xiqi has gained virtuous ministers and the blessings of heaven and earth. The luck of the Zhou family is three points better than before, and it is unrivaled.

After all, Jiang Ziya was once in The fact that Chaoge was an official and was made prime minister by Ji Chang still caused quite a stir.

King Zhou also wanted to launch an army to attack and forced Ji Chang to hand over Jiang Ziya.

In order to prevent King Zhou from thinking about Xiqi, Ji Chang He paid tribute to Chaoge with a large number of treasures. At the same time, he confessed to King Zhou, which eased the conflict between the two parties.

King Zhou ignored Xiqi for a while.

After getting Jiang Ziya, Xiqi’s strength greatly increased.

Here, Jiang Ziya was finally able to use what he had learned…

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