After Taiyuan finished speaking, the Golden Centipede Staff was taken back in his hand.

Tongtian and the other saints didn’t know what Taiyuan was doing, so they just watched quietly.

From the center of Taiyuan’s eyebrows, three streaks of dense purple energy flew out. In an instant, the entire formation was enveloped in this dense purple energy.

The murderous aura within the Immortal Killing Formation was also covered by this dense purple air, making it peaceful and peaceful.

“Fellow Taoist Taiyuan, the poor Taoist Taoist Taiyi is here to help you defeat the Tongtian Cult Master!”

“Fellow Taoist Taiyuan, the poor Taoist Taoist Master Taichu is here to help you defeat the Tongtian Cult Master!”

“Fellow Taoist Taiyuan, the poor Taoist Taoist Master Taishi is here to help you defeat the Tongtian Cult Master!”

But I heard three voices resounding throughout the entire formation, and three Taoists appeared in the formation.

These three people are the three Tao bodies of Taiyuan, Taiyi, Taichu, and Taishi.

There are three Tao bodies in the world. Since then, Taiyuan has never allowed it to appear. If it weren’t for the Zhuxian Formation that is difficult to break, Taiyuan would not have used this trump card.

Each of these three Taoist bodies has the same level of cultivation as Taiyuan, and they are all Hunyuan Wuji Taishang. The leader of the church.

And because they are one body with Taiyuan, although they are also saints, they do not occupy the position of saints.

Therefore, no one knows their origins. 16

This is also Taiyuan’s biggest strength card, Taiyuan’s cultivation This is the highest of all saints.

And each of these three Taoist bodies has the same cultivation level as this deity. It is equivalent to a saint in Taiyuan, but actually has the strength of several saints.

Why are there several instead of four? It is because of the saints There are also high and low levels of strength. Although it is not obvious, it can still be distinguished.

If it is Taiyuan himself, or any one of his three generations of Taoism. As long as he holds an innate treasure, he will be able to face the two saints. Can be invincible.

Taiyuan’s actual strength actually exceeds that of the four saints.

Leader Tongtian had previously seen Taishang Laojun’s technique of transforming three pure states with one breath. When he saw Taiyuan’s third-generation Taoist body, his mind Said:”This must be Taiyuan’s secret magic power. It seems to have the cultivation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it will definitely not last long.”

Thinking of this, Tongtian felt relieved.

He smiled at Taiyuan and said:”It’s just a small illusion, what’s the point!”

“Tongtian, soon you won’t be able to laugh anymore!”

The Tongtian leader thought that Taiyuan’s third-generation Taoist body was just a blind trick, and he was as if he was facing Taishang’s one-qi-transformation-three-purity. As long as he waited for its time to come, he would dissipate.

But Taiyuan’s third-generation Taoist body They are actually existing individuals. Although they are one with Taiyuan, each one is independent. How can they be compared to the three pure things in one breath? The

Tongtian leader is destined to plan a futile plan.

Taiyuan said to the three of them:” This time, it’s three Taoist friends who are in trouble! Taoist

Taiyi smiled and said,”You are too polite, fellow Taoist. You and I are one and the same, so how can we say thank you!”

Taoist Taoist Taichu also agreed:”That’s right. The affairs of fellow Taoists are our affairs.” Taoist

Taoist Taishi said to Taiyuan:”Please ask fellow Taoist to assign tasks. Pindao’s hands are already itchy and unbearable.””

The Taoist bodies of the three generations have different personalities, but they are one with Taiyuan, so they respect Taiyuan.

Taiyuan nodded and said:”Please, Taoist friend Taiyi, go to the Zhuxian Sect and take down the Zhuxian Sword!”

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry, the Immortal Killing Sword has been handed over to Pindao!”Taoist Taiyi cupped his fists and said.

Taiyuan said to Taoist Taichu:”Please, fellow Taoist Taiyi, go to the Slaughtering Immortal Sect and take down the Slaying Immortal Sword!”

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry, the Immortal Killing Sword has been handed over to Pindao!”Taoist Taoist Taishi cupped his fists and said.

