Taiyuan, Taiyi, Taichu, and Taishi, the four Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, stand in the four gates of the Immortal Killing Formation respectively.

Seeing this, the leader of Tongtian Cult immediately activated the formation.

In an instant, big winds and thunder rolled, and dark winds gusted. The air blades condensed with boundless murderous intent cut back and forth in the formation, any one of which was enough to destroy a vast universe.

Taiyuan and his third generation Taoist body did not use magic weapons, but directly used their magical powers to force the four fairy swords with their bare hands.

Tongtian was furious when he saw that Taiyuan didn’t take his Immortal Killing Formation seriously at all.

In the Immortal Killing Formation, the swords suspended on the four gates moved together with Tongtian’s urging.

The Zhuxian Sword flew out from the Zhuxian Sect and turned into thousands of sword energy to stab Taoist Taiyi.

The Immortal Killing Sword flew out from the Immortal Killing Gate and turned into thousands of sword energy to stab Taoist Taichu.

The Fallen Immortal Sword flew out from the Fallen Immortal Sect and turned into thousands of sword energy to stab Taoist Taishi.

The Juexian Sword flew out from the Juexian Sect and turned into thousands of sword energy to stab Taoist Taiyuan.

Four fairy swords flew out from the four doors, and the original sword energy shadows disappeared immediately. Instead, the bodies of the four fairy swords flew directly over and cut through countless voids.

Taiyuan saw that the power of the Immortal Killing Formation was finally fully unleashed. Not only was he not worried at all, but he was even more happy.

“Fellow Taoist Tongtian, do you think you can trap me with this formation? Pindao realized the Tao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with the Three Great Paths Fruit and became the first saint in the world. How can your little Immortal Killing Formation shine brightly!”

Taiyuan smiled but did not make any move.

He saw the Immortal Sword flying out and stabbing Taiyuan directly.

However, just three feet in front of him, a line of purple energy appeared and blocked the Immortal Sword. In an instant, it was still dim. The Juexian Sect filled with assassination was illuminated by immeasurable golden light.

The Qingyun on the top of Taiyuan was accompanied by dense purple energy, and the golden light of merit behind its head illuminated the universe. Although the Juexian Sword is the ultimate killing treasure, it cannot be approached in front of Taiyuan. Not at all.

Seeing that the Absolute Immortal Sword was not close to Taiyuan’s body, Tongtian was shocked.

Taiyuan was the supreme leader of Hunyuan Wuji, so it was not unusual for him to be able to block the Absolute Immortal Sword. But people like Taiyuan did not use any magic weapon, just relying on The mana and supernatural power blocked the Immortal Sword in an understatement, which was definitely beyond the expectations of the leader of Tongtian.

Looking at Tongtian’s surprised look, Taiyuan said with a smile:”I have long said that your Immortal-killing Formation is just a trail, why? It’s fair enough!”

Tong Tian saw that the Immortal Sword was not too powerful. He immediately pointed his hand and saw that the murderous aura carried by the Immortal Sword was as terrifying as a snake’s letter. The thunder in his palm activated again, and the evil aura filled the entire formation. Especially, Taiyuan, as the deity, is the one that Tongtian takes care of the most. The evil energy of the entire formation is focused on attacking the Juexian Sect.

A series of sinister winds are coming, with a feeling of chilling all over the body. Rolling thunder. When it fell, the roaring sound was endless. The formation was filled with smoke and murderous intent, which was terrifying and abnormal.

But no matter how Tongtian Cult Master used it, the Absolute Immortal Sword could never get close to Taiyuan’s body.

Three feet in front of Taiyuan’s body, there was always It’s buzzing, but it can’t make any progress

“How dare you show off such a small skill!”

Tongtian fired several more thunders from his palms, but the Juexian Sword was still buzzing and unable to move. Seeing this, Tongtian also stopped and stopped attacking Taiyuan. Looking at the other four gates, Tongtian secretly said:”Taiyuan’s cultivation level Being powerful is beyond the power of the Immortal Killing Formation. But the other three are definitely not as strong as Taiyuan, let’s defeat them now.”

Ignoring Taiyuan any more, Tongtian fired three palm thunders in succession, activating the three swords of Zhuxian, Luxian, and Zhenxian.

