But it is said that the gathering of all the great masters in the Lingxiao Palace is a rare and prosperous event since the beginning of the world. On the day of the Peach Conference, there were only huge crowds of people. The people invited were some of the great supernatural beings from ancient times.

Along with Zhen Yuanzi, Minghe, Kunpeng, Zulong, Luohu, Shenni and other veteran gods, they have all arrived. The Peach Fair still hasn’t started yet, and the gods are speculating about who else is missing.

“All the famous and powerful supernatural beings from all over the world are here, and even some great powers who rarely appeared in ancient times are also here. Why haven’t you started yet?”

“Hey, where are you now? A few saints haven’t come yet, haven’t they?”

“Will the saint come to this peach party?”

“Look at who those seven seats are reserved for.”

At this time, some people discovered that there were still seven empty seats. The conspicuous position in the most noble place was not reserved for saints. Who else could it be reserved for.

Originally, some people started to complain that the Peach Blossom Club had not yet started. , at this time, I calmed down and waited.

The seven saints had not come yet, and everyone was looking for people they knew to reminisce about the past.

At this moment, bursts of fairy sounds sounded in the sky.

The colorful ladder led directly to Thirty-three Outside the sky, thousands of purple qi can be seen falling vertically on the colorful staircase.

It is the three pure saints who are coming, and behind them are a group of Taoist disciples. They all have the golden light of morality, and they are righteous people at first glance.

As soon as the saint arrived, all the immortals greeted him. Even the ancient gods were respectful in front of the saint.

They dared to show off in front of Haotian, but they did not dare to show off in front of the saint, and did not dare to be presumptuous in the slightest.

“Respect the saint’s Dharma, Haotian is honored!”

Haotian took the lead and greeted the Sanqing Saint outside the Lingxiao Palace.

The Supreme Master nodded lightly as a greeting. Tongtian said yes as a response.

This is the Supreme Saint, who regards all living beings as ants.

No. No wonder they behave like this. Haotian is the Great Heavenly Lord in this calamity, but it may not be the same in the next calamity. When the calamity comes, no matter which great god you are, as long as you are not the supreme leader of Hunyuan Wuji, you will be. Possibility of death.

It’s no wonder that the saint regards all living beings as ants.

The Supreme Lord’s tone is plain, but it is due to his personality. Tongtian has a hint of arrogance in it. After all, with the great prosperity of Jiejiao, his status as a saint has been slightly improved, and even more Haotian didn’t care about Haotian anymore.

Haotian also knew that he was like an ant in front of the saint, so he just smiled and welcomed the saint in.

On the contrary, Yuanshi Tianzun was not as indifferent as the Supreme Being, nor was he as arrogant as Tongtian. He seemed a bit kind. , left a good impression on Haotian.

When the three saints arrived, the great gods also became cautious.

There was no way, the deterrent power of the saints was so strong. Although the saints didn’t care about the opinions of these people at all, let alone Therefore, they seek revenge for personal gain. But how could they know the way of a saint? They are all very cautious.

Seeing this, the Supreme Leader just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Yuan Shi still had a warm face.

As for Tong Tian, he ignored these people at all.

Just when everyone was a little embarrassed. At that time, I saw the purple air outside, and the sound of fairy music came to my ears, and the saint had arrived again. The person who came was none other than the Nuwa Empress, and all the immortals from Haotian and Yaochi personally welcomed her. Even the saints of Sanqing were also welcomed. She stood up and did not continue to sit.

Nuwa smiled and said:”Nuwa is late for the grand gathering in heaven. I hope all fellow Taoists will not blame you.

Haotian hurriedly said:”Why do you talk like this? Your Majesty is the venerable saint of Hunyuan. Being able to come to Heaven will make it shine.””

Nuwa smiled slightly, greeted Sanqing, and then sat down.

Just as the saints were talking, suddenly there were bursts of fairy music in the sky, and thousands of purple auras hung down.

I saw a man riding a white bull. He came with the image of opening up the heavens and the earth, and there was boundless golden light shining on all the heavens.

It was the Supreme Human Cult, Taoist Taiyuan.

Behind him were a group of disciples of the Human Cult, and Taiyuan ordered people to present the immortal treasures. He was also greeting everyone.

Haotian Yaochi also had a smile on his face and stepped forward to salute:”I have met Senior Brother Taiyuan!

Taiyuan nodded and said with a smile:”Junior brother and sister, there is no need to be polite!””

Just when a few people were about to go in (bhba), they heard Sanskrit sounds again, and lotus flowers and Bodhisattva appeared in the sky. It was the Lord of the Holy Land of Bliss in the West, who led the Taoist and Zhunti Taoist to come. (Look at the sudden excitement. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The golden light behind the two people is all Western disciples.

Everyone saw this and couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

When the Western Cult came last time, although there were many disciples, it is not the same as now. It’s incomparable. I didn’t expect that the two sages of the West, who were the most inconspicuous, would have so many disciples at this time.

“The two of them are really low-key. No wonder they were able to flourish later and even suppressed Xuanmen for a time.” Taiyuan said in his heart.

When the Western Saint came, Haotian Yaochi did not dare to neglect and stepped forward to greet him again.[]

The Two Saints of the West also presented the fairy treasures from the Western Paradise.

After the two saw Haotian Yaochi, they came directly to the saints and said:”I have met all of you fellow Taoists, but I never thought that the meeting of the seven saints would still be at this peach gathering!” Upon hearing this, the saints were also filled with emotion. Incessantly.

Since becoming a saint, there are not many things that a saint can do personally. Even if there are three emperors and five emperors, there are only five saints.

Haotian was able to gather the Seven Saints together, which was quite a honor.

All the great gods also had a change of view towards Haotian, and Haotian felt very happy in his heart.

Haotian Yaochi welcomed the immortals into the main hall, and the Peach Peach Conference officially began.

Yaochi then ordered Xian’e to deliver fine jade liquid and flat peach fairy fruit. Among them, the flat peaches that ripen every nine thousand years are naturally given to the saints, their disciples, and some ancient gods.

In the Lingxiao Hall, the sound of fairy music suddenly filled the air, creating a joyful and peaceful atmosphere. Fairies danced in the hall, which added to the decoration of the peach event.

I have to say that Haotian Yaochi still tried its best. This time the Peach Fair was better organized than the previous one, and the preparations were more complete. The various processes are already very familiar.

It seems that over the years, Heavenly Court has held so many peach gatherings that it has finally become famous.

Seeing that the gods were so satisfied, Haotian felt happy and started talking with them. The saint would occasionally chime in, although not much, but it was enough to cheer up Haotian.

But where there are people, there will be fights, especially where there are gods.

Saints, in particular, are a group of bored people.

After the peach meeting started, while everyone was tasting the peaches, Master Zhunti suddenly said:”Fellow Taoists, you have established three emperors and five emperors, and have made great merits, which shows the magical powers of all religions.

In the west of our country, there are also three-vehicle Dharma, which is not pure or unclean.

Not stirring up dust is the foundation for practicing perfection.

Now that we are gathered in heaven, why not talk about it, so as to add a touch of elegance to this meeting of flat peaches.

In this way, it is not in vain for us saints to come in person!”

As soon as these words came out! , the saints were a little surprised. And the gods are looking forward to it very much.

They have never seen such a scene when a sage talks about Taoism. If they can gain some insights from it, they might gain something.

For a time, the sage’s discussion overshadowed the Peach Club.

After all, there will be many flat peaches, but it is rare to see a sage discussing the Tao.

PS:Thanks to【风云 Pretty Sword】【13378..】Monthly pass!!!.

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