Then Taiyuan said to Taoist Taishi:”Please, Taoist Taoist Taishi, please go to Zhenxianmen and take down the sword of Zhenxian!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry, the Fairy Sword has been handed over to Pindao! Taoist Taishi said with his fists in his hands.

After telling the three people, Taiyuan said:”It is up to Pindao himself to get the Juexian Sword from the Juexian Sect!””

At this time, Taoist Taoist Master Taishi asked:”Fellow Taoist, you just let us pick up the sword empty-handed, and didn’t give us an innate treasure or something? Taoist

Taoist Taichu said:”What kind of innate treasure does the small Immortal Killing Formation need? Just now you didn’t see how Taoist Taoist Taiyuan beat Taoist Tongtian terribly.””

“That’s true. It’s a pity that the Immortal Killing Formation will be broken soon!”Taoist Taoist Taishi sighed quietly and looked at the direction of the main formation where Tongtian was, showing a hint of pity.

They were one with Taiyuan, and when Taiyuan taught Tongtian a lesson, they also saw it clearly.

Now Taiyuan plus The third Taoist body is the four Supreme Leaders of Hunyuan Wuji. Leader Tongtian has no chance of winning, and the Immortal Killing Formation is destined to be broken.

Taoist Taiyi took the lead and said:”I am the first to enter the Immortal Killing Sect!”

After that, Taoist Taiyi turned into a stream of light and entered the Immortal Killing Sect.

Taoist Taichu and Taoist Taishi also entered the Immortal Killing Sect and the Immortal Falling Sect respectively. Taiyuan entered the Immortal Killing Sect respectively.[]

The four Supreme Leaders of Hunyuan Wuji fixed the four gates respectively, and the murderous intent in the Four Swords of Zhu Xian was instantly frozen.

“this…”Tongtian was astonished.

Those three Taoists were able to reach the sky in the beginning just because they were blindfolded. But they were able to immobilize one of the four swords of Zhu Xian on their own, which was completely beyond Tong Tian’s expectations.

Not only the leader of Tongtian Cult could not see it, but also several saints outside were surprised and uncertain.

Yuanshi saw that these three Taoist bodies were somewhat similar to the previous Taishang’s One Qi Transformed into Three Purities, so he asked the Taishang:”Brother, can you tell where these three Taoists came from?”

Among the saints, only Laojun was the one. The technique of transforming one qi into three pure beings that has been demonstrated is somewhat similar to this. Therefore, Yuanshi asked the Supreme Being.

When Taishang saw Taiyuan’s third-generation Taoist body appear, he also thought it was a similar secret technique. But when the three Taoists Taiyi, Taichu, and Taishi went to deal with the immortal swords, they had greater doubts in their hearts.

Although his own Yi Qi Transformation into Three Purities is powerful, it is 180 times worse than Tongtian Nian. But it is absolutely impossible to deal with these four fairy swords alone, otherwise the secret will be exposed.

And each of these three Taoists can be safe and sound under the immortal sword, but they are much better than their own.

The Supreme Master shook his head and said:”I don’t know, even the poor Taoist. These three Taoists all have the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. It’s really strange that they have appeared for so long but haven’t disappeared yet!”

Laojun also couldn’t tell that other saints Not to mention.

The secret path in the hearts of all the saints is worthy of being the first saint to realize Hunyuan. It is indeed mysterious.

If it hadn’t been for this, all the saints would not have known that Taiyuan’s background would be so deep.

In the past, the biggest impression Taiyuan gave to the saints was that he had many magic weapons. After all, three of the innate treasures were in Taiyuan’s hands.

But looking at it now, that’s not Taiyuan’s biggest trump card.

These three Hunyuan Wuji Supreme Leaders of unknown origin are more powerful than the three innate treasures.

After all, a saint holding three innate treasures is still a saint.

But the three saints are still three saints even if they don’t have the innate treasure in their hands. It’s simply incomparable.

When Taiyuan and the three of them were already in place, Taiyuan looked at Tongtian and said,”Fellow Taoist Tongtian, Pindao is here to break your formation today and let you understand what it means that there is a world outside the sky and there are people outside the world.”

PS: Thank you [Star Language] 】Monthly ticket support!!!.

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