But on this day, Taiyuan was giving a lecture in Miluo Palace, and all his disciples were here to listen to the sermon.

Suddenly, a boy from outside trotted in, came to Taiyuan and said respectfully:”Master Qi, Taibai Jinxing from Heaven has come to ask for an audience!”

“Let him in!” Taiyuan said calmly. There was a slight sigh in his tone.

“yes!”The boy walked down.

Taibai Jinxing was waiting outside the palace gate. When he saw the boy coming, he immediately went to greet him.

The boy said:”The saint has invited the immortal to come in!”

Taibai Jinxing was happy and said hurriedly:”Thank you Xiantong for the report!”

Immediately followed the boy into Miluo Palace and entered the main hall.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Taibai Jinxing suddenly felt that the avenue was bright, and the boundless Taoist rhyme filled the entire hall. A group of people who taught the immortals were also listening here, and they all looked at Taibai Venus.

This made Taibai Jinxing a little nervous, and she smiled with shame.

It turned out that a group of people were teaching the Immortal here to listen to the sermon, but he came to disturb everyone.

However, all the disciples of Taiyuan Sect have official positions in the heaven, and with Taibaijinxing is quite familiar with it, so he is not dissatisfied with it.

The Pantao Club invites the gods to participate, and these people teach the immortals to be among them. The immortals also know that the Pantao Club is about to be held. Taibaijinxing also believes in the saints I have long known that coming here in person also reflects the importance I attach to the saint.

Taiyuan sits high on the Hongmeng Taoist platform, protected by the Eight Treasures Ziji Cloud Light Bed. The golden light of the Infinite Avenue shines in the hall, and the Taibai Venus is a bit dazzling..

Although it was not the first time he saw the saint, when he actually came in front of the saint, the awe in his heart surged involuntarily.

Taibai Jinxing worshiped:”Taibai pays homage to the saint, and the saint’s longevity is boundless!”

Taiyuan said calmly:”No need to be polite!””

“Thank you saint!”Taibai saluted again, and then took out an invitation from his sleeve, embroidered with golden runes, with white jade as the body and moral golden light dotted on it.

Taibai Jinxing held it high above his head and said respectfully to Taiyuan:”The saint is kind to you. A hundred years from now, the Heavenly Court will hold a peach gathering. The little immortal comes to invite the saint to attend the meeting according to the decree of the Great Heavenly Lord.”


A saint can know the cause and effect of all heavens with a single thought. Taiyuan already knew it as early as the arrival of Taibai Venus.

It’s just that this time the Peach Club is destined to not be so peaceful.

The boy took the invitation, but Taiyuan did not read it, but said to Taibaijinxing:”I already know it, and I will go there when the time comes!”

“Thank you saint!”Taibai Jinxing said with cupped hands.

Since the invitation has been sent, Taibai Jinxing will naturally not stay here, but leave immediately.

After the boy sent it out, Taiyuan just put the invitation aside and continued to preach. The disciples did not pay attention to this, and the Miluo Palace was once again filled with the sound of the great road.

This lecture lasted for several decades, and Taiyuan stopped.

He ordered the boy to prepare some gifts, and then took the disciples to the heaven.

But it was said that on the day of the Peach Fair, the Yaochi had been dressed up, and Haotian was waiting quietly in the Lingxiao Palace.

Not only the innate great god Hunyuan Jinxian came to this Peach Fair, but also seven saints came to participate.

There was also the Hunyuan Saint. Since then, the Seven Saints have only gathered twice.

The first time was when the Seven Saints attained enlightenment and gathered in the Zixiao Palace. This was to determine the number of days, with the human race as the protagonists of heaven and earth, and the two lich tribes withdrawing from the protagonists of heaven and earth.

The second time It was after the Lich War that the Seven Saints decided on the Heavenly Emperor. By chance and fate, Haotian obtained the position of the Great Heavenly Lord. The third time was when Haotian Yaochi took charge of the Heavenly Court, and the Seven Saints also came to participate. It can be said that It gave me enough face.

Two of them were in Zixiao Palace, and the only one was to participate in the Peach Blossom Party in Heaven. This is enough to make Haotian proud. After all, there is no one in the world who can invite them at the same time. To the Seven Saints.

Even when the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were finalized in the past, Yuanshi Tianzun only invited the other four saints. Although Yuanshi and other saints deliberately excluded Jie Yin and Zhunti, Haotian’s influence can also be seen.

This time, Haotian was still able to invite the Seven Saints. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Those with great supernatural powers will definitely fear Heaven even more for the sake of the saints.

What a good plan..

Because it is a peach festival, the heaven is full of fragrance and the auspicious sky is colorful.

There are dragon liver and phoenix marrow, bear paws and orangutan lips on the table. Warm and delicious delicacies, exotic fruits and delicacies with new colors. The best in the heaven The immortals were also outside, greeting the great immortals who came to attend the Peach Fair one by one. Looking at these immortals, you knew it was not the first time to participate. One by one, they came to the Taibai Venus and gave their congratulatory gifts.[]

There are all kinds of pear, fire, jujube, and Zhuguo Xianjiang.

Those who can come to the meeting are all great immortals. It is generous to give treasures and spiritual objects, and it is also a good choice for Heaven to use flat peaches to exchange gifts with those powerful people from various parties.

I don’t know if Haotian Yaochi often holds peach gatherings, and it also has this meaning in it.

There were quite a few immortals who came to heaven, such as Zhen Yuanzi, Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin, Ancestor Minghe, Kunpeng and some ancient demon gods.

Even great gods such as Demon Ancestor Rahu and Shen Ni were invited.

It seems that Haotian wants to start a big one.

“.I really didn’t expect that the peach event would be so grand, it could already compare with the heavenly event of Emperor Jun and Taiyi from ancient times!”

The person who spoke was a man in black clothes with an ancient appearance.

His body exuded a faint coercion, which made people dare not approach him. It was the ancestor of the demonic path, the ancestor of the demonic path, Luo Hu.

Because he was the demonic path, he was the one who followed him. The way of cultivation in the world is not allowed. Therefore, although he is an innate power, Heaven has never invited him.

This is also his first time to participate in the Peach Festival, which shows the scale of this Peach Festival.

“Fellow Taoist Luo Hu has never participated in the Pan Peach Club, so he does not know that except for the time when the Heavenly Court was re-established, the previous Pan Peach Club could be so large, and other Flat Peach Clubs have never been as big as they are now!”

A Taoist with a strange appearance, wearing a purple gold crown on his head and holding a whisk, said to Luo Hui.

It was the Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi.

When Luo Hu heard this, his expression changed and he said:”It’s actually like this ( Qian Zhao)!”

“Humph, I’m afraid that’s really the case.”A Taoist with blood all over his body said coldly.

Luo Hu heard this and laughed:”It seems that this is your first time invited by Ming He! Hearing this, Ming

He scoffed and said,”I am regarded as an evil heretic by many powerful immortals, so how could I be invited?” I don’t know what happened today, but Haotian actually remembered that my ancestor was here!”

Although Haotian is the Great Heavenly Lord, in charge of all heavens, Styx doesn’t have much respect for him. He even looks at Haotian from the perspective of an elder. After all, when he listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace, Haotian Heaven is just a boy.

Luo Hu snorted and said no more.

In the Lingxiao Palace, more and more powerful people came, which was no worse than when the Heavenly Court was re-established.

Everyone here is a few I am an old monster who has lived for countless years, and seeing so many great gods that I have not seen for a long time have arrived. How can I not be curious about what the heaven is doing…

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