The four immortals, Taoist Cihang, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Zhenren Samantabhadra, and Wei Liusun, came to Taoist Randeng.

Fearing to stay in the sun, he asked him:”Teacher Ran Deng, do you know why Master asked us to recruit disciples?”

In their opinion, at this time, it is most appropriate to stay in the mountains and recite Huang Ting quietly. If he accepts more disciples, wouldn’t it cause even greater karma?

Just like Master Yuding, he made such a big mistake, but in the end it was passed lightly.

It’s hard to say for others, but these few felt very uncomfortable.

Taoist Ran Deng saw the emotions of several people, and just said:”Since the teacher said this, there must be a plan in it. The ability of a saint cannot be judged, just do everything according to the teacher’s wishes.”

With others Differently, Taoist Ran Deng has a deep mind, but he knows better about the power of a saint.

When a calamity is imminent,”Six Eight Three” will have greater vitality if they listen to the words of the sage. Don’t try to be clever, or you will lose your life when the time comes.

Hearing Ran Deng’s words, the four of them were all awed and said in unison:”Teacher Ran Deng’s words are true, but it’s me, Meng Lang.”

Seeing this, Ran Deng also comforted the four of them and said,”I explain my teachings.” There is the innate treasure Pangu Banner to suppress luck, and all the immortals under my sect are virtuous monks. As long as you listen to the teacher’s words, you will be fine.”

Several people also nodded, feeling greatly relieved.

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun asked:”I wonder if it would be better for us to recruit some disciples, or to recite Huang Ting quietly in the mountains?”

Yuanshi just told the disciples to recite Huang Ting quietly, or to recruit some disciples. They themselves were a little undecided and wanted to discuss it with Ran Deng.

Ran Deng has long been concerned about this.

He said to the four of them:”Pindao has accepted some disciples before, but now he is not in a hurry to accept disciples. But as for you, I suggest you accept some disciples. They will be needed when the time comes. But there is no need to be in such a hurry, Feng There is still some time left for the divine killing calamity.”

Hearing this, several people felt determined.

After saying goodbye to Ran Deng, they went back to the mountains.

After Ran Deng glanced at Kunlun Mountain, he also headed towards his Lingjiu Mountain.

Along the way, Ran Deng was thinking carefully about whether he could gain something from this killing disaster. Can the realm that has not been loosened for hundreds of millions of years be taken a step further in this catastrophe of killing gods?

“I don’t know about the West…”Taoist Ran Deng suddenly thought of the West, but he calmed down only for a moment and did not dare to make any wild guesses.

It’s just that the more you don’t think about it, the harder it is to forget.

After practicing in Kunlun Mountain for hundreds of millions of years, Taoist Ran Deng has found it difficult to improve his own cultivation.

Over the years, he has watched the cultivation of the Twelve Immortals of Yuxu grow up little by little. Now he is almost catching up with himself, which has to be said to be an embarrassing thing for Taoist Ran Deng.

Seeing that Xuanmen is about to experience the catastrophe of conferring gods and killing people, the Western religion is flourishing at this time. For some reason, Ran Deng had the intention of worshiping the West.

Taoist Ran Deng was born with a spiritual treasure and a vulture lamp to protect him. He is also a great innate god with profound merit and luck.

Although it is not comparable to those first-level great gods, it is still better than those who cultivate Taoism the day after tomorrow.

It’s just that the longer he stays in Kunlun Mountain, the greater the gap in Ran Deng Taoist’s heart.

Yuqing’s way and Pangu’s way are not suitable for me.

On the contrary, it was the Western Way of Nirvana that stirred up waves in Ran Deng’s heart.

With a single thought, countless heavenly secrets will evolve. Various causes and effects occurred.

To the west, Mount Sumeru.

Beside the Bade Pond, Taoist Taoist Yin Yin and Taoist Zhunti met to talk about scriptures and Taoism. It is in sharp contrast to the worries of Xuanmen Sanqing.

With the support of Empress Nuwa, the fortune of the Western Sect has greatly increased and it has become more stable.

As long as the catastrophe of Conferring Gods is over, the great rise of the West will be unstoppable.

The two saints were overjoyed. Although they had more than a dozen disciples, they were only from the outer sect. In this way, the Western religion can be regarded as being taken out of the God-conferring Killing Tribulation.

Taoist Jie Yin who was lecturing suddenly stopped and let out a sigh:”This Taoist Ran Deng is destined to be a member of our great religion!” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Taoist Jie Yin felt the same. When the subtle changes occur, I realize the meaning of burning the lantern.

When Zhunti heard this, he also calculated the secret and said with a smile:”It’s really a great joy, but this matter is not urgent for the time being, and can be calculated later!”

“But there is no need to worry, my way of annihilation in the West is consistent with the Taoism of Fellow Taoist Randeng, and he will come to my West sooner or later.”Jie Yin nodded.

Zhunti said with a smile:”That’s right, but this Xuanmen Sanqing should have a headache. Tongtian has never given in, and the Xuanmen is responsible for the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods. This is a good show to watch!”

Jie Yin heard the words and said with compassion on his face:”With the killings and calamities, I don’t know how many fellow Taoists have perished………You and I founded Western religion to give all living beings a glimmer of hope.”[]

“This killing and calamity was very serious, and many immortals were implicated. At that time, you and I will have to go through the world of mortals.”

How could Zhunti not understand what Jieyin said.

Although the three merchants are still undecided, the general trend of the heaven is already clear.

Unless the leader of Tongtian has the strength to defeat all the other six saints, he cannot change the heaven.

And Xuan The division of the sect is inevitable, and the leader of Tongtian has the Four Swords of Killing Immortals in his hand. Once it really reaches the point of war and the formation of Killing Immortals is set up, Yuanshi himself will definitely not be able to break the formation.

Nuwa and Taiyuan will not be deeply involved. To become a god, only the two saints from the West can unite in the Yuan Dynasty.

At that time, the karma owed by Xuanmen will have to be repaid.

Jie Yin said:”If it really comes to that step, you and I will eventually have to go through it. We need to save those immortals who have no deep cause and effect and give them a chance to survive.”

Although the Two Saints of the West brought great prosperity to the West, they also opened a way for those immortals who were in the catastrophe of Conferring Gods to Kill.

There is great compassion in the meritorious deeds they did.

Zhunti said:”Senior Brother, be compassionate. , this is my Lotus Bodhi path. Just as the senior brother said, we really want to give them a chance to survive.”

The Second Saint has already won the support of the Nuwa Empress. Those disciples who used to belong to the Yao Clan and later joined the Jie Cult were also given to the West by the Nuwa 4.2 Empress.

But how to join still requires the Second Saint’s planning.

Since Having promised Empress Nuwa, the Second Sage also needs to educate these disciples well, and cannot break his promise to avoid offending Empress Nuwa.

What’s more, educating these disciples is in line with the Western way. He has great merit, and he will not neglect it.

“It’s just that Taoist Brother Tongtian insisted on going his own way, and in the end he lost many disciples in vain.”Jie Yin sighed.

Zhunti said:”This is a destiny, even a saint cannot reverse it. Otherwise, you will lose your face. Fellow Taoist Tongtian has violated the destiny, and Jiejiao should suffer this calamity.”

Jie Yin said:”Even so, it is not beautiful after all.”

Beside the Bade Pond, bursts of Taoist sounds reappeared. The meaning of pure glass filled the entire Sumeru Mountain

PS:Thanks for the monthly ticket [Must Eat Hotpot for Breakfast]!!!.

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