Since the discussion of the canonization of gods in Zixiao Palace, the disciples of various saints and great religions have rarely left the world.

The specific inside information is unknown to outsiders.

Only a great god like Haotian, who has some relationship with the Conferred Gods, knows about some changes.

The rest of the gods can only make guesses based on the performance of the disciples of each religion. But after deducing, it was found that although the secret had changed, it was not an extremely dangerous murder.

After all, the Conferring God Killing Tribulation only targets monks below the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and those innate saints who have attained the Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm are not included in the calamity.

These immortal gods and ancestors no longer paid attention.

Time flies by in a blink of an eye, and the three merchants are about to become gods.

As a voice sounded in the Zixiao Palace, all the saints left their respective dojos and headed towards the sky.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Taiyuan saw Nuwa and the three saints Jieyin and Zhunti who were waiting here.

It’s just that Sanqing hasn’t arrived yet, but it makes Taiyuan a little surprised.

Taiyuan Jishou said:”The three Taoist friends came so early, Pindao thought he was the first one to come!”

Zhunti said with a smile:”We also just arrived on the 17th, and the three gods were conferred to determine the number of days. , don’t neglect it!” Jieyin also said:”Of course!”

Nuwa said:”That’s the case, we have to discuss it three times to determine the number of days, and we have to do it.”

Speaking of the killing of the gods, it is a matter for the Seven Saints. , but in fact, Western religions don’t have many causes and effects, and their scale is not that big. Western religions in remote places are destined to play only supporting roles.

Nuwa did not establish a great religion. As the sect of all spirits, she had her own great destiny.

It was precisely because of the favor of Nuwa that Western religion flourished in a short period of time.

It can be said that whichever side Nuwa is on has a much greater chance of winning.

Although Taiyuan has not united with other saints, he himself has the strength of four saints. My own strength is my greatest confidence, and I feel relaxed and contented.

Several saints were very leisurely and soon started chatting.

The Zixiao Palace was filled with happy air.

After a long time, Sanqing came to Zixiao Palace.

Entering the main hall, Sanqing saw that the four saints were already here, and they each sat down.

“The four fellow Taoists were quite free, which made the old Taoist envious.”

After sitting down, the Supreme Being said quietly to several saints.

Zhunti said:”We in the West educate all spirits to benefit all living beings, and they have nothing to do with leisure. On the contrary, it is the Taoist friends who govern by doing nothing and observe the state of the world quietly and inaction that are truly enviable.”

These words seem to be praising the Supreme Laojun, but in fact everyone can hear that Zhunti is insinuating the Laojun.

After the Sanqing enlightened the Tao in the past, they jointly established the Xuanmen, respecting the Laojun as The ancestor of Xuanmen, he taught the two sects of Chanjie.

It can be said that Laojun’s inaction relied to a large extent on his two junior brothers.

Now the Conferred God Killing Tribulation is aimed at the two sects of Xuanmen, and one of his disciples committed a crime Killings lead to robberies. A disciple’s six roots are impure, his karma is heavy, and his fortune is unstable.

Even now, there is the same force as water and fire, but the Supreme Being, the leader of Xuanmen, is helpless. This has always been the case. The Second Sage of the West, who was looked down upon by the Sanqing and Pangu Zongzong, finally had a chance to turn around.

Especially Taoist Zhunti, he was very happy to see that the Xuanmen and the Three Qings were gradually becoming the same as water and fire.

Here, Zhunti could even laugh out loud


Tongtian Cult Master didn’t speak, just snorted coldly and ignored Zhunti.

In the past, Tongtian Cult Master looked down on Zhunti, and he still does so now.

But Tongtian didn’t speak for the Supreme Being. Although Tongtian was not happy with Zhunti, he still didn’t like it. I have to admit that some of what he said is actually to my liking.

The three Qing sects both belong to Taoism, and they explain the hard work of the two sects. But Laojun is indifferent to observing the state of the world, and he seems to be sitting back and enjoying the results.

Tongtian thinks so , it is really unfair to accuse Taishang.

There was a reason why Taishang did not establish a great religion at the beginning, nor did he recruit many disciples.

First of all, Taishang’s own way is like this. Regarding the state of the world, even if he has a kind of letting it go The meaning of development is in it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Secondly, it is enough to have two sects in Xuanmen. If I establish another sect or recruit more disciples, it will affect other The second religion.

But I didn’t expect that Tongtian would be dissatisfied with the Supreme Being because of this. This was really unexpected by the Supreme Being.

Tongtian didn’t say anything, but Yuanshi couldn’t move.

After Zhunti finished speaking, Yuanshi said:”Fellow Taoist Zhunti This is not entirely true. I think that Pangu Zongzong, the original Zongzong of the world, cannot be compared with other sects. My Taoist friends, the Western Lotus Flower and the Bodhi Path, how can you understand the mystery of my Dao?”


Hearing Yuan Shi say that he was a side disciple, Zhunti was furious.

Just as he was about to say something, he said,”What Taoist Taoist Yuanshi said is wrong. We are both on the same path, so how can we differentiate between right and wrong? Taoist Taoist’s words have fallen into the lower realms and are not the way of a saint.”

Tongtian said,”Besides. There is a division from the beginning, it has been determined long ago, no matter how we can’t divide it.”

For a time, what was originally a conflict over filling out the list of gods, suddenly turned into a dispute between Pangu Zhengzong and the West.

Seeing this scene, Taiyuan and Nuwa were both surprised. The situation has changed so quickly. If this continues, there will be another quarrel at some point.

Just as Sanqing and the Second Sage of the West were arguing about right and wrong, Hongjun suddenly appeared.

When all the saints saw this, they immediately paid their respects.

Hongjun ordered everyone to refrain from courtesy. After everyone sat down again, Hongjun said:”The matter of conferring a god requires three consultations to determine the number of days. It cannot be delayed any longer.

If it is continued to be delayed, there is no guarantee that the world will not lead to calamity. Come out. By that time, there will be no single soul in all the worlds, and they will have to repeat the creation of earth, water, wind, and fire.”

All the saints felt a chill in their hearts, knowing that this was Hongjun’s 150 warning.

Everyone said:”Disciple, please obey the law!”

Hongjun disappeared in front of everyone without saying a word.

The three merchants of Zixiao consecrated the gods to determine the number of days, but all the saints had their own plans, so the conclusion was never finalized.

There are three hundred and sixty-five road righteous gods, and the second businessman has only signed a few dozen, and there is still a big difference. No matter what the three business affairs are like, after the three business affairs are over, the number of days will be finalized, and no one can disobey it.

At this time, everyone looked at Tongtian, and then Yuanshi.

Seeing all the saints looking at him, Tongtian felt unhappy.

Taoist Jieyin stood up at this time and filled in a few more names on the list of gods. They are all Taoist monks from Mount Sumeru, and it is difficult for them to become immortals if their cultivation level is not high. But it is enough to hold a position in heaven.

This was also the result of discussions between Jie Yin and Zhunti. At the time of the consultation, the West had already filled in more than a dozen people. Filling in a few more this time would be considered the most benevolent and righteous thing to do.

After filling in the form, the Taoist guide stopped moving and closed his eyes in silence. Taoist Zhunti looked at the saints with a smile.

Taiyuan also pointed his finger and filled in a few more names.

Looking at the Second Sage of the West, he smiled but said nothing.

After Yuanshi saw a few more names filled in by the Western Sect and the Human Sect, he also knew that the Chan Sect had to be filled in.

With a wishful wave of Sanbaoyu, a dozen names were filled in. But it is more than Western religions and human religions..

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