These three swords also flew out from Zhuxian Sect, Luxian Sect, and Zhenxian Sect respectively. They killed Taoist Taiyi, Taoist Taichu, and Taoist Taishi respectively.

Three immortal swords erupted at the same time, plus the Juexian sword that had been blocked by Taiyuan before. The murderous aura caused by the simultaneous appearance of the four swords has been pushed to the extreme by the Zhuxian Formation..

Although the four Hunyuan Wuji Taishang leader Taiyuan, Taiyi, Taichu, and Taishi suppressed the Immortal Killing Formation, some of its murderous aura still escaped.

This kind of evil aura, even in the ancient times, the lich war was still Far less than what is expected.

Without the powerful suppression of the cultivation of the four saints, this outbreak of evil energy alone would have destroyed many worlds and universes.

Seeing the Zhuxian Sword flying over, Taoist Taiyi just pointed his finger, and a golden light It turned into a wall. When the Zhuxian Sword came in front of Taiyi, it was blocked by the wall transformed by this faint golden light. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even though the leader of Tongtian Cult urged the formation , but it is still a body that cannot be easily approached.

Taichu and Taishi also immobilized the Immortal Killing Sword and Immortal Trapping Sword respectively, so that they could not get even close to themselves.

Even if the Tongtian Cult Master ran the formation with all his strength, it still had no effect at all. On the contrary, Because the four immortal swords were immobilized, the power of the formation was greatly reduced.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation is also called the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

The core of the entire formation is the four fairy swords of Zhu, Slaughter, Trap, and Jue. The power of the entire Zhuxian Formation is nine. Chengdu comes from these four immortal swords. Once these four immortal swords are controlled, the power of the Immortal Killing Formation will not be a concern[]

The reason why there is an immortal-killing formation that cannot be broken by the Four Saints is precisely because the four immortal swords are so powerful that they cannot be resisted by the Saints.

Moreover, although these four fairy swords are divided into four parts, they are actually one body. It is only useful if four immortal swords are controlled at the same time. Otherwise, even if three of them are controlled, as long as there is one left that is not controlled, the Immortal Killing Formation cannot be broken.

Taiyuan himself blocked the Absolute Immortal Sword, but he couldn’t hold the Absolute Immortal Sword, that’s it.

Only when four people immobilize the four swords together can they be taken out of the formation.

Taiyuan’s ability to block the Immortal Sword was not beyond Tongtian’s expectations, but the fact that the three Taoists blocked the other three swords was completely beyond Tongtian’s expectations.

Seeing this, Tongtian was also ruthless and directly absorbed all the evil spirits in the heavens and worlds into the Immortal Killing Formation.

Among these evil spirits, I don’t know how much karma Paul had, and I don’t know how much entanglement he had in the world of mortals. Just in an understatement, they were all absorbed into the Immortal Killing Formation by Tongtian Cult Master.

This is the magical power of a saint, and only the supreme Hunyuan Wuji Supreme Leaders can master it.

Seeing that the leader of Tongtian had absorbed a lot of evil spirits from all the worlds, Taiyuan thought to himself:”This will disrupt the evolution of many worlds.”

Thinking of this, Taiyuan (who got the promise) scolded Tongtian. :”Tongtian, you act so wantonly, messing up the secrets of heaven and causing chaos in all the heavens. I have to teach you a lesson.”

The leader of Tongtian has absorbed the evil energy of the heavens into the Immortal Killing Formation, which has affected the world of all heavens and all realms. evolution. No wonder Taiyuan scolded Tongtian, it was really his wanton behavior.

But how can Tongtian care about this? For saints, except for the same Hunyuan Wuji Supreme Leaders, all other living beings are just ants.

“It’s useless to say more. The evil spirit in this Immortal Killing Formation is the worst it has ever been. I want to see how long you can last with these three incarnations.”

With the addition of evil spirits from all over the world, the power of the Immortal Killing Formation has greatly increased.

From the beginning to the end, Tongtian believed that the three Taoists were just incarnations. Even if their cultivation is strong, there must be flaws.

Now the Immortal Killing Formation If they were strengthened again, he didn’t believe they could hold on.

PS:Thanks to [Real Life] for your monthly ticket!! sweet!.